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A survey of the major fossiliferous amber deposits is provided, including ages and various categories of life forms reported from each. The frequence of occurrence of the major groups of plants and animals in these amber deposits is also given. Thus far, DNA from four insect and one plant species has been extracted from amber fossils. In the case of the stingless bee in Dominican amber, evidence of reproducibility is provided, since two independent laboratories isolated DNA from six or more different specimens of the same insect.Amber sources for DNA studies are listed together with their advantages and disadvantages. The important points are the availability of desired pieces, the proper identification of the fossil, verification of the amber deposit, the cost involved, and the feasibility of causing damage to the specimen. The availability of several types of amber (Mexican, Dominican, Baltic, Chinese, Canadian, Siberian and Lebanese) at four major sources (academic collections, commercial dealers, private collections and amber mines) is discussed. The scientific implications of obtaining DNA from amber inclusions are presented.  相似文献   

Galileo’s Sunspot Letters, published in 1613, underwent extensive censorship before publication. It seems likely that the Roman Inquisition had charge of the pre-publication review of Galileo’s work, rather than the usual organ, the Master of the Sacred Palace. A study of that process demonstrates that the issue to which the censors objected was Galileo’s use of the bible, not his allegiance to Copernicus. In the course of the first phase of Galileo’s trial, orchestrated by one of the most powerful Cardinal Inquisitors, two propositions allegedly drawn from the book were judged either “formally heretical” or “at least erroneous in the faith.” These judgments might have come not from the published book but from the Inquisition’s censorship of its drafts. They supported Galileo’s silencing in 1616.  相似文献   

This study offers a detailed analysis of an episode of the popularization of astronomy which took place in Portugal, a peripheral country of Europe, and occurring in the early twentieth century. The episode was driven by the 28 May 1900 total solar eclipse which was seen on the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain). Instead of focusing on one of the ends of the popularization process, we analyze the circulation of knowledge among scientists and the public, contrast the aims of the various expeditions, professional and amateur, which took place on Portuguese soil, analyze their repercussions in the Portuguese astronomical landscape, and the different ways used by the Portuguese political elite and astronomical community to successfully appropriate this astronomical event to serve their varied agendas, political, social and scientific. In this episode of public enthusiasm for science, a central figure emerged in the network of the official commission, professional and amateur communities and the ‘general public’: Frederico Tomás Oom (1864–1930), an astronomer of the Lisbon Astronomical Observatory. This paper aims to illustrate the different layers of the circulation process, and at proving that the popularization of science was not a unidirectional process from scientists to lay people nor did it serve only a particular agenda, be it political, social or scientific.  相似文献   

A morphological, caryological and biochemical study of two established cell lines of human malignant melanocytes derived from the same original tumour, when compared with heterotransplantation results in nude Mice, showed that "non-pigmented" cells are more tumorigenic than pigmented cells. Differentiation and tumorigenicity, although concomitant, here seem to be two independent phenomena.  相似文献   

本文从我国能源结构和节能潜力分析以及大气污染现状等方面出发,对“煤净化燃烧生成物产品化”技术应用对环 境的改善作了系统分析。研究结果表明,“煤净化燃烧的同时生成物产品化”技术是解决大气污染和改善环境的一项十分现实有和效的高新技术,是配合实施我国两控区的控制目标的最好技术支持,是一项集节约能源、改善环境、提高效益和造福人类的新工艺和新技术。特别是它解决了长期困扰我国环境保护部门的大气污染和固体废弃物  相似文献   

Triacylglycerols (TAGs), steryl esters (SEs) and wax esters (WEs) form the group of neutral lipids. Whereas TAGs are present in all types of cell, the occurrence of SEs in prokaryotes is questionable, and the presence of WEs as storage molecules is restricted to plants and a few bacteria. Here, we summarize recent knowledge on the formation, storage and degradation of TAGs and SEs in various cell types. We describe the biochemical pathways involved in TAG and SE synthesis and discuss the subcellular compartmentation of these processes. Recently, several novel enzymes governing the metabolism of storage lipids have been identified and characterized. Regulatory aspects of neutral lipid storage are just beginning to be understood. Finally, we describe consequences of defects in neutral lipid metabolism. Since severe diseases like atherosclerosis, obesity and type 2 diabetes are caused by lipid accumulation, mechanisms underlying neutral lipid synthesis, depot formation and mobilization are of major interest for curing such diseases that are increasingly associated with modern civilization. Received 18 January 2006; received after revision 7 March 2006; accepted 16 March 2006  相似文献   

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