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泥炭沉积物蕴藏着丰富的区域环境演变信息,本文通过分析西藏羊八井七弄沟泥炭剖面特征元素比值(Fe/Mn,Ba/Sr,K_2O/Na_2O)变化特征,结合剖面腐殖化度和汞含量记录的研究结果,发现西藏羊八井泥炭沉积物中特征元素比值可以指示沉积环境的干湿变化.依据元素地球化学记录,西藏羊八井地区的沉积环境划分为9.1~7.6 cal ka BP温度波动上升阶段,沉积环境较湿润;7.6~4.5 cal ka BP温度剧烈波动阶段,沉积环境逐渐干旱;4.5~3.5 cal ka BP温度波动下降阶段,沉积环境变得暖湿.其中共记录4次沉积环境变干,时间分别为5.8、6.1、8.2以及8.8~8.5 cal ka BP左右,与局部乃至全球的气候变化记录存在良好的对应关系.  相似文献   

以鄂西七姊妹山泥炭藓湿地QZMS钻孔沉积物为研究对象,通过AMS14C测年、岩性特征与沉积物粒度综合分析,探讨了鄂西南山地13 000 cal. a BP以来的沉积环境变迁.研究结果显示:QZMS钻孔沉积物粒度组成主要以细粉砂和中粉砂为主,频率分布曲线均为单峰分布,由下至上,峰度由宽到窄,偏度从近于对称到正偏,揭示了搬运动力和沉积环境的演变过程;综合分析结果表明研究区沉积环境演化可分为4个阶段:1) 12.9~11.6 cal. ka BP,气候波动频率高,但幅度较小,水动力条件相对较弱;2) 11.6~10.2 cal. ka BP为晚更新世向全新世的过渡阶段,水动力条件持续较弱,环境相对稳定;3) 10.2~7.7 cal. ka BP早全新世,气候变得暖湿,水动力条件较前一阶段有所增强,泥炭藓湿地开始形成;4) 7.7~2.0 cal. ka BP气候暖湿,水动力条件达到最强,峰度和偏度波动频率低,但幅度增大,为沼泽湿地环境.研究表明七姊妹山泥炭藓湿地沉积物的粒度粗细与区域内水文条件和物源的变化密切相关,借助粒度组成和参数特征,可反演该区域的沉积环境演变,揭示泥炭藓湿地发育形成的过程,为该地区泥炭藓湿地的保护和气候环境变化研究提供科学参考.  相似文献   

选择位于西风环流显著影响的新疆巴里坤湖作为研究对象,结合对位于湖心部位的人工开挖剖面的多指标包括有机碳同位素(δ13C)、有机质含量(OM)和碳氮比(C/N)的对比分析和验证,发现该湖泊沉积物的δ15N记录较好地响应了过去9400年以来气候环境的变化,依据其波动变化特征,可以划分出以下阶段:9 400~7 300 cal. a BP期间,δ15N值偏低且剧烈波动,暗示了气候状况较为干旱且不稳定;7 300~5 900 cal. a BP期间,δ15N值偏高,指示气候相对湿润;5 900~3 100 cal. a BP期间,δ15N由相对高值降为低值,指示气候环境由湿转干;3 100~1 100 cal. a BP期间,δ15N总体呈现相对高值,但后期呈下降趋势,指示了此阶段中气候特征由相对湿润转向干旱;但在1100~0 cal. a BP期间偏高的δ15N值,则可能受到了增强的人类活动的影响.本研究表明,巴里坤湖沉积物δ15N记录对于恢复研究区全新世气候与环境变化的特征与历史等方面具有较好的应用潜力和前景.  相似文献   

根据中国西北干旱区巴里坤湖BLK-1剖面沉积物的地化元素分析,采用SPSS因子分析法提取了对沉积环境变化敏感的地化元素和氧化物组分.在R、Q型因子分析的基础上,结合沉积物的硅铁铝率(SiO2/(Al2O3+Fe2O3))、淋失系数(SiO2/(MgO+K2O))、CaO/MgO以及腐殖化度等指标,提取出古气候环境信息.初步研究结果表明:近9.0 cal ka BP以来,巴里坤湖地区气候环境仍以干旱化为主,全新世期间出现过多次不同程度的干湿变化,经历了5个气候阶段:9.0—7.5 cal ka BP期间,气候干旱;7.5—5.8 cal ka BP期间,气候温暖湿润,为研究区全新世最佳适宜期;5.8—3.0 cal ka BP期间,气候干旱;3.0—1.0 cal ka BP期间,气候湿润;1.0—0 cal ka BP期间,气候干旱.  相似文献   

巴里坤湖是我国西风区古气候环境演变研究的理想区域.根据BLK-1剖面多指标建立了巴里坤湖9 000 cal a BP以来的时间序列,了解其气候演变的过程.结合巴里坤湖古气候演变及砷元素含量的波动变化,发现砷元素变化响应气候环境的演变:气候冷干时期,砷含量较多;而暖湿时期则相对少.此外,砷含量的变化很好地指示了全新世的气候突变事件.巴里坤湖沉积物中砷元素主要来源于湖泊周边基岩受物理风化产生的碎屑,并经由风力带入湖中沉积.干旱的气候环境下,砷的沉积速率较湿润期变化明显.研究结果表明,砷对于我国西风区的古气候环境演变及气候突变事件具有指示作用;砷沉积速率的突变表明在干旱气候环境条件下,砷可能比其他元素更为敏感.不同气候环境下砷元素的来源及波动,也为砷污染的防治提供参考.  相似文献   

根据中国西北干旱区巴里坤湖BLK-1剖面沉积物的地化元素分析,采用SPSS因子分析法提取了对沉积环境变化敏感的地化元素和氧化物组分. 在 R、Q 型因子分析的基础上,结合沉积物的硅铁铝率(SiO2/(Al2O3+Fe2O3))、淋失系数(SiO2/(MgO+K2O))、CaO/MgO以及腐殖化度等指标,提取出古气候环境信息. 初步研究结果表明:近9.0cal ka BP以来,巴里坤湖地区气候环境仍以干旱化为主,全新世期间出现过多次不同程度的干湿变化,经历了5个气候阶段:9.0~7.5cal kaBP期间,气候干旱;7.5~5.8cal kaBP期间,气候温暖湿润,为研究区全新世最佳适宜期;5.8~3.0cal kaBP期间,气候干旱;3.0~1.0cal kaBP期间,气候湿润;1.0~0cal kaBP期间,气候干旱.  相似文献   

汉中盆地军王村黄土-古土壤剖面的色度特征及机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对汉中盆地城固县军王村(JWC)剖面的色度参数进行分析,并结合磁化率、烧失量、氧化铁进行主控因素的研究。结果表明:亮度(L*)含量的变化与有机质含量密切相关,红度(a*)的变化与氧化铁含量密不可分;色度参数曲线与磁化率曲线具有同步的变化趋势,其中L*、a*、a*/b*对气候响应敏感,能作为较好的气候替代指标,记录了该区的气候和成壤环境变化;各色度参数的变化趋势反映了晚更新世末期气候冷干→全新世初期气候开始转向暖湿→全新世中期气候湿热→全新世晚期气候暖湿降低,但晚更新世末期的气候并不是持续稳定的,在38.8~25.6 ka BP期间出现了短暂的相对温暖湿润的阶段。  相似文献   

在对位于江淮东部平原的江苏兴化蒋家舍地层剖面进行野外考察采样、AMS14 C年代测定和孢粉分析的基础上,初步探讨了研究区晚更新世末的植被演替及气候变化.结果表明:1)27.9-13.5cal.ka BP,剖面中孢粉含量高,植物的科属也丰富.其中,27.9-26.7cal.ka BP、14.5-14.2 cal.ka BP时段研究区植被为针阔叶混交林,反映气候温暖较湿润,而26.7-14.5 cal.ka BP期间地层出现沉积间断,气候寒冷干燥;14.2-13.5 cal.ka BP时段草本植物含量较高,总体为针阔叶混交林草原植被,气候温凉稍干.2)13.5-12.6cal.ka BP,剖面中孢粉含量较低,植物的科属也较贫乏,木本植物所占百分比较低,草本植物花粉含量相对较高.其中,13.5-12.8 cal.ka BP为覆盖度趋低的针阔叶混交林或草原植被,气候向干冷发展,12.8-12.6 cal.ka BP时段为针阔叶混交林植被,木本植物含量有所上升,反映气候稍暖湿.3)针叶乔木松属花粉和蕨类植物水蕨科植物孢子在剖面中自下而上均有不同程度的分布,常绿阔叶和落叶阔叶类出现率较低,这种现象跟当地现代植被的植物组合略有差异.  相似文献   

在野外考察采样基础上,结合OSL和ESR测年确定红土沉积年代,对福建长乐(CL)红土剖面微量元素地球化学特征及指示的古环境意义进行了初步研究。结果表明:CL剖面中微量元素的含量和分布特征呈有规律的波动变化,反映出区域风化成壤过程中不同元素的地球化学行为存在差异。较高的Mn、Nb、Rb、Cr含量或较低的Ni、As、Sr、Zn、V含量大体指示红土沉积风化作用增强,气候暖湿;反之,则可能指示生物化学风化作用减弱,气候温干或凉干。早更新世晚期以来,研究区古气候经历了温干-暖湿,暖湿,暖湿-干冷,温干-暖湿,暖湿的变化过程。研究揭示出CL剖面微量元素记录的区域气候变化过程既是对全球气候变化的响应,同时也表现出亚热带季风区红土沉积风化的特殊性。  相似文献   

在实地考察基础上,订正了前人关于江西定南大湖湖沼的地理坐标. 最新钻孔岩芯显示,该地发育了多层泥炭、炭化淤泥与淤泥互层沉积,厚度可达9 m. 年代测定表明,其埋深0.25~3.50 m的泥炭主要形成于末次冰消期-全新世;大于4 m的大湖泥炭沉积主要形成于末次间冰阶或深海氧同位素3阶段. 钻孔总有机碳(TOC)、腐殖化度和干密度等气候代用指标的结果反映出泥炭发育阶段,气候相对干旱;而淤泥沉积阶段气候相对湿润.  相似文献   

Multi-proxy data are presented and a discuss is made of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes during Holocene from a 225-cm-long sediment core from Wulungu Lake, located in westerly area of China. The chronology is constructed from six AMS radiocarbon dates on the bulk organic matter. Analyses of pollen, TOC, TN, δ^13Corg, ostracod assemblages and the shell stable isotopes, suggest Holocene climate pattern as follows: temperate and dry (10.0-7.6 cal. ka BP) -warm and wet (7.6-5.3 cal. ka BP) -warm and moist (5.3-3.6 cal. ka BP) -temperate and dry (3.6-2.1 cal. ka BP)-temperate and moist (2.1-1.3 cal. ka BP) -cool and dry (1.3 cal. ka BP-present). With the climatic change, Wulungu Lake experienced two large-scale retreat (5.3-3.6 cal. ka BP and 1.3 cal. ka BP-present) and an obvious transgression (7.6-5.3 cal. ka BP). The records of climatic and environmental evolution of Wulungu Lake were in good accordance with those of adjacent areas. It responded to regional environmental change, global abrupt climate events and followed the westerly climate change mode.  相似文献   

In this article we report a new and sensitive palaeoclimate proxy indieator-humification degrees of peat. Based on the comparison of humification degrees with other climate proxy records, such as δ^13C time series of the C. mulieensis remains cellulose in the same peat profile, we suggest that humifieation degrees of peat in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau can served as a palaeoclimate proxy indicator. The higher the hnmification degrees of peat, the warmer-wetter the climate; on the contrary, the lower the humification degrees, the colder-drier the climate. Due to the simple method of deter-mination, humifieation degree of peat is worthy studying and applying further.  相似文献   

Tao  ShiChen  An  ChenBang  Chen  FaHu  Tang  LingYu  Wang  ZongLi    YanBin  Li  ZhiFei  Zheng  TongMing  Zhao  JiaJu 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(22):2449-2457
A high-resolution fossil pollen record from the sedimentary cores of Balikun Lake, northwestern China, combined with modern surface pollen data, is used to reconstruct the history of vegetation and climatic change since 16.7 cal. ka BP. Fossil pollen assem-blages and lithology indicate that the study area was dominated by desert. The desert had extremely arid climate and lower effective moisture during 16.7–7.9 cal. ka BP, especially from 16.7 to 8.9 cal. ka BP when the lake maybe dried up. During 8.9–7.9 cal. ka BP, the environment gradually recovered in this area. It was then followed by the optimum period from 7.9 to 4.3 cal. Ka BP, when the effective moisture obviously increased. It was characterized by the typical desert-steppe/steppe vegetation and was accompanied with several patch-birch woodlands around the lake. After that, a short but extremely arid climatic event occurred during 4.3–3.8 cal. ka BP, and the vegetation quickly changed from desert-steppe/steppe to desert. It was a relatively optimum period from 3.8 to 0.53 cal. ka BP showing typical desert-steppe/meadow-steppe landscape. Since 0.53 cal. ka BP, the climate has shown signs of deteriorating again. Furthermore, regional comparison shows that the characteristics of climatic and environmental evolution in this area were clearly different from East Asia monsoonal area during the last 16.7 cal. ka BP. It was characterized by the arid climate during the late-glacial and early Holocene, and relatively wet during the mid-late Holocene.  相似文献   

Based on modern pollen studies and reliable chronology of nine AMS 14C dates, a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes during the past 8660 cal. a BP was reconstructed by a high-resolution pollen record from Ugii Nuur in central Mongolia. Poaceae-steppe dominated the study area and the climate was mild and semi-humid before 7800 cal. a BP with a noticeable cool and humid interval at 8350―8250 cal. a BP. Xerophytic plant increased and the climate became warm and dry gradually since 7800 cal. a BP...  相似文献   

Zhang  Yun  Kong  Zhaochen  Ni  Jian  Yan  Shun  Yang  ZhenJing 《科学通报(英文版)》2008,53(7):1049-1061
This paper presents a multi-proxy reconstruction of the climate change in Caotanhu wetland using pollen, phytolith and charcoal records, and the data of loss of ignition (LOI), grain size analysis, and susceptibility. Results reveal that between 4550 and 2500 cal. a BP, a dry climatic condition was not favorable for the accumulation of peat. Since 2500 cal. a BP, the climate became humid and the wetland developed with abundant freshwater aquatic plants, which contributed to peat accumulation. Never-theless, alternate periods of rain and dry climate occurred during that period. Between 2500 and 1810 cal. a BP (550 BC-140 AD), the climate was more humid than at present. A lot of emerged plants, such as Phragmites, Typha and Sparganium, and freshwater green algae grew in the wetland which was sur-rounded by desert-steppe vegetation composed mainly of Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia, Compositae and Thalictrum. However, from 1810 to 1160 cal. a BP (140--790 AD), the water level started to decrease and hydrophyte species reduced greatly, but some Phragmites still grew in the wetland and around it was desert vegetation with high proportion of Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia. Then from 1160 to 650 a BP (790--1300 AD), it entered a period of desert-steppe with abundant mesic and xerophytic plants. And a lot of aquatic plants prevailed in the wetland. Here, what is noticeable is that percentages of arboreal pollen, consisting mainly of Betula and Picea, increased greatly and reached a maximal value of 27.2%, in which, Betula percentages rose to 23.2%. Hence, it is reasonable to conclude that Betula grew in the highland of the wetland, or Picea timberline shifted downward resulting in the increase of percentages of Betula and Picea pollen, which were transported into the wetland by flood or wind. But since 650 cal. a BP, desert vegetation prevailed around the wetland again with dominant Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia, and the climate was similar to modern one. Despite some aquatic plants still growing in the wetland at  相似文献   

Varve counts with AMS 14 C,137 Cs and 210 Pb dating of sediments(0-900 cm) from Erlongwan Maar Lake,NE China were used to establish a high-resolution chronology series for the late Quaternary.Dry density,total organic carbon(TOC) content,total nitrogen(TN) content,TOC/TN ratios and stable organic carbon isotope(13 C org) ratios were continuously analyzed on this sediment profile.On the basis of lithological characters,sporo-pollen assemblages and geochemical analyses,we identified 6 climate stages within the last 14 ka BP.The time before the Holocene(14-11.4 ka BP) represents a higher-order oscillation climatic transitional period(I).The entire Holocene climate development(from 11.4 ka BP to present) exhibited an increasing temperature trend,although there were cold and warm alternations(II-VI).The periods included were:II(11.4-9.05 ka BP) warm-wet stage,III(9.05-7.4 ka BP) cold and warm fluctuation stage,IV(7.4-4.2 ka BP) smoothly warming climate stage,V(4.2-1.67 ka BP) climate optimum stage,and VI(from 1.67 ka BP to present) cool and drier stage.Each climate stage began with a warming event and ended with an abrupt cooling event.This climate change cycle had unequal time spaces that were progressively shorter over time.Several abrupt climate shifts occurred at about 9.4-9.05,8.5-8.2,7.8-7.4,4.6-4.2,3.7-3.25,2-1.67 and 0.3-0.03 ka BP.Thus,it can be seen that the climate has been warming since 1920 AD,which indicates a new climate stage.  相似文献   

太湖近8000年来沉积环境演变经历多次快速的气候突变事件,其中体现较为明显的几次气候寒冷事件分别在1900、3000、4400、7400calyrBP左右,而在500、5800、6200calyrBP左右也有寒冷气候事件的响应。这些周期性的气候震荡与北大西洋气候、亚洲西南季风变化以及全球其它地区气候变化有着非常好的对比性。本文认为突变事件在全球范围内有着很好的响应,可能是由全球性气候因子的周期性变化导致,非区域性气候因素变化引起。  相似文献   

按不同的年干燥度将全省在地域上分成半湿润、湿润和过湿润三个区。根据月干燥度的变化,分析了全省各月的干湿变化情况。最后用季干燥度将全省分成全年湿润、夏干、秋干、夏秋干、秋冬干和夏秋冬干六种气候类型。  相似文献   

成炭植物腐殖化速率的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实验室条件和野外条件下,测定了泥炭植物残体分解过程中有机碳、氮和有机质的碱提取物含量及其光密度的变化,分析了年生物周期内各种为植物的腐殖化速率,9个月的腐殖化实验结果表明,有机碳和氮的含量相对提高,碳氮比减小,在野外条件下,成炭植物的腐殖化强度高于在实验条件下;在年生物期内,除泥炭藓变化不明显外,芦苇、棉花莎草、赤杨和落叶松等都有腐殖质初级产的的生成 。  相似文献   

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