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收集了209个活动星系核(46个平谱射电类星体,78个BLLac天体,85个射电星系)样本,估算出爱丁顿吸积率,讨论了黑洞质量、热光度、红移量和爱丁顿吸积率之间的关系,得出了以下结论:(1)活动星系核的一个演化序列为:平谱射电类星体(FsRQ)——BL Lac天体——射电星系(RG)的演化;(2)三类星体的中心黑洞质量、红移量和热光度有较大差异:皆为FSRQ〉BLLac〉RG;(3)吸积率与热光度之间的相关性很强,吸积率的变化将导致热光度的变化。  相似文献   

活动星系核的演化研究在能量产生、辐射机制等基本问题的研究中占有重要的地位。首先对活动星系核的基本性质及分类进行了简单的介绍,然后根据搜集到的数据,通过分析发光度、中心黑洞质量、吸积率与红移的关系图,进一步支持了活动星系核的演化存在的两个演化序列的观点:一个是平谱射电类星体FSRQ逐步过渡到BL Lac天体,然后过渡到射电星系RG,最后过渡到椭圆星系;另一个是从类星体Quasars过渡Seyfert星系,然后过渡到正常漩涡星系。  相似文献   

远红外亮类星体是极亮红外星系中具有I型活动星系核光谱特征的天体,光学光谱研究表明它们在光学波段的辐射主要由中心活动星系核主导,其中心超大质量黑洞的质量为107~108M☉,且有超爱丁顿吸积率.与光学选类星体相比,远红外亮类星体在远红外波段存在明显的辐射超出,这可能是由其核区周围~1 kpc尺度内的星暴活动(恒星形成率约为几百M☉yr-1)加热尘埃造成.对分子气体进行观测发现远红外亮类星体的宿主星系中存在约109~1010M☉的分子气体,这些分子气体可以为黑洞和核球的增长提供"原料".几乎所有远红外亮类星体都处于富气星系并合的晚期,是极亮红外星系向光学选类星体演化的过渡天体.  相似文献   

在冷暗物质晕等级成团宇宙学模型中,伴随着暗物质晕并合,星系中心黑洞也断地并合和增长.于展Press-Schechter公式(EPS)我们编写了一自适应时间长Monte Carlo程序,重构了表征暗物质晕等级成团并合树.在成功地建立了黑洞和暗物质晕宇宙学演化模型后,我们通过引入直接吸积(包标准薄盘吸积和磁流体力学吸积)和随吸积两类黑洞吸积模式,论了黑洞自旋和质量宇宙学演化.通过与观测到AGN光度函数比较,我们发现黑洞通过磁流体力学吸积模式增长,与观测符合最好.于以上理论框架,我们还研究了双大质量黑洞演化,发现双黑洞通过共转气体吸积盘吸积对双黑洞质量比分存在显著影响.  相似文献   

收集了89个Seyfert星系样本,利用反响映射法和恒星弥散速度法计算了Seyfert星系的黑洞质量,分别研究了Seyfert 1和Seyfert 2星系的黑洞质量与吸积率、热光度和红移之间的相关性,结果发现Seyfert 1星系的黑洞质量与吸积率、热光度和红移之间具有强相关性,Seyfert 2星系的黑洞质量与吸积率之间具有弱的负相关性,与热光度和红移之间具有弱相关性.两类Seyfert星系的区别除了源于吸积盘倾角不同外,还可能与星系的环境、演化和星系核的活动有关.  相似文献   

在星系形成的等级结构模型中,亚星系的结构先形成,之后再不断地通过并合形成越来越大的星系.伴随着星系的并合,星系中心的大质量黑洞也不断经历并合.在富气体星系的并合过程中,气体落入星系的中心,可能触发恒星的形成和黑洞的吸积.黑洞不断通过并合和气体吸积,从小到大形成现在观测到的在不同红移处的超大质量黑洞,因此,在星系的演化过程中,不同红移处必然存在很多大质量黑洞双体系统,甚至三体系统.本文将主要对宇宙中大质量双黑洞的观测和理论做一个简要的评述.美国升级后的激光干涉引力波天文台宣称首次直接探测到了引力波,该引力波源为几十倍太阳质量黑洞双星的并合.这么大质量的致密双黑洞是如何形成的?它们的并合率为什么这么高?本文也会简单提及恒星级双黑洞的形成和演化模型.  相似文献   

收集了109个blazar天体(HBLs 51个,LBLs 40个,FSRQs 18个)的相关观测数据,对该样本的黑洞质量、吸积率、热光度和红移的分布规律进行了统计分析,讨论了吸积率与热光度、黑洞质量与热光度之间的关系,结果发现:(1)存在一个从FSRQs经LBLs到HBLs的演化序列;(2)爱丁顿吸积率是影响blazar天体三个子类之间演化序列的主要因素;(3)blazar天体三个子类的热光度需要进行多普勒效应改正.  相似文献   

本文应用相对论性牛顿万有引力定律和非黎曼几何的传统力学分析方法,对当代天体物理中大尺度天体一系列根本性问题,作了较系统全面的探索研究:(1)导出了原初典型星系的起源、形成和生死循环演化的基本规律.揭示了类星体、活动星系核现象和类星体反常红移未解之迷.证明了星系核中均都存在一超级不稳定黑洞.(2)导出了大尺度层次天体的基本特征和层次攀升演化的一系列基本规律.并对此系列唯象规律,作了相对论力学分析的理论证明.导出了星系分布中存在的”星系长城”、“星系空洞”和”星系分布红移周期性”等可观测天文现象.由此证明了总星系中质元星系非均匀和各向异性的分布规律.(3)导出了由排斥起主导作用形成的第二类引力黑洞:双饱和稳定临界黑洞(总星系M’S4).揭示了星系红移和类星体特大红移之迷.(4)证明了相对论性牛顿万有引力是一种力程λG=R'54的远程饱和有程力.(5)定量导出了总星系中潜藏的“场暗质星”和发不出光的“非场暗质量”,证明了“场暗质量”高度均匀和各向同性的分布规律.(6)导出了宇宙的“双饱和稳定临界黑洞理想气体分子结构模型”,导出了质量无限,尺度无边、没有中心、没有始终、永恒运动的无限宇宙.  相似文献   

通过分析所收集耀变体样本的红移、多普勒因子、内秉伽马光度、黑洞质量、内秉吸积率的分布得到:与蝎虎天体相比,平谱射电类星体有更大的平均红移、多普勒因子、内秉伽马射线光度、黑洞质量、内秉吸积率.利用线性回归和Pearson偏相关分析的方法,得到内秉伽马射线光度和黑洞质量以及内秉吸积率之间都有很好的相关性,这表明伽马射线的产生和黑洞质量及吸积都有关系,同时也表明喷流的产生和黑洞自旋及吸积有关系.  相似文献   

核心坍缩超新星(Core-Collapse Supernova,CCSN)是大质量恒星演化末期的爆发现象,产生了宇宙中大多数的中子星和恒星级黑洞等致密天体.爆发可能伴随着强磁场中子星或黑洞超吸积引发的剧烈长时标伽马射线暴.CCSN还被认为是宇宙重元素的主要来源之一.本综述介绍了我们近期对CCSN中心黑洞超吸积过程的系列研究成果,主要包括研究了大质量星系中心附近伽马射线暴余辉阶段,因大量暗物质粒子湮灭电子注入而引发的光变和能谱的形态变化,探讨了其作为暗物质探测手段的可能性;研究了坍缩星框架下,中微子主导吸积流外流对核合成的贡献,及对太阳临近空间、(活动)星系等化学组分和演化的影响;最后,从数值模拟角度讨论了CCSN起源的致密天体质量分布,给出了低质量间隙可能起源于CCSN爆发能量分布的结论.  相似文献   

在标准吸积盘辐射模型的基础上,考虑了不同的质量吸积率、不同的无量纲旋转参数a(中心黑洞为克尔黑洞)、最小稳定轨道半径处存在的约束(产生一个矩)和吸积盘表面磁场的存在(喷流辐射与吸积盘辐射之间存在一定的耦合)对吸积盘辐射的影响。结果表明,中心黑洞为正旋转的克尔黑洞比史瓦西黑洞辐射的峰值及峰值频率大,负旋转的克尔黑洞比史瓦西黑洞辐射的峰值及峰值频率小,质量吸积率越大峰值和峰值频率变大,无量纲黑洞旋转参数a越大峰值与峰值频率越大,喷流辐射能量和吸积盘辐射能量之比越大峰值和峰值频率越小,辐射效率越大峰值和峰值频率越大。  相似文献   

收集了20个射电宁静类星体(radio quiet quasars,RQQs)和97个射电噪类星体(radio loud quasars,RLQs)的红移、5 100的单色光度、Hβ发射线宽度、射电噪度、5 GHz射电光学流量密度、热光度.分别计算了考虑辐射压影响和没有考虑辐射压影响的黑洞质量和爱丁顿比,利用总的5GHz射电光学流量密度计算了射电光度.分析了它们之间的相关性,得到如下结论:RQQs考虑辐射压的黑洞质量与射电噪度、5 GHz射电光度、热光度的相关性比RLQs考虑辐射压的黑洞质量和射电噪度、5 GHz射电光度、热光度的相关性弱;考虑辐射压后,RQQs的黑洞质量和红移的相关性比RLQs的强,RQQs的黑洞质量Mma108 M☉,而且它的吸积未超爱丁顿吸积;由于辐射压对宽线云有影响,且大多数人认为RQQs可能来自吸积盘,表明宽线区和吸积盘可能有关联;考虑辐射压的RQQs和RLQs的黑洞质量与射电噪度、5 GHz射电光度、热光度的相关性比没有考虑辐射压黑洞质量与射电噪度、5GHz射电光度、热光度的相关性好;考虑辐射压后,RQQs和RLQs的黑洞质量—射电噪度分布、黑洞质量—Ηβ发射线宽度分布、射电噪度—爱丁顿比分布的不同说明辐射压对RQQs和RLQs的不同会产生影响.  相似文献   

Wyithe JS  Loeb A 《Nature》2002,417(6892):923-925
Exceptionally bright quasars with redshifts up to z = 6.28 have recently been discovered. Quasars are thought to be powered by the accretion of gas onto supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies. Their maximum (Eddington) luminosity depends on the mass of the black hole, and the brighter quasars are inferred to have black holes with masses of more than a few billion solar masses. The existence of such massive black holes poses a challenge to models for the formation of structures in the early Universe, as it requires their formation within one billion years of the Big Bang. Here we show that up to one-third of known quasars with z approximately equal to 6 will have had their observed flux magnified by a factor of ten or more, as a consequence of gravitational lensing by galaxies along the line of sight. The inferred abundance of quasar host galaxies, as well as the luminosity density provided by the quasars, has therefore been substantially overestimated.  相似文献   

Di Matteo T  Springel V  Hernquist L 《Nature》2005,433(7026):604-607
In the early Universe, while galaxies were still forming, black holes as massive as a billion solar masses powered quasars. Supermassive black holes are found at the centres of most galaxies today, where their masses are related to the velocity dispersions of stars in their host galaxies and hence to the mass of the central bulge of the galaxy. This suggests a link between the growth of the black holes and their host galaxies, which has indeed been assumed for a number of years. But the origin of the observed relation between black hole mass and stellar velocity dispersion, and its connection with the evolution of galaxies, have remained unclear. Here we report simulations that simultaneously follow star formation and the growth of black holes during galaxy-galaxy collisions. We find that, in addition to generating a burst of star formation, a merger leads to strong inflows that feed gas to the supermassive black hole and thereby power the quasar. The energy released by the quasar expels enough gas to quench both star formation and further black hole growth. This determines the lifetime of the quasar phase (approaching 100 million years) and explains the relationship between the black hole mass and the stellar velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

Fabbiano G  Wang J  Elvis M  Risaliti G 《Nature》2011,477(7365):431-434
The current picture of galaxy evolution advocates co-evolution of galaxies and their nuclear massive black holes, through accretion and galactic merging. Pairs of quasars, each with a massive black hole at the centre of its galaxy, have separations of 6,000 to 300,000 light years (refs 2 and 3; 1 parsec = 3.26 light years) and exemplify the first stages of this gravitational interaction. The final stages of the black-hole merging process, through binary black holes and final collapse into a single black hole with gravitational wave emission, are consistent with the sub-light-year separation inferred from the optical spectra and light-variability of two such quasars. The double active nuclei of a few nearby galaxies with disrupted morphology and intense star formation (such as NGC 6240 with a separation of about 2,600 light years and Mrk 463 with a separation of about 13,000 light years between the nuclei) demonstrate the importance of major mergers of equal-mass spiral galaxies in this evolution; such mergers lead to an elliptical galaxy, as in the case of the double-radio-nucleus elliptical galaxy 0402+379 (with a separation of about 24 light years between the nuclei). Minor mergers of a spiral galaxy with a smaller companion should be a more common occurrence, evolving into spiral galaxies with active massive black-hole pairs, but have hitherto not been seen. Here we report the presence of two active massive black holes, separated by about 490 light years, in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3393 (50 Mpc, about 160 million light years). The regular spiral morphology and predominantly old circum-nuclear stellar population of this galaxy, and the closeness of the black holes embedded in the bulge, provide a hitherto missing observational point to the study of galaxy/black hole evolution. Comparison of our observations with current theoretical models of mergers suggests that they are the result of minor merger evolution.  相似文献   

基于Metshovi射电观测数据库获得的PKS 1510-089在22 GHz射电波段从1991到2005年的流量变化数据,利用χ2评估方法分析其周期性,得到3.2年的变化周期,与先前报道的1.8年有所不同.通过复原折叠周期计算了它与光变曲线的相对误差,得到3.2年的误差26.8%要比1.8年的误差30.3%小.最后,利用薄吸积盘理论估算了PKS 1510-089的中心黑洞质量下限,并对粘滞系数和多普勒因子进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Observational work conducted over the past few decades indicates that all massive galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centres. Although the luminosities and brightness fluctuations of quasars in the early Universe suggest that some were powered by black holes with masses greater than 10 billion solar masses, the remnants of these objects have not been found in the nearby Universe. The giant elliptical galaxy Messier 87 hosts the hitherto most massive known black hole, which has a mass of 6.3 billion solar masses. Here we report that NGC 3842, the brightest galaxy in a cluster at a distance from Earth of 98 megaparsecs, has a central black hole with a mass of 9.7 billion solar masses, and that a black hole of comparable or greater mass is present in NGC 4889, the brightest galaxy in the Coma cluster (at a distance of 103 megaparsecs). These two black holes are significantly more massive than predicted by linearly extrapolating the widely used correlations between black-hole mass and the stellar velocity dispersion or bulge luminosity of the host galaxy. Although these correlations remain useful for predicting black-hole masses in less massive elliptical galaxies, our measurements suggest that different evolutionary processes influence the growth of the largest galaxies and their black holes.  相似文献   

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