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Summary -Multistriatin, 4-methyl-3-heptanol and-cubebene, the components of the aggregation pheromone of Scolytus multistriatus are also associated with virgin female Scolytus scolytus on English elm, Ulmus procera.We thank Dr J. F. Grove for advice and encouragement, Mrs J. Allsop for technical assistance, Dr J. W. Peacock for authentic samples of multistriatin, 4-methyl-3-heptanol and-cubebene, and the Parks and Gardens Dept., Brighton Corporation, for supplies of English elm.  相似文献   

Summary Bursts of electrical impulses which spread throughout the entire colony were recorded from individual zooids ofSelenaria. Strong illumination caused a rapid increase in the frequency of bursts and also caused the colonies to start moving, usually towards the light the recorded electrical activity may act to trigger locomotor behavior.We are grateful to Dr P. Arnold (James Cook University, Townsville) for his assistance in collecting the live material ofS. maculata, to Miss P. L. Cook and Mr P. J. Chimonides (British Museum (Natural History) for their helpful discussions, and to Dr J.P. Thorpe (University of Liverpool) for suggesting the topic. We thank also the Science and Engineering Research Council for financial support (grant No. GR/A71578).  相似文献   

Résumé De l'éther de pétrole extrait de l'huile de l'Orejula (Cymbopetalum penduliforum Dunal, Baill) fut examiné pour son contenu en terpènes. On a isolé les sesquiterpènes tétracycliques (ishwarone). L'évidence chimique et spectral appuie la constitution chimique et sa conversion à isoishwarone.

The authors are grateful to Dr.F. Will, Mr.W. F. Kuhn and Mr.G. Vilcins for their valuable analytical data and to Dr.R. F. Dawson for the oil of orejuela and Dr.P. C. Parthasarathy for the authentic sample of isoishwarane. We wish to thank ProfessorsA. Burger andN. H. Cromwell for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Erster Bericht über die Vervielfältigung von Sporidien durch binare Spaltung beiRavenelia hobsoni.

Author is grateful to Prof.M. N. Kamat, Head of Mycology Division, M.A.C.S. Laboratory, Poona 4, for his deep interest and guidance, Dr.S. R. Sarvotham, Quality Control Laboratory, Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd., Pimpri, for the laboratory facilities and encouragement given. Thanks are also due to Dr.A. V. Sathe for several suggestions and to Mr.D. N. Nagpure for drawings.  相似文献   

Summary Ammonium ions alone will activate both vesicula and inseminated spermatozoa ofBalanus balanoides. Maximum activity, however, occurs when inseminated spermatozoa are treated with the blood and oviducal gland fluid ofB. balanoides.Acknowledgments. I should like to thank Mr K. White for the ammonia determinations and Prof. D. J. Crisp and Dr P. A. Gabbott for useful discussions.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence of 3-methyl-2-hexanone as a major component of the secretion and possible alarm substance from the metasternal scent glands in the triatomine bugDipetalogaster maximus is reported.The authors are indebted to Mr B.O.C. Gardiner of the Zoology Department, Cambridge, for a supply of livingDipetalogaster. They would like also to thank Dr D.E. Games for the provision of mass spectral facilities under support from the S.E.R.C.  相似文献   

Résumé On décrit une méthode pour l'établissement d'une culture de cellules du crapaud a griffes sudafricain,Xenopus laevis, afin de l'infecter avec des arbovirus. Les cellules (XTC-2) ont subi une culture continue pendant 3 ans. Elles ont un nombre diploïde de chromosomes. Elles furent cultivées aux températures de 22°C et de 28°C dans un milieu de culture dilué de NCTC 109 avec 10% de sérum de veau foetal.

We thank ProfessorD. S. Bertram, Director of the Department of Entomology at the School, for his continued interest; Mr.A. O. Langi for technical assistance and Dr.L. Hamilton, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London, for supplying theXenopus tadpoles. We are especially grateful to the Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, for supplying medium NCTC 109, and to Mr.D. J. Richmond of the Laboratories for responding to our request for medium promptly and willingly. The work is supported in part by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Great Britain.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die diploide Chromosomenzahl vonSigmodon minimus, einem Nager der Familie der Cricetiden ist 30. Im Karyotyp befindet sich kein grosses metazentrisches Chromosom. Bei Tieren aus einer Population von Silver City, New Mexico, wurden 29 Chromosomen gefunden. Eines davon war relativ gross und metazentrisch. Beim Paaren der Chromosomen in Meiose ist es evident, dass das metazentrische Chromosom das Fusionsprodukt von 2 homologen Chromosomen ist.

The author wishes to thank Dr. J.Wright, Dr. J. S.Findley and Mr. J. T.Mascarello for their assistance in procuring the live specimens.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the Australian lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri) synthesizes ascorbic acid in its kidney, suggesting that ascorbic acid synthesis started before the origin of the tetrapods.Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Dr G.C. Grigg, University of Sydney, Mr R. B. Humphries, Dr P.A. Janssens and Dr C.H. Tyndale-Biscoe, Australian National University, and Dr. M. Griffiths and J.C. MacIlroy C.S.I.R.O., Division of Wildlife Research for supplying the tissue.  相似文献   

Summary The isoprenoid linalool, together with several straight carbon-chain aliphatic materials, has been found in the scent glands of the cotton stainerDysdercus superstitiosus (F.)We thank the British Inter Universities Council and Bayero University Research and Higher Degrees Committee for their financial support, Dr B.W. Staddon for his valuable assistance, Dr D.E. Games for arranging mass spectral facilities.  相似文献   

Summary 2-{benzoylamino} pyridinium benzoate (BAPB) has exhibited an antisickling effect with homozygous S/S erythrocytes in vitro. This study suggests that BAPB prevents sicklin by inhibiting the gelation of hemoglobin S.Acknowledgments. This research has been partly funded by a Sickle Cell Research grant from the State of Tennessee to Meharry Medical College. We gratefully appreciate the technical assistance of Mr Rudolf Harlan and Mrs Marjorie Deveau of the School of Graduate Studies. We offer our thanks to Dr J. W. Davis, J. D., Coordinator, Sickle Cell Project, Meharry Medical College for constant encouragement.  相似文献   

Summary Both the original and the synthetic nonapeptide Trp-Ala-Gly-Gly-Asp-Ala-Ser-Gly-Glu enhance, in recipient rabbits, spindle and delta EEG activity as in orthodox slow wave sleep.Acknowledgment. This work was supported by grants from the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research (No. 3.871.72, 3.527.75,3.443.074, 3.780.076), Fonds für Lehre und Forschung der Universität Basel, Merck Sharp and Dohme (USA), Ciba-Stiftung Basel, Hoffmann La Roche Ltd Basel, Sandoz Ltd Basel. We received valuable help from Dr S. Roncari, Dr B. Wilson and Dr C. D. Bennett for chemical research, and from Prof. A. Cerletti, Dr H. J. Tobler and Mr J. J. Regez (Division of Application and Research Development, Sandoz Ltd) for data processing.  相似文献   

Summary Corpora allata fromOncopeltus fasciatus incubated in vitro in medium containing 10–5.35 M (1 g/ml) of precocene II lose their ability to secrete juvenile hormone when reimplanted into last instar larvae.Acknowledgments. We thank Mr K. Dorn, Mrs L. Dolezal, Mrs V. Nötzli-Graf, Mr K.H. Trautmann and Mr A. Schuler for technical help, Dr W. Vogel and Dr A. Dübendorfer for valuable discussions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aus Arbeiterinnen der AmeiseMonomorium pharaonis (L.) wurde 5-Methyl-3-butyl-octahydroindolizin isoliert. Dieses Pheromon übt eine starke Lockstoffwirkung auf die Arbeiterinnen dieser Ameisenart aus. Die Struktur wurde durch Spektral-analyse und Synthese aufgeklärt. Unseres Wissens ist dies das erste Pheromon aus Insekten mit dem Indolizingerüst.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the Ministry of Health and Environmental Hygiene of the Netherlands. Pharaoh's ants were supplied by Dr.A. Buschinger, Bonn, and Mr.W. R. C. M. van der Loo, Rotterdam. The spectroscopical work was done by a team includingR. Deen, P. J. F. Nooijen andS. J. Spijk andJ. M. Timmner assisted in the synthesis.  相似文献   

Résumé On a pu isoler le déshydrodiisoeugénol de l'arille deMyristica fragrans Houtt. (fleur de muscade).

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to express their thanks to Dr.W. D. Jamieson and MrD. Embree of the Atlantic Regional Laboratory for the mass spectroscopic data and to Dr.E. von Rudloff and Mr.W. C. Haid of the Prairie Regional Laboratory (Saskatoon) for the 100 MHz NMR data.  相似文献   

Summary Ecdysterone has been identified in the schistosomiasis vectorBiomphalaria glabrata Say and inHelix aspersa Müller as well as inLymmaea stagnalis L. by chromatography, bioassay, radioimmunoassay, derivatization and by mass spectroscopy. Analysis of the food, faeces and hepatopancreas suggest that the sterol is derived from the diet. The probable function of ecdysterone in relation to calcification of the shell is discussed in this paper.We wish to thank Professor P. Karlson and Dr J. Koolman (Phillips University, Marburg-Lahn, FRG) for providing facilities for RIA. The initial study was begun at the University of Sussex and continued at the Courtauld Institute of Biochemistry, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London, while D.L.W. was supported by the Ministry of Overseas Development. London and the Medical Research Council of Great Britain (grant G974/525/T). We thank Mr P. Mellon for the mass spectrum and Dr G.B. Russell for his interest in the earlier part of this study. We also thank Professor E. Scherer and Dr Q. Uwe (University of Essen, FRG) for their help in the irradiation ofL. stagnalis.Gauss Str. 82, D-4630 Bochum 5 (Federal Republic of Germany). Research results usingL. stagnalis were submitted for the Philips Europa Wettbewerb für junge Forscher und Erfinder (1979) in a thesis entitled Zur Frage der Existenz von Steroiden und Gonadoliberin bei der Grossen Schlammschnecke (Lymmaea stagnalis L.): ein Beitrag zur Evolution der Insekten- und Wirbeltierhormone.  相似文献   

Summary Males ofPodisus fretus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) release a long-range attractant pheromone containing linalool (49.0%), (E)-2-hexenal (34.5%), benzyl alcohol (12.0%), nerolidol (2.0%),-terpineol (1.1%), and traces of several other compounds. The eastern yellowjacket,Vespula maculifrons (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), is attracted to artificial pheromones forP. fretus and for the sympatric species,Podisus maculiventris.The authors thank Mr T.J. Henry of the USDA Systematic Entomology Laboratory and Dr J.E. McPherson, Southern Illinois University, for examining the pentatomid species and Dr A.S. Menke, USDA-SEL, for determining the yellowjacket species. We also thank S. Wilzer for technical assistance. Mention of a company name does not imply endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Unterschied in der Färbung von rosa und grünen Varianten der BlattlausMacrosiphum liriodendri beruht auf Unterschieden der Carotinoid-Fraktionen. Einige dieser Carotinoide gehören zu Typen, die bisher nur in Mikroorganismen angetroffen worden sind, was Verschiedenheit in Art oder biosynthetischer Aktivität von Mikrosymbionten als Ursache des Pigmentierungs-Dimorphismus vermuten lässt. Die Färbung der seltenen rosa Variante der HeuschreckeAmblycorypha scheint durch einen Carotinoid-Protein-Komplex bedingt zu sein.

The authors are indebted to Dr. S.Liaaen-Jensen for identification of our carotenoids, advice on chromatographic techniques, and advance information on her pigment P-444, to Dr.Louise M.Russell for taxonomic identification of the aphid species, to Dr. D. W.Cameron for that of the aphinin, and To Mr. W. E.Comstock for mass spectra.  相似文献   

Summary Ecdysteroid titers were measured in whole-body extracts of pedogenetically reproducing larvae of the dipteran insectHeteropeza pygmaea and in the dietary fungus. The titers are very low in the first 3 days of larval growth, but increase during the last 2 days. The level of 20-hydroxyecdysone is then significantly higher than that of ecdysone. Measurements of the titers in the fungus gave no conclusive results.Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, grants No. 3.218-0.77 to D.F.W. and 3.714-0.80 to B.L. We thank Xiang-Xiong Zhu for help with the RIA and Mrs G. Rhyner for technical assistance. Gifts of ecdysone antiserum from Dr J. D. O'Connor and of 23,24-[3H2]-ecdysone from Dr J. Koolman are also gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary The compound, 3,5-dibromo-2-chloro-4-isothiocyanatosalicylanilide, has been tested against various nematode and cestode parasites in experimental and domestric animals. It shoved 100% activity againstAncylostoma ceylanicum, A. tubaeformis, Syphacia obvelata, Ascaridia galli, Toxocara spp.,Toxascaris sp.,Gnathostoma spinigerum, Hymenolepis nana, Raillietina spp. andTaenia spp. in doses 25–70 mg/kg given in single or multiple administrations.Acknowledgments. We express sincere thanks to Dr Nitya Nand, F.N.A., CDRI, Lucknow, for his keen interest in the work, to Dr B. N. Dhawan, F.N.A. for providing informations about general pharmacology of the compound, and to Dr R. K. Chatterjee and Dr P. K. Murthy for carrying out antifilarial sreening. Technical assistance of Mr S. C. Bhar and Mr S. Ram is acknowledged.  相似文献   

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