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赋范空间中最小范数问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Hahn-Banach定理的延拓形式是在赋范线性空间中研究最优化理论的重要基础之一,同时也是研究最小范数问题的有力工具。在Hilbert空间中最小范数问题可以利用投影定理使问题得到完满的解决,但在一般的赋范空间及凸集上情况就变得复杂的多。在一般的赋范空间中解决最小范数问题的办法是利用对偶定理来解决,它同时涉及两个不同的赋范空间对问题的研究带来一定的麻烦。这里从另外一个角度,利用Hahn-Banach定理的几何形式来研究最小范数问题,它的优点在于摆脱了同时设想在两个不同的赋范空间中考虑问题带来的烦杂。另外,把原赋范空间与其对偶空间的有关对象很好的结合在了一起,对最小范数问题给出了直观的几何解释。  相似文献   

鸟类起源问题及其相关问题是20世纪至21世纪最重要的演化生物学议题之一。随着辽西热河生物群及燕辽生物群带羽毛恐龙和原始鸟类化石的发现,鸟类起源于一种小型兽脚类恐龙的假说因证据充分而逐渐被大多数人所接受。而在此期间,曾经存在一个"时间悖论":已发现的大多数带羽毛恐龙所处的地质年代比迄今最早的鸟类始祖鸟要晚,这成为恐龙起源假说反对者的有力武器。而赫氏近鸟龙是人们第一种确定的比始祖鸟早的带羽毛恐龙,作为最早的带羽毛恐龙之一的赫氏近鸟龙便成为支持鸟类起于恐龙假说的有力证据。自近鸟龙发现后的10年间,古生物学领域在以近鸟龙为对象的研究中连续取得重大进展,涉及分子生物学、演化生物学以及动物行为学等领域,这些发现对于进一步理解近鸟龙行为习性、生理功能以及其在恐龙向鸟类演化过程中的关键地位有了更深层次的理解。  相似文献   

笔者研究了地球与地磁场结构,地磁场起源及地磁场变化与地震之间的关系.分析认为,发电机学说在观测、实验和理论研究上得到较多的证明,是目前研究和应用较多的地球磁场学说.地磁场变化与地震有密切的关系,主要是震前的地震电磁异常效应,其中地球电离层出现的局部或区域性的异常扰动可能是与地震有关的震前异常现象.  相似文献   

科学思想史表明,经验-归纳的上行路线与科学研究实际不相符合,而越来越为假说-演绎的下行路线所取代;但假说即科学创造最初的新思想新观念如何产生的问题却未能得到重视,更未能得出合理解释.杨耀坤的《科学创造理性的探求》一书提出观念建构说,将观念引入认知结构中,并深入阐发了观念在科学创造中的主导建构作用,令人满意地解决了这一问题.  相似文献   

周凡 《科技信息》2007,(24):221
地磁场在近一个世纪里,呈现出加速变化的趋势,地磁环境因此正在成为人类生存环境的一个热点。本文客观地分析了地磁场的起源、变化规律和其变化对地球生物的影响。  相似文献   

鸟类的起源问题一直以来存在着多个假说和激烈的争论,近年来中国辽西热河生物群出土的许多带羽毛的兽脚类恐龙化石,为鸟类兽脚类恐龙起源说提供了直接的化石证据.  相似文献   

王迪 《科技信息》2013,(1):156-156
题目意思是运动的质量会产生能量,运动的能量会产生质量。本文介绍因为爱因斯坦一个小小的失误,导致现代物理学出现了许多矛盾,而我提出"动质生能,动能生质"这个假说纠正了失误,并且从多个方面看都能证明这个假说,如果应用这篇假说,会发现许多科学难题都会得到解决,发现物理学的美和统一。这篇假说根本思想认为现实中不存在两个绝对的相对静止的参考系,每一个参考系都有波动性。  相似文献   

正达尔文的物种选择说,我们都学过。其实,在生物学界,"红皇后假说"也是一种很有影响力的解释遗传结构进化的学说。"红皇后假说"描述了物种之间持续的演化竞争。它由美国进化生物学家利·范·瓦伦提出,用以解释他所总结的物种恒定灭绝风险定律,即一个分类群的灭绝可能性与其存在的时间长度没有关系。但它与迄今已发现的许多化石记录不符,尚需进一步验证。  相似文献   

地下核燃烧假说的重要证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虞震东 《前沿科学》2012,6(3):23-48
本文提供了多方面证据论证地下核燃烧假说是符合客观实际的.第一,氡增多和汞增多是确定无疑的地震前兆,对这两种地震前兆的唯一合理的解释是地内存在着铀、钍元素的核裂变燃烧.第二,通过对五种现象的分析,因为它们都要用氢聚变才能得到合理的解释,所以地球内部也存在着核聚变燃烧.第三,地震前地表及浅层热异常是被大量观测结果证实的地震前兆,这种地震前兆也只有用地下核燃烧才能得到合理的解释.第四,地震前兆成带性、大区域前兆场、映震灵敏区和映震灵敏井、震源附近流体、地壳中高导低速层控制强震、地热带和地震带密切相关、地震引起地面沉降等地震研究中发现的七种对于目前占主导地位的地震理论来说都无法解释的现象用地下核燃烧假说都得到了合理的解释.第五,活断层表面现象和板块运动表面现象的成因用地下核燃烧也都得到了清楚的解释.本文提出,用“地壳视运动”来代替“地壳运动”才是对这种现象的科学表述.此外,还要加上我们以前已经提供的证据.第六,在非洲加蓬的奥克洛铀矿发生过公认的地下核裂变燃烧.第七,通过对1995年日本神户大地震观测资料的分析,证明了该地区地下是一个天然的聚变裂变混合反应堆.第八,通过对我国2008年汶川大地震观测资料的分析,证明了在汶川大地震震源的下面存在着一个异常高温区.这么多的证据足以证明,地下核燃烧假说是能够成立的.从而,建立在地下核燃烧假说基础上、由中国人提出的地质学的宇宙线环境学说和地震学的宇宙线环境学说就有了稳固的基础.  相似文献   

肖瑶 《科技信息》2008,(17):195-195
解释顿悟问题解决机制的理论主要有两种取向:探讨顿悟问题困难的原因取向与探讨顿悟为什么会获得的取向,这两种取向以进程监控理论和表征转变理论代表。进程监控理论主要解释了顿悟问题为什么困难,而表征转换理论主要解释了顿悟是如何获得的。基于两种理论的不足之处.产生了顿悟问题的原型激活和关键启发信息理论假说。  相似文献   

Baker DN  Kanekal SG  Li X  Monk SP  Goldstein J  Burch JL 《Nature》2004,432(7019):878-881
The Earth's radiation belts--also known as the Van Allen belts--contain high-energy electrons trapped on magnetic field lines. The centre of the outer belt is usually 20,000-25,000 km from Earth. The region between the belts is normally devoid of particles, and is accordingly favoured as a location for spacecraft operation because of the benign environment. Here we report that the outer Van Allen belt was compressed dramatically by a solar storm known as the 'Hallowe'en storm' of 2003. From 1 to 10 November, the outer belt had its centre only approximately 10,000 km from Earth's equatorial surface, and the plasmasphere was similarly displaced inwards. The region between the belts became the location of high particle radiation intensity. This remarkable deformation of the entire magnetosphere implies surprisingly powerful acceleration and loss processes deep within the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Wave acceleration of electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Van Allen radiation belts are two regions encircling the Earth in which energetic charged particles are trapped inside the Earth's magnetic field. Their properties vary according to solar activity and they represent a hazard to satellites and humans in space. An important challenge has been to explain how the charged particles within these belts are accelerated to very high energies of several million electron volts. Here we show, on the basis of the analysis of a rare event where the outer radiation belt was depleted and then re-formed closer to the Earth, that the long established theory of acceleration by radial diffusion is inadequate; the electrons are accelerated more effectively by electromagnetic waves at frequencies of a few kilohertz. Wave acceleration can increase the electron flux by more than three orders of magnitude over the observed timescale of one to two days, more than sufficient to explain the new radiation belt. Wave acceleration could also be important for Jupiter, Saturn and other astrophysical objects with magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Westphal M 《Nature》1977,267(5607):136-137
The virtual geomagnetic poles of Laurasia and Gondwanaland in the Carboniferous and Permian periods diverge significantly when these continents are reassembled according to the fit calculated by Bullard et al. Two interpretations have been offered: Briden et al. explain these divergences by a magnetic field configuration very different from that of a geocentric axial dipole; Irving (and private communication), Van der Voo and French(4) suggest a different reconstruction and it is shown here that these two interpretations are not incompatible and that the first may help the second.  相似文献   

地磁场对彩色显像管的影响及减小方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据世界地磁图,计算了单个运动电子的全球受力分布,得出地磁场对彩色显像管具有不可忽视的影响;为减小地磁的影响,提出了一种有效的屏蔽措施,其屏蔽机理是利用铁磁材料的高磁导率对地磁场进行磁分路.此外,就屏蔽效果与现有的屏蔽方式作了对比分析.结果表明,采用该措施,地磁场影响明显减小.  相似文献   

Ozima M  Seki K  Terada N  Miura YN  Podosek FA  Shinagawa H 《Nature》2005,436(7051):655-659
The nitrogen in lunar soils is correlated to the surface and therefore clearly implanted from outside. The straightforward interpretation is that the nitrogen is implanted by the solar wind, but this explanation has difficulties accounting for both the abundance of nitrogen and a variation of the order of 30 per cent in the 15N/14N ratio. Here we propose that most of the nitrogen and some of the other volatile elements in lunar soils may actually have come from the Earth's atmosphere rather than the solar wind. We infer that this hypothesis is quantitatively reasonable if the escape of atmospheric gases, and implantation into lunar soil grains, occurred at a time when the Earth had essentially no geomagnetic field. Thus, evidence preserved in lunar soils might be useful in constraining when the geomagnetic field first appeared. This hypothesis could be tested by examination of lunar farside soils, which should lack the terrestrial component.  相似文献   

针对非旋或微旋弹引信第二环境力微弱和不容易识别的问题,考虑到地磁场强度的方向性,提出应用三轴磁传感器检测炮口地磁信号,获取弹丸出炮口信息,以此作为引信冗余保险激励环境信息.分析了基于地磁信号的冗余保险方法,建立了三轴磁传感器检测地磁信号的数学模型,通过对国内不同区域、不同发射情况的仿真分析,结果表明:应用弹丸出炮口的地磁信号作为弹丸引信的第二环境激励,方法可行;应用三轴磁传感器可避免单轴磁传感器敏感地磁信息的盲区问题,保证了基于地磁信号的冗余保险方法的可靠性.  相似文献   

 从地球磁暴源探讨中,提出了一个地磁起源新观点,并将它总结成地球磁场起源的3条定律.  相似文献   

Energetic electrons and ions in the Van Allen radiation belt are the number one space weather threat. Understanding how these energetic particles are accelerated within the Van Allen radiation belt is one of the major challenges in space physics. This paper reviews the recent progress on the fast acceleration of "killer" electrons and energetic ions by ultralow frequency (ULF) waves stimulated by the interplanetary shock in the inner magnetosphere. Very low frequency (VLF) wave-particle interaction is considered to be one of the primary electron acceleration mechanisms because electron cyclotron resonances can easily occur in the VLF frequency range. Recently, using four Cluster spacecraft observations, we have found that, after interplanetary shocks impact the Earth’s magnetosphere, energetic electrons in the radiation belt are accelerated almost immediately and continue to accelerate for a few hours. The time scale (a few days) for traditional acceleration mechanisms, based on VLF wave-particle interactions to accelerate electrons to relativistic energies, is too long to explain our observations. Furthermore, we have found that interplanetary shocks or solar wind pressure pulses, with even small dynamic pressure changes, can play a non-negligible role in radiation belt dynamics. Interplanetary shocks interaction with the Earth’s magnetosphere manifests many fundamental space physics phenomena including energetic particle acceleration. The mechanism of fast acceleration of energetic electrons in the radiation belt responding to interplanetary shock impacts consists of three contributing parts: (1) the initial adiabatic acceleration due to strong shock-related magnetic field compression; (2) followed by the drift-resonant acceleration with poloidal ULF waves excited at different L-shells; and (3) particle acceleration due to the quickly damping electric fields associated with ULF waves. Particles end up with a net acceleration because they gain more energy in the first half of this cycle than they lose in the second. The results reported in this paper cast a new light on understanding the acceleration of energetic particles in the Earth’s Van Allen radiation belt. The results of this study can likewise be applied to interplanetary shock interaction with other planets such as Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and other astrophysical objects with magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Link between the geomagnetic polarity reversal and global-geology events   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The origin of the earth’s magnetic field is one of the five most important unsolved problems in physics, especially geomagnetic polarity reversal remains one of Nature’s most enigmatic phenomena. It is proposed that the geomagnetic polarity reversal links with some global-geology events, although it is difficult to clarify the mechanism of this correlation. The history of continental structures in eastern China would be also linked with some global-geology events.  相似文献   

随着我国特高压输电线路的建设,我国电网建设遭受地磁感应电流(geomagnetically induced current , GIC)影响的风险将大大增加。基于大地电阻模型利用有限元计算地磁扰动感应地电场(geomagnetic disturbance, GMD)地电场的方法,建模复杂,利用有限元法计算感应地电场成本过高。地磁测深数据得到的视电阻率综合反映了大地的电性结构,文中提出基于视电阻数据及地磁台实测数据直接计算GMD地磁感应地电场的方法。仿真实验表明,该方法可以极大缩短计算时间,减小计算成本,对我国电网应对地磁暴侵害提供了有效算法。计算结果表明地磁暴对各地地电场的影响不均匀,与当地的地质电性结构有很大的关系,同时南北走向的电网将产生更大的GIC,更易受到地磁暴的侵害,应作为主要的关注对象。  相似文献   

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