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Summary The release call which is uttered by Bufo in connection with specific movements can also be evoked in the ofBufo calamita. This is indicative of homology of the male release call and the usually silent release movements of the .

Mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Struktur desp-Brombenzoates des Benzilsäureumlagerungsproduktes von 3, 17-Diacetoxy-11-hydroxy-12-oxo-5-9(11)-androsten wurde durch dreidimensionale Röntgenstrukturanalyse eines Einkristalls als 3-p-Brombenzoat des 11-Carboxy-3, 11, 17-trihydroxy-13-C-nor-5-androstan 11a, 17-Laktons erkannt.  相似文献   

Conclusion Geminus account of lunar motion in chapter 18 of hisIntroductio astronomiae is, in our view, an important contribution to Greco-Latin astronomy because, in attempting to reconstruct arithmetically (the parameters of) the Moon's motion in longitude, he undermines the task astronomers had hitherto set for themselves. This undermining of a commonly acknowledged view of the purpose of astronomy is articulated in a whole new set of questions concerning the nature and place of both observation and mathematical reasoning in the science of the heavens. Yet, one must not overlook the fact thatGeminus reconstruction also indicates resources for addressing these questions. Of these resources, the most powerful proved to be the idea that irregular motion could be quantified as a systematic departure from a mean motion, and the idea that observational data could be organized and structured by means of genetic arithmetical reconstructions.But, since we limit our attention to extant treatises and decline to speculate about works or parts of works that have not survived, we must say that it would takePtolemy to discern the new direction for astronomy thatGeminus opened up and to pursue it. In part, this involved straightening out the conflated conception of mean motion in chapter 18 — the qua arithmetic mean daily displacement can only be anapparent lunar motion in longitude and not one the Moonreally makes, but the same need not be true of the qua periodic mean daily displacement — and determining its proper relation to real and apparent planetary motion. Indeed,Ptolemy's genius lay, we think, in seeing that even though, in assimilating Babylonian astronomy, earlier and contemporary Greco-Latin writers betrayed a confused, inconsistent, and unsophisticated grasp of the proper role of arithmetic, geometry, and observation in astronomical argument [seeBowen 1994], the solution lay in a mathematical reconstruction of the observed celestial motions, in which mean motion played an essential role.  相似文献   

a aaa a aa aa a a E. coli aa, a aa aa a , a a aa - a .

Laboratory of Biological Investigations.

Laboratory for Chemistry of Antibiotics.  相似文献   

Summary On treatment of 3-hydroxy-5-steroids with lead tetra-acetate formation of 3, 9-oxides is observed. The yields of this ring closure reaction decrease significantly in the order 11-keto, 9, 11-ene and ring-C saturated compounds.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung (1) Es wurde bei den SeeigelartenParacentrotus ,Arbacia undSphaerechinus sowie den drei BastardenPar ×Arb ,Arb ×Par undPar ×Sphaer für eine Reihe von Entwicklungsstadien die Anzahl der Kerne pro Keim bestimmt (Tabelle). Der morphogenetischen Hemmung der Bastarde entsprechen herabgesetzte Kernzahlen und parallel eine Herabsetzung der DNS-Synthese. (2) Es wurde bei den genannten reinen Arten und den Bastarden derUmsatz der RNS bestimmt. Er geht in allen Fällen, bei den reinen Arten wie bei den Bastarden, der DNS- Synthese parallel.

Our work was supported by a grant from the Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung. We express our sincere thanks to the Nationalfonds and also to the authorities at the Zoological Station at Naples for generous help and supply of materials and facilities. — This paper is thankfully dedicated byF. Baltzer toF. E. Lehmann for his kind hospitality in the Bernese Institute.  相似文献   

Besides the known sarmentogenin 3-O--D-allopyranoside (1) and digitoxigenin-3-O-[-D-xylopyranosyl-(14)-2, 3-di-O-acetyl--D-allopyranoside] (4), four new cardiac glycosides (2, 3, 5 and6) have been isolated from the defensive glands of adults ofChrysolina fuliginosa. The structures of the new compounds were determined by1H NMR at 600 MHz and FABMS. Compounds1–6, present in the adults ofC. fuliginosa, have also been identified in the eggs.  相似文献   

Summary Independent variation of the dark and light components of the daily photocycle has shown that the linden bug,Pyrrhocoris apterus, unlike other species, measures daylength rather than nightlength. Greatly extended dark periods coupled with a short photophase (a Nanda-Hamner protocol) shows peaks and troughs of diapause at about 16-h intervals, an extremely short period for a circadian clock. If circadian oscillations are involved in photoperiodic time measurement in this species, a photoinducible phase might lie in the early rather than the late subjective night.27 October 1986  相似文献   

The inherited -hemoglobinopathies (sickle cell disease and thalassemia) are the result of a mutation in the adult () globin gene. The fetal globin chain, encoded by the globin genes, can substitute for the mutated or defective globin chain, but expression of the globin gene is developmentally inactivated prior to birth. Reinducing expression of the normal fetal globin genes is a preferred method of ameliorating sickle cell disease and the thalassemias. Stimulation of as little as 4–8% fetal globin synthesis in the bone marrow can produce >20% fetal hemoglobin in the peripheral circulation, due to enhanced survival of red blood cells containing both sickle and fetal hemoglobin, compared to those containing sickle hemoglobin alone. Butyric acid and butyrate derivatives are generally safe compounds which induce fetal hemoglobin production by stimulating the promoter of the fetal globin genes. An initial trial with the parent compound, delivered as Arginine Butyrate, has demonstrated rapid stimulation of fetal globin expression to levels that have been shown to ameliorate these conditions. Phase 1 trials of an oral butyrate derivative with a long plasma half-life have just begun. These agents now provide a specific new apporach for ameliorating these classic molecular disorders and merit further investigation in larger patient populations.  相似文献   

Conclusions The decrease of circulating blood volume, resulting in oligemic hypotension, may evoke in anaesthetized cat the active constrictory coronary vessel responses of 2 types, one occuring immediately after start of the hypotension and the other having a significantly prolonged latency.
, , , , ( 4 ), ( 45 ).

Citellus (s. str.) relictus, C. dauricus C. pygmaeus (2=36, NF=72). . (Colobotis) erythrogenys . fulvus -. . (Urocitellus) undulatus (2n=32, NF=64) . columbianus. Citellus, , Citellus, . , .  相似文献   

Summary (–)--Fenchol, a compound occurring in plants but not heretofore reported to occur in an animal product, was isolated from volatiles released by adult male Mediterranean fruit flies,Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, with the male's previously identified sex pheromones. It neither attracts females nor synergizes the pheromones, and its function remains unknown.The editors do not hold themselves responsible for the opinions expressed in the authors' brief reports. — Les auteurs sont seuls responsables des opinions exprimées dans ces brèves communications. — Für die Kurzmitteilungen ist ausschliesslich der Autor verantwortlich.—Per le brevi comunicazioni è responsabile solo l'autore. — . — Solo los autores son responsables de las opiniones expresadas en estas communicationes breves.Mention of a proprietary product in this paper does not constitute a recommendation or an endorsement of the product by the US Department of Agriculture.Acknowledgments. We thank C. Harding for assistance with extractions and fractionations, R.M. Waters for spectral analyses, M.S. Fujimoto and H. Higa for collecting the volatiles and conducting laboratory and cage bioassays, and T. Urago and S. Nakagawa for conducting the field tests.  相似文献   

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