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Extracellular matrix and neuronal movement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
P Liesi 《Experientia》1990,46(9):900-907
During brain development, both neuronal migration and axon guidance are influenced by extracellular matrix molecules present in the environment of the migrating neuronal cell bodies and nerve fibers. Glial laminin is an extracellular matrix protein which these early brain cells preferentially attach to. Extracellular glycosaminoglycans are suggested to function in restricting neuronal cell bodies and axons from certain brain areas. Since laminin is deposited along the radial glial fibers and along the developing nerve pathways in punctate form, the punctate assemblies may be one of the key factors in routing the developing neurons in vivo. This review discusses the role of laminin in neuronal movement given the present concept of the extracellular matrix molecules and their proposed interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Our laboratory has developed an in vitro model system in which glial-guided neuronal migration can be observed in real time. Cerebellar granule neurons migrate on astroglial fibers by apposing their cell soma against the glial arm, forming a specialized migration junction, and extending a motile leading process in the direction of migration. In vitro assays indicate that the neuronal antigen astrotactin functions as a neuron-glia ligand, and is likely to play a role in the movement of neurons along glial fibers. In heterotypic recombinations of neurons and glia from mouse cerebellum and rat hippocampus, neurons migrate on heterotypic glial processes with a cytology, speed and mode of movement identical to that of neuronal migration on homotypic glial fibers, suggesting that glial fibers provide a permissive pathway for neuronal migration in developing brain. In vivo analyses of developing cerebellum demonstrate a close coordination of afferent axon ingrowth relative to target cell migration. These studies indicate that climbing fibers contact immature Purkinje neurons during the migration and settling of Purkinje cells, implicating a role for afferents in the termination of migration.  相似文献   

Fibrillins are the structural components of extracellular microfibrils that impart physical properties to tissues, alone or together with elastin as elastic fibers. Genetic studies in mice have revealed that fibrillin-rich microfibrils are also involved in regulating developmental programs and homeostatic processes through the modulation of TGF-β/BMP signaling events. A new paradigm has thus emerged whereby the spatiotemporal organization of microfibrils dictates both the cellular activities and physical properties of connective tissues. These observations have paved the way to novel therapeutic approaches aimed at counteracting the life-threatening complications in human conditions caused by dysfunctions of fibrillin-rich microfibrils. Received 2 April 2007; received after revision 23 May 2007; accepted 24 May 2007  相似文献   

In the central nervous system, various extracellular matrix components have been identified which are strongly expressed during development and in most areas of the brain down-regulated during maturation. Examples are tenascin-C, neurocan and hyaluronan. While tenascin-C is well known to be associated with morphogenic events and the active contribution of hyaluronan to various physiological processes is increasingly acknowledged, neurocan belongs to a class of molecules thought to be generally more associated with barrier functions: chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. Consideration of these and related molecules and their processing in the context of the general organization of the brain extracellular matrix, their changes during brain maturation and their implication in different types of remodeling processes in adult brain, like normal and pathological synaptic plasticity, inflammatory and dementia-associated diseases and gliomas, may indicate that components of the extracellular matrix could provide valuable early information about the pathological state of the brain.Received 29 January 2004; received after revision 25 March 2004; accepted 2 April 2004  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed the proteolytic activity of MMP-19 and its impact on keratinocyte migration. In the HaCaT keratinocyte cell line overexpressing wild-type MMP-19 (HaCaT-WT), transmigration through fibrin and type IV collagen matrices was significantly increased compared to cells harboring a catalytically inactive mutant (HaCaT-EA). Studying the expression of MMP-19 in early stages of squamous cell cancer (SCC), we found co-localization of MMP-19 and laminin 5 at the invading tumor front but not in suprabasal epidermis of the tumor. Examination of laminin 5 processing revealed increased processing of the 2 chain in the medium and matrix of HaCaT-WT cells and degradation by recombinant human MMP-19 to 105-kDa and 80-kDa fragments. Parental HaCaT grown on the matrix of HaCaT-WT and HaCaT-EA cells displayed differential tyrosine phosphorylation. Using integrin blocking and stimulating antibodies we could attribute these differences to a shift from 4-integrin-dependent signaling on the HaCaT-EA matrix toward 3-integrin-dependent signaling on the HaCaT-WT matrix. As a consequence, parental HaCaT showed increased migration on the matrix of HaCaT-WT cells. These data suggest that the MMP-19-dependent processing of the 2 chains leads to the integrin switch favoring epithelial migration and that MMP-19 actively participates in the early stages of SCC invasion.Received 29 October 2004; received after revision 7 December 2004; accepted 17 January 2005  相似文献   

Tenascin-C is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein, whose expression is highly restricted in normal adult tissues, but markedly up-regulated in a range of tumors, and therefore serves as a potential receptor for targeted anticancer drug or gene delivery. We describe here a liposomal carrier system in which the targeting ligand is sulfatide. Experiments with tenascin-C-expressing glioma cells demonstrated that binding of liposomes to the extracellular matrix relied essentially on the sulfatide-tenascin-C interaction. Following binding to the extracellular matrix, the sulfatide-containing liposomes were internalized via both caveolae/lipid raft- and clathrin-dependent pathways, which would ensure direct cytoplasmic release of the cargoes carried in the liposomes. Such natural lipid-guided intracellular delivery targeting at the extracellular matrix glycoproteins of tumor cells thus opens a new direction for development of more effective anticancer chemotherapeutics in future. K. Shao & Q. Hou: These authors contributed equally to this work. Received 22 September 2006; received after revision 5 December 2006; accepted 9 January 2007  相似文献   

Lecticans: organizers of the brain extracellular matrix   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Lecticans are a family of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, encompassing aggrecan, versican, neurocan and brevican. These proteoglycans are characterized by the presence of ahyaluronan-binding domain and a C-type lectin domain in their core proteins. Through these domains, lecticans interact with carbohydrate and protein ligands in the extracellular matrix and act as linkers of these extracellular matrix molecules. In adult brain, lecticans are thought to interact with hyaluronan and tenascin-R to form a ternary complex. We propose that the hyaluronan-lectican-tenascin-R complex constitutes the core assembly of the adult brain extracellular matrix, which is found mainly in pericellular spaces of neurons as ‘perineuronal nets’. Received 27 September 1999; accepted 26 October 1999  相似文献   

Missense mutations resulting in type 1 lissencephaly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proper human brain formation is dependent upon the integrated activity of multiple genes. Malfunctioning of key proteins results in brain developmental abnormalities. Mutation(s) in the LIS1 gene or the X-linked gene doublecortin (DCX) results in a spectrum of disorders including lissencephaly, or smooth brain, and subcortical band heterotopia, or doublecortex. Here, we will focus on a particular subset of missense mutations in these two genes and their effect on protein structure and function.Received 4 August 2004; received after revision 26 September 2004; accepted 5 October 2004  相似文献   

In this review, we detail the current understanding of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the migratory slug phase of the cellular slime mould,Dictyostelium discoideum. We describe some structural and non-structural molecules which comprise the ECM, and how these molecules reflect both plant and animal ECM systems. We also describe zones of the multicellular slug that are known to make ECM components, including the role of the prestalk cells and the slug epithelium-like layer. Finally, we review the contributions of studies on mutant to our understanding of the ECM ofD. discoideum, and relate this to differentiation and development in more complex eukaryotic systems.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the voltage-dependent sodium current has been studied in developing neurons from quail mesencephalic neural crest on different substrates, using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. Explants from 9–12 somite embryos were cultured on dishes coated with type I collagen, fibronectin, laminin or on plastic dishes in a chemically defined medium. After 18 h of culture the sodium current was observed in 70% of the neurons tested, and at 24 h some of these neurons were able to generate an action potential. After 18–25 h cells grown on fibronectinor collagen I-coated dishes showed a significantly higher occurrence of the sodium current (83% and 84% respectively) as compared to cells grown on uncoated plastic dishes (51%). Moreover, in the presence of fibronectin, the current density of the sodium current was more than doubled in comparison with cells grown on other substrates.  相似文献   

Summary The migration of cerebellar granule cells from the external granular layer to the internal granular layer is mediated by the radial Bergmann glial fiber. Recent works have shown that cell adhesion molecules, extra-cellular matrix proteins and proteolytic enzymes or their activators are involved in this process. Immuno-localization studies showed differential temporal and spatial expression patterns of different adhesion molecules, their isoforms, and post-translational modification during different stages of granule cell migration. Functional perturbation experiments using cerebellar explant cultures demonstrated that several adhesion molecules as well as plasminogen activator are involved in granule cell migration and are required in different stages. Other systems used to study granule cell migration including dissociated microwell cultures and granule cell deficient mouse mutants are discussed in the context of adhesion molecules. The results accumulated so far suggest that the migration of granule cells is a complex process in which the cooperation of a group of molecules with different functions, some for adhesion some for de-adhesion, are required to fulfill the different needs during the migratory course.  相似文献   

矩阵计算在科学计算和密码学领域中都有着重要的作用.许多密码协议、科学和数值计算问题都涉及到了矩阵计算.然而,对那些计算能力有限的用户来说,独立完成矩阵计算并不是件容易的事情.云计算拥有强大的计算资源,它使得用户的计算能力不再受限于他们的资源约束型设备,他们可以外包工作量给云.本文围绕矩阵计算展开研究,针对矩阵乘积、矩阵的行列式以及矩阵的逆这3种运算,分别设计了切实可行的可验证安全外包协议.与已有的关于这3种可验证外包计算的协议相比,我们的协议在效率和安全性方面都有了改进,而且我们的协议不需要任何的密码学假设.本文中,还为我们的协议给出两个具体应用,即为"大型线性方程组的求解"以及"基于纠错码的密码体制的实现"这两个问题分别构造了高效的可验证外包计算协议.  相似文献   

The distribution of eight components of the extracellular matrix in immature human placenta was studied by an indirect immunofluorescence method with monospecific antibodies. In the stroma of the term chorionic villi, collagen types I, III, IV, V, and fibronectin formed a mesh of fibers and conglomerates. Heparan sulphate proteoglycan formed multiple conglomerates, whereas laminin comprised small, scanty, discrete granules. Collagen type IV, laminin, entactin, and heparan sulphate proteoglycan were confined to the basement membrane of the trophoblast. Sometimes, only collagen type IV was identified in fetal vascular basement membrane.  相似文献   

The microfibrillar proteins fibulin-1 and fibulin-2 were previously identified as prominent components of the endocardial cushion tissue (ECT) during heart development and shown to persist in adult valves and septa. Immunogold staining has now been used to compare their localization in embryonic (days 9–11) and adult mouse heart with that of fibronectin and the chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan versican. All four proteins were deposited in the ECT, which consists of a hyaluronan-rich, mainly unstructured matrix, but were barely detectable in myocardial basement membranes or within endocardial cells. Digestion with hyaluronate lyase selectively released the fibulins and versican but not fibronectin from the ECT. Yet neither of the two fibulins bound to hyluronan in solid-phase assays, in contrast to versican. In the adult heart valve, all four proteins could be detected close to cross-striated collagen fibrils or microfibrils, but only versican was lost upon exposure to hyaluronate lyase. The data indicate that fibulins are associated with the hyaluronan-matrix of ECT through a bridge of versican, but that this association changes upon valve development to another supramolecular, presumably microfibrillar organization based on fibronectin and/or fibrillins. Received 3 April 1998; accepted 8 April 1998  相似文献   

Cell lineage and cell migration in the developing cerebral cortex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Modern techniques which trace lineages of individual progenitor cells have provided some clues about the processes that determine cell fate in the brain, and have also given us some information about migratory patterns of clonally related cells. In many parts of the central nervous system, progenitors are multipotent; single clones can contain multiple neuronal types or even mixtures of neurons and glia. In addition, one can observe a wide distribution in clone size, even when marking is done in a narrow time window. This suggests that progenitor cells may be fairly plastic and responsive to environmental signals. In the developing cortex, clonally related cells are initially grouped near each other, as in the retina and tectum. However, the subsequent migration of these cells from the ventricular zone to the cortex along glial fibers is accompanied by a progressive dispersion of clonally related neurons.  相似文献   

Summary Among adult BALB mice fewer than 20% usually have a small or absent corpus callosum (CC) and inheritance is polygenic. In the fetus at the time when the CC normally forms, however, almost all BALB mice show a distinct bulge in the interhemispheric fissure and grossly retarded commissure formation, and inheritance appears to result from two autosomal loci, provided the overall maturity of fetuses is equated. Most fetuses recover from the early defect when the CC axons manage to cross over the hippocampal commissure, and thus there is developmental compensation for a genetic defect rather than arrested midline development. The pattern of interhemispheric connections when the adult CC is very small is topographically normal in most respects, despite the unusual paths of the axons. The proportion of mice which fail to recover completely can be doubled by certain features of the maternal environment, and the severity of defects in adults can also be exacerbated by new genetic mutations which create new BALB substrains. The behavioral consequences of absent CC in mice are not known, nor have electrophysiological patterns been examined. The mouse provides an important model for prenatal ontogeny and cortical organization in human CC agenesis, because these data are not readily available for the human condition.  相似文献   

Perinatal asphyxia (PA) is considered to lead to a variety of brain disorders including spasticity, epilepsy, mental retardation, and minimal brain disorder syndromes and may form the basis for psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases later in life. We examined markers for neuronal transmission involved in the pathomechanisms of PA and candidates as mediators for long-term sequelae. We tested tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and the vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT) representing the monoaminergic system, the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), and the excitatory amino acid carrier 1 (EAAC1), a neuronal subtype of the glutamate transporter, using immunohistochemistry on brain sections of rats subjected to graded PA. Three months following the asphyxiant insult immunoreactive (IR)-TH was decreased in striatum, hippocampus, thalamus, frontal cortex, and cerebellum; IR-VMAT was increased, and IR-VAChT was decreased in striatum. IR-EAAC1 glutamate transporter was increased in frontal cortex. The cholinergic, monoaminergic, and glutamatergic changes, still observed 3 months after the asphyxiant insult, may reflect their involvement in the pathomechanisms of PA and indicate mechanisms leading to long-term complications of PA. The variable consequences on the individual markers in several brain regions may be explained by specific susceptibility of cholinergic, monoaminergic, and glutamatergic neurons to the asphyxiant insult. Received 16 March 1999; received after revision 20 May 1999; accepted 8 July 1999  相似文献   

Neurotrophins and neuronal differentiation in the central nervous system   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The central nervous system requires the proper formation of exquisitely precise circuits to function properly. These neuronal circuits are assembled during development by the formation of synaptic connections between hundreds of thousands of differentiating neurons. For these circuits to form correctly, neurons must elaborate precisely patterned axonal and dendritic arbors. Although the cellular and molecular mechanisms that guide neuronal differentiation and formation of connections remain mostly unknown, the neurotrophins have emerged recently as attractive candidates for regulating neuronal differentiation in the developing brain. The experiments reviewed here provide strong support for a bifunctional role for the neurotrophins in axonal and dendritic growth and are consistent with the exciting possibility that the neurotrophins might mediate activity-dependent synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

The migration of cells is a complex regulatory process which results in the generation of motor forces through the reorganization of the cytoskeleton. Here we present a comparative study of the expression and involvement of myosin in the regulation of the physiological migration of leukocytes and the pathological migration of tumor cells. We show that the involvement of myosin in the migration is distinct in these two cell types. In leukocytes, the activity of non-muscle myosin II is essential for both the spontaneous (matrix-induced) migration and the migration induced by ligands to G protein-coupled receptors, i.e. chemokines and neurotransmitters. In contrast, spontaneous tumor cell migration is largely independent of non-muscle myosin II activity, whereas the norepinephrine-induced migration is completely inhibited by either direct inhibition of non-muscle myosin II or of the kinases phosphorylating the myosin light chain, namely ROCK or the calcium/calmodulin-dependent myosin light-chain kinase.Received 31 August 2004; accepted 26 October 2004  相似文献   

The overall behavior of concrete depends on its meso structures such as aggregate shape,interface status,and mortar matrix property.The two key meso structure characters of concrete,bond status of interface and nonlinear property of matrix,are considered in focus.The variational structure principle is adopted to establish the macro-meso constitutive law of concrete.Specially,a linear reference composite material is selected to make its effective behavior approach the nonlinear overall behavior of concrete.A...  相似文献   

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