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我们生活在追求自我实现的21世纪,作为珍贵人体的主人,应该对生命的载体知道得更丰富。近年天体物理研究证实,宇宙间存在着"暗物质"和"暗能量",有形可见的物质只占4%,其他23%为暗物质,73%是暗能量,而且"暗能量"支配有形物质。  相似文献   

据英国《每日邮报》报道,科学家们警告称,神秘的暗能量正在把宇宙变成一个"巨大,空旷而乏味"的地方。来自英国和意大利的研究人员表示,他们的研究发现构建宇宙的基本建筑材料——暗物质,而与此同时,这种神秘的暗能量正推动宇宙加速膨胀,最终将吞噬撕裂一切。这些科学家们宣称他们的研究结果显示,在与暗物质发生相互作用的过程中,暗能量正变得愈发强大。  相似文献   

暗物质的属性是什么?暗能量的本质是什么?物质-反物质不对称的起源是什么?这些都是当今粒子物理和宇宙学无法回答的最基本和最前沿的科学问题,对这些问题的研究对于我国科学界既是机遇也是挑战。本项目围绕暗物质和暗能量的本质问题进行系统的研究,充分发挥理论先行和实验预研的作用,强调理论研究与实验探测设计相结合和多学科交叉融合的优势,为开展对暗物质的间接和直接探测提供可靠的物理依据和可行的实验设计及有效的探测方案,推进我国空间卫星的天体粒子物理实验平台、国家深部地下实验室的建设。  相似文献   

天文学家发现了一个看不见的隐形星系,这有可能帮助人类解开宇宙中最大的奥秘。这个隐形星系似乎主要由暗物质构成。暗物质是一种不可见的物质,人类还没有掌握它的特性。理论家在很久以前就相信,暗物质大约占宇宙物质能量总和的23%。普通物质,如构成恒星、行星和人类自身的物质,则只占4%。宇宙的其它部分由一种甚至更为神秘的“暗能量”驱动。暗物质的存在,理论上可以解释为将普通星系及大的星系群约束在一起的引力来源,这种引力大于万有引力。  相似文献   

"物质"和"能量"是两个普通而常见的科技名词,也是最上位的科技名词。如果它们各自加上一个普通定语"暗",组成新的复合词——"暗物质"和"暗能量",前者令物理学家几乎一无所知,后者荣获了2012年诺贝尔物理奖。这两个物理名词涉及的对象,都是天文学家发现、确认并命名,现在算是天文学名词。  相似文献   

为应对广义相对论在理论和经验上面临的困难,有些物理学家选择对广义相对论进行修正,提出了一系列替代引力理论;有些物理学家则选择通过引入暗物质、暗能量和暴涨等暗因子来保留广义相对论。不同引力理论的支持者彼此攻击其竞争理论中引入了特设性假说。特设性假说问题在当代引力理论中展现出了新情况。替代引力理论中的修正牛顿引力理论不能被简单地视为引入了特设性假说。暗因子假说在奎因和尤利安,以及勒普林所给出的特设性假说判定标准下,不能被视为是特设性的;但在波普尔的特设性假说标准下,如果相关暗因子得不到经验证实的话,暗因子假说将会是特设性的。  相似文献   

暗物质的本质是当前物理学和天文学面临的最重大的前沿问题之一,探测暗物质粒子也是世界各国竞争异常激烈的科技热点。我国发射了暗物质粒子探测卫星"悟空"号,其主要科学目标即通过精确观测高能宇宙射线电子和伽马射线来间接探测暗物质粒子,并且开展天体物理研究。利用"悟空"号的数据,我们得到了对宇宙射线电子和质子能谱的最为精确的测量,揭示出一些之前未曾发现或者明确的能谱新结构,为限制暗物质粒子属性和理解宇宙射线起源提供了重要数据。本文综述了暗物质粒子探测卫星的设计、运行和数据分析进展,并重点介绍了其对电子和质子能谱的测量分析工作。  相似文献   

借助哈勃空间望远镜和宇宙引力透镜效应,科学家们日前成功地获取迄今为止最精确的一个巨型星系团中暗物质分布图。 暗物质是一种神秘莫测的不可见物质,它几乎占据了宇宙1/4的物质和能量,但是除了引力作用之外,它们和“常规”物质不发生任何相互作用。  相似文献   

<正>暗物质究竟是什么以及它如何形成,一直是未解之谜。最新研究表明,暗物质可能在宇宙大爆炸之前就已存在。暗物质是现代物理学中最难以捉摸的谜团之一,研究人员认为暗物质约占宇宙质量的80%,但暗物质究竟是什么以及它如何形成,一直是未解之谜。据物理学家组织网近日报道,美国约翰·霍普金斯大学的一项最新研究表明,暗物质可能在宇宙大爆炸之前就已存在。尽管人们对暗物质的起源知之甚少,但天文学家已经证明,暗物质在星系和星  相似文献   

正2015年12月17日,由中国科学院研制的悟空号暗物质粒子探测卫星(dark matter particle explorer,DAMPE)在酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,它的核心使命是在宇宙射线电子和伽马射线辐射中寻找暗物质粒子存在的证据,并进行天体物理研究。它是我国第一颗暗物质粒子探测卫星,也是目前世界上观测能段范  相似文献   

现代科学研究内容日趋细化,进展日新月异,对研究趋势和前沿进展的把握变得越来越困难。文章尝试通过分析研究论文中的术语词频来定量追踪学科发展趋势。利用“天文学英语新词自动提取系统”对近20年间天文学论文预印本的全文进行术语提取,在此基础上分析宇宙学领域中与暗能量研究密切相关的概念术语(超新星、宇宙微波背景辐射等)在论文中的出现频率。通过考察这些关键词的词频随时间的变化趋势,分析它们与学科研究动态之间的关系,从而理解科学发现等热点事件对研究工作和学科发展的具体影响,为天文学及其他学科的研究进展和趋势分析提供一个客观的量化方法。文章证实新设备和新数据在推动天文学新兴理论和促生研究热点方面具有不可或缺的重要意义和价值,而诺贝尔奖项等公众热点事件并没有对宇宙学领域的研究热度产生长期影响。  相似文献   

The aim of science is the explanation of complicated systems by reducing it to simple subsystems. According to a millennia-old imagination this will be attained by dividing matter into smaller and smaller pieces of it. The popular superstition that smallness implies simplicity seems to be ineradicable. However, since the beginning of quantum theory it would be possible to realize that the circumstances in nature are exactly the other way round. The idea “smaller becomes simpler” is useful only down to the atoms of chemistry. Planck’s formula shows that smaller extensions are related to larger energies. That more and more energy should result in simpler and simpler structures, this does not only sound absurd, it is absurd. A reduction to really simple structures leads one to smallest energies and, thus, to utmost extended quantum systems. The simplest quantum structure, referred to as quantum bit, has a two-dimensional state space, and it establishes a cosmological structure. Taking many of such quantum bits allows also for the construction of localized particles. The non-localized fraction of quantum bits can appear as “dark matter”.  相似文献   

We put forward a possible new interpretation and explanatory framework for quantum theory. The basic hypothesis underlying this new framework is that quantum particles are conceptual entities. More concretely, we propose that quantum particles interact with ordinary matter, nuclei, atoms, molecules, macroscopic material entities, measuring apparatuses,  in a similar way to how human concepts interact with memory structures, human minds or artificial memories. We analyze the most characteristic aspects of quantum theory, i.e. entanglement and non-locality, interference and superposition, identity and individuality in the light of this new interpretation, and we put forward a specific explanation and understanding of these aspects. The basic hypothesis of our framework gives rise in a natural way to a Heisenberg uncertainty principle which introduces an understanding of the general situation of ‘the one and the many’ in quantum physics. A specific view on macro and micro different from the common one follows from the basic hypothesis and leads to an analysis of Schrödinger’s Cat paradox and the measurement problem different from the existing ones. We reflect about the influence of this new quantum interpretation and explanatory framework on the global nature and evolutionary aspects of the world and human worldviews, and point out potential explanations for specific situations, such as the generation problem in particle physics, the confinement of quarks and the existence of dark matter.  相似文献   

文章深入归纳了我国环境空气质量标准中颗粒物术语的演绎过程及主要国家、地区和组织颗粒物术语,提出了适用于我国的颗粒物术语建议:粒径小于等于10微米和粒径小于等于2.5微米颗粒物分别命名为颗粒物(粒径小于等于10微米)和颗粒物(粒径小于等于2.5微米),又分别称为可吸入颗粒物和细颗粒物,英文名称分别为particulate matter(PM10)和particulate matter(PM2.5)。  相似文献   

本文主要分析了当前我国能源面临的严峻形势及存在的主要问题,提出了未来我国能源发展面临的重大科学问题。  相似文献   

文章深刻分析了可再生能源的定义,仔细研究了“再生”在《辞海》和网络上的含义,并对再生的每一个含义进行了分析,最终得出可再生能源是不可以“再生”的。用“可再生能源”来概括太阳能、水能、风能、生物质能、海洋能和地热能等这类能源是不正确的。认为把“可再生能源”改为“可更新能源”更适合。  相似文献   

结合PM2.5的定义和国际上的习惯名称,建议将PM2.5的中文名称定为“颗粒物2.5”,并将其定义为“环境空气中空气动力学当量直径小于等于2.5μm的颗粒物,又称细颗粒物”。  相似文献   

Impure systems contain Objects and Subjects: Subjects are human beings. We can distinguish a person as an observer (subjectively outside the system) and that by definition is the Subject himself, and part of the system. In this case he acquires the category of object. Objects (relative beings) are significances, which are the consequence of perceptual beliefs on the part of the Subject about material or energetic objects (absolute beings) with certain characteristics.The IS (Impure System) approach is as follows: Objects are perceptual significances (relative beings) of material or energetic objects (absolute beings). The set of these objects will form an impure set of the first order. The existing relations between these relative objects will be of two classes: transactions of matter and/or energy and inferential relations. Transactions can have alethic modality: necessity, possibility, impossibility and contingency. Ontic existence of possibility entails that inferential relations have Deontic modality: obligation, permission, prohibition, faculty and analogy. We distinguished between theorems (natural laws) and norms (ethical, legislative and customary rules of conduct).  相似文献   

Matter in Z3     
In this paper, I will discuss a certain conception of matter that Aristotle introduces in Metaphysics Z3. It is often assumed that Aristotle came to distinguish between matter and form only in his physical writings, and that this lead to a conflict with the doctrine of primary substances in the Categories that he tries to resolve in Z3. I will argue that there is no such conflict. In Z3, Aristotle seems to suggest that matter is what is left over when we strip a thing of all its properties. I take it that he does not want us to strip away these properties by physical means or in our imagination. Rather, we are asked to strip a referring noun phrase of all its predicative parts. We are thus not supposed to be able to refer to something that has no qualities whatsoever, but to construct a phrase that refers to something that has properties without referring to its having them, and without implying which properties it has. The idea that there might be a way of referring to something definite without mentioning any of its qualities is platonic and it still underlies modern predicate logic. In Z3, Aristotle argues against this conception and thus against the basic idea of predicate logic. According to him, matter is at best an inseparable aspect of a primary substance, which substance is best referred to as a compound τóδε τι (“this such”). Matter is what the τóδε refers to as part of this phrase. But it cannot exist in separation from form, and we cannot refer to it by a separated term, without also referring to the substantial form of the substance of which it is an aspect.  相似文献   

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