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本研究以江苏省南通大学实验动物中心所饲养的壁虎为实验素材,鉴别出两种壁虎:无蹼壁虎和多疣壁虎。对这两种壁虎的部分生物学指标进行测定,结果表明:本研究对南通地区常见壁虎进行分种,确定了南通地区常见的壁虎为多疣壁虎和无蹼壁虎,而无蹼壁虎的数量相对较多。壁虎的体重、体尺存在着一定的增长规律,表现为体重随着体尺的增长而增大。无蹼壁虎与多疣壁虎的脏器重量之间差异并不显著。壁虎的血液红细胞的形状与人红细胞的形状类似,白细胞比人白细胞要小;血液中白细胞含量较高,血红蛋白数量跟人的正常值相差不大。  相似文献   

用高速摄像得到大壁虎地面、墙面(向上爬行和向下爬行)和天花板自由运动行为.以壁虎肢体上分布的特征标示点建立在体坐标系,研究了步态周期、占空比、身体弯曲位移和身体弯曲角等反映壁虎步态和体态的参数以及在上述4种运动状态下四肢与体态的协调关系.研究表明:大壁虎身体上任意一点在其爬行过程中均作复合运动;大壁虎的身体弯曲位移和弯曲角幅度因所在状态的不同而不同,天花板和墙面垂直向上的弯曲位移相近较另外两者大50%,且前两者的弯曲角幅度较另外两者的幅度分别大55%和40%;大壁虎的身体弯曲位移和弯曲角相位一致,极值出现在支撑相和摆动相过渡时间;大壁虎的身体弯曲位移和弯曲角成线性正比关系,与所在的状态没有关系,线性斜率与大壁虎所在状态以及身体长度有一定关系.上述结果为设计具有柔性躯干,更加灵活高效的仿壁虎机器人的体态和步态规划提供了生物学启示.  相似文献   

周开亚等人先后对我国无蹼壁虎和多疣壁虎进行了形态描述,Nakamura 等对无蹼壁虎或多疣壁虎的核型亦有报导,本文是笔者在研究陕西省壁虎类形态及核型特征的基础上,讨论无蹼壁虎和多疣壁虎的种群内不同地方种群的差异.  相似文献   

电刺激大壁虎(Gekko gecko)中脑诱导转向运动的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索大壁虎运动行为脑功能基础和人工诱导的可能性,用不锈钢微电极对头部固定状态下浅麻醉的大壁虎(Gekko gecko,n=20)中脑脑区施以生理范围内的电刺激.发现中脑被盖区域在电刺激下可诱导出大壁虎脊柱侧弯和四肢动(外伸、内收、抬腿迈步等动作)等一系列多肌群参与的复杂运动行为;根据急性实验结果,通过在中脑被盖特定脑区植入金属微电极对术后恢复一周的清醒状态下的大壁虎(n=20)脑区施加电刺激信号,可成功地诱导出左、右转向的运动行为.该结果发现大壁虎中脑与运动行为密切相关,而且通过刺激脑内相关的核团可能实现对大壁虎部分运动行为的人工诱导.这为大壁虎运动的人工制导提供了有益的信息.  相似文献   

壁虎,在我国沿海和南方各省是司空见惯的动物,它们以擅长攀墙走壁而闻名。壁虎为壁虎科动物的总称,是包括壁虎、蜥虎、半叶趾虎、蝎虎、沙虎、漠虎、裸趾虎等660多种动物的大家庭,约占全世界3750种蜥蜴的17.5%。它们的体形虽较小,可是却有一个颇大的头,并有一对适于昼伏夜出和在暗处观物的大眼睛。然而上、下眼皮却不能  相似文献   

为探索大壁虎运动行为脑功能基础和人工诱导的可能性,用不锈钢微电极对头部固定状态下浅麻醉的大壁虎(Gekko gecko,n=20)中脑脑区施以生理范围内的电刺激.发现中脑被盖区域在电刺激下可诱导出大壁虎脊柱侧弯和四肢动(外伸、内收、抬腿迈步等动作)等一系列多肌群参与的复杂运动行为;根据急性实验结果,通过在中脑被盖特定脑区植入金属微电极对术后恢复一周的清醒状态下的大壁虎(n=20)脑区施加电刺激信号,可成功地诱导出左、右转向的运动行为.该结果发现大壁虎中脑与运动行为密切相关,而且通过刺激脑内相关的核团可能实现对大壁虎部分运动行为的人工诱导.这为大壁虎运动的人工制导提供了有益的信息.  相似文献   

壁虎属(Gekko)世界报道有47种,中国是壁虎属物种多样性最为丰富的国家,已记载16种.中国壁虎属物种多分布在秦岭以南的热带和亚热带地区,北方种类较少,少数物种可分布至温带,其中11种为中国特有种,荔波壁虎、太白壁虎、文县壁虎、海南壁虎、兰屿壁虎则为分布范围狭窄的地区特有种.目前基于部分线粒体基因和核基因分子标记对中国壁虎属的分子系统学研究已解决许多分类问题,但仍存在较大分歧,种下关系及分类问题尚有待解决.因此,广泛收集中国壁虎属样本,尤其是广布种各地理种群样本,运用多基因联合分析,可有效解决中国壁虎属目前存在的分类和系统关系问题.  相似文献   

壁虎属三种壁虎几种组织中LDH同工酶的比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了壁虎属三种壁虎肝、肾、骨骼肌、心肌、精巢和卵巢的LDH同工酶。结果表明LDH同工酶有明显的组织特异性和种的特异性。LDH同工酶可以作为鉴定三种壁虎的一项生化指标。铅山壁虎的LDH迁移率外,区带之间的间距小,与多疣壁虎有明显的差别,可将其从多疣壁虎中独立出来。  相似文献   

蛤蚧是壁虎科动物大壁虎(Gekko gecko)的通俗名称,亦名多格、蚧蛇、仙蟾等,体长约30厘米,是壁虎科动物中最大的一种,分布于我国南方各省及南亚、东南亚.去除内脏的干燥全体,是一种重要的中药材,具有补肺益肾、助阳、止咳定喘之功效,可用于虚劳、喘咳、肺萎、咯血、消渴、阳萎、淋沥、闭经等症.近年来,蛤蚧畅销于国内外市场,价格也颇高.  相似文献   

广西大壁虎资源及保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于1992年3月至1994年底对广西的大壁虎资源进行调查,大壁虎产区在20℃等温线以南的48个县,228个乡的石灰岩山地,20℃等温线以北的地区无分布,70年代以前栖息场所较低,平均离地面1.58m,近年来逐渐升高,大壁虎资源丰富,最高年产量可达40.8万对,南宁地区产量占全区总产量的41%以上80年代后期资源惨遭破坏,资源的变化可分为:鼎盛期,相对稳定期和资源衰退期,对大壁虎资源的保护应采取:大  相似文献   

A reversible wet/dry adhesive inspired by mussels and geckos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lee H  Lee BP  Messersmith PB 《Nature》2007,448(7151):338-341
The adhesive strategy of the gecko relies on foot pads composed of specialized keratinous foot-hairs called setae, which are subdivided into terminal spatulae of approximately 200 nm (ref. 1). Contact between the gecko foot and an opposing surface generates adhesive forces that are sufficient to allow the gecko to cling onto vertical and even inverted surfaces. Although strong, the adhesion is temporary, permitting rapid detachment and reattachment of the gecko foot during locomotion. Researchers have attempted to capture these properties of gecko adhesive in synthetic mimics with nanoscale surface features reminiscent of setae; however, maintenance of adhesive performance over many cycles has been elusive, and gecko adhesion is greatly diminished upon full immersion in water. Here we report a hybrid biologically inspired adhesive consisting of an array of nanofabricated polymer pillars coated with a thin layer of a synthetic polymer that mimics the wet adhesive proteins found in mussel holdfasts. Wet adhesion of the nanostructured polymer pillar arrays increased nearly 15-fold when coated with mussel-mimetic polymer. The system maintains its adhesive performance for over a thousand contact cycles in both dry and wet environments. This hybrid adhesive, which combines the salient design elements of both gecko and mussel adhesives, should be useful for reversible attachment to a variety of surfaces in any environment.  相似文献   

The gecko has incredible climbing ability for its nanoscale hierarchical fibrillar structure foot-hair. Can we fabricate a new type of adhesive by mimicking the gecko mechanism? In this paper, we consider a simplified case of an elastic cylinder with hemispherical shape terminals adhering to a rigid substrate. By using the classical JKR model to calculate the adhesive strength, we find that the strong size effect arises when the cylinder's radius is in nanoscale. This finding may help us to design a biomemetic adhesive.  相似文献   

无蹼壁虎是一种季节性繁殖的爬行动物,出蛰后的雌体卵巢迅速增大,产卵期一般从5月中旬至8月,对产卵场所有一定的选择性,产粘性卵.在一个繁殖季节中,雌体产卵一窝,但部分雌体可能产第二窝卵。旧碉堡内的壁虎卵孵化期为45~65d。  相似文献   

Geckos(Gekko gecko)use their hairy setae to adhere on various solid surfaces and dung beetles(Copris ochus Motschulsky)use their hairy bristles to anti-adhere in sticky environments.We study why two hairy systems express a conflict in functions by using SEM,histological approaches and functional experiments.Adhesion models and various parameters were collected and analyzed.Based on the morphological data and functional experimental results carried out by natural and denatured gecko setae and beetle bristles,we first demonstrated that the stiffness along the hair is 1000 to 30000 times that perpendicular to the hair.This stiffness difference is the key factor leading to the two hairy systems' functional differences.Slope of gecko setae reduces contact stiffness,increases contact points and real contact area that results in amazing adhesive abilities.On the other hand,stiff bristles in a beetle have higher contact stiffness,which reduces the real contact area and decreases the adhesion between two contact surfaces.Deformation of gecko setae destroys the hierarchical structure,increases the contact stiffness and results in a decrease of adhesion forces.Similarly,deformation of beetle bristles destroys the erect structure of the hair,interconnects the separated bristles and thus decreases the anti-adhesive functions.These observations inspire us in designing anti-adhesive and adhesive biomimetic systems  相似文献   

The study of the movement behavior of geckos on a vertical surface, including the measurement and recording of the reaction forces as they move in different directions, plays an important role in understanding the mechanics of the animals’ locomotion. This study provides inspiration for the design of a control system for a bionics robot. The three-dimensional reaction forces of vertical surface-climbing geckos (Gekko gecko) were measured using a three-dimensional force-sensors-array. The behavior of gecko as it moved on a vertical surface was recorded with a high speed camera at 215 fps and the function of each foot of a gecko are discussed in this paper. The results showed that the gecko increased its velocity of movement mainly by increasing the stride frequency in the upward, downward and leftward direction and that the speed had no significant relationship to the attachment and detachment times. The feet above the center-of-mass play a key role in supporting the body, driving locomotion and balancing overturning etc. The movement behavior and foot function of geckos change correspondingly for different conditions, which results in safe and effective free vertical locomotion. This research will be helpful in designing gecko-like robots including the selection of gait planning and its control.  相似文献   

3个地理种群蛤蚧不同组织同工酶分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用垂直板状聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)方法,比较泰国、广西和越南地理蛤蚧(G ekko g ecko)种群的肌肉、心、肝、肺、胃、肠、性腺、肾等8种组织的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、酯酶(EST)和乙醇酸脱氢酶(ADH)同工酶。结果表明:广西种群和越南种群的LDH同工酶谱带在肌肉、心脏、肝脏、肺、胃和肾组织中完全相同,泰国种群各种组织中的LDH同工酶与广西和越南种群相比差异较大,主要表现在有较多的亚带,三个不同地理种群的8种组织几乎均表现出明显的5条LDH同工酶主带,但不同种群不同组织的谱带着色深浅不同;各组织EST同工酶谱无论从带型,谱带着色深浅来看,泰国种群均与其它两个种群差别较大;三个种群8种组织ADH同工酶的带型基本相同,迁移率也大致相同,但谱带着色深浅不同。  相似文献   

To understand the mechanical interactions when geckos move on ceiling and to obtain an inspiration on the controlling strategy of gecko-like robot, we measured the ceiling reaction force (CRF) of freely moving geckos on ceiling substrate by a 3-dimensional force measuring array and simultaneously recorded the locomotion behaviors by a high speed camera. CRF and the preload force (FP) generated by the geckos were obtained and the functions and the differences between forces generated by fore- and hind- feet were discussed. The results showed that the speed of gecko moving on the ceiling was 0.17–0.48 m/s, all of the fore- and hind-legs pulled toward the body center. When geckos attached on the ceiling incipiently, the feet generated a very small incipient FP and this fine FP could bring about enough adhesive normal force and tangential force to make the gecko moving on ceiling safely .The FP of the fore-feet is larger than that of the hind-feet. The lateral CRF of the fore-feet is almost the same as that of the hind-feet’s. The fore-aft CRF generated by the fore-feet directed to the motion direction and drove their locomotion, but the force generated by the hind-feet directed against the motion direction. The normal CRF of fore- and hind-feet accounted for 73.4% and 60.6% of the body weight respectively. Measurements show that the fore-aft CRF is obviously lager than the lateral and normal CRF and plays a major role in promoting the fore-feet, while the hind-feet of the main role are to provide a smooth movement. The results indicate that due to the differences of the locomotion function of each foot between different surfaces, the gecko can freely move on ceiling surfaces, which inspires the structure designing, gait planning and control developing for gecko-like robot.  相似文献   

In nature, geckos have developed complex adhesion structures capable of smart adhesion, which is the ability to cling to different smooth and rough surfaces, even ceilings, and detach at will. The hierarchical structure of gecko foot hairs consists of microscale setae, branches and nanoscale spatulae, which contributes to their strong adhesion on different surfaces. In this paper, we propose a simple and low-cost method for fabricating two-level high aspect ratio microfiber arrays that mimic gecko foot hairs. SU-8 photoresist was used and single-level SU-8 microfiber arrays were obtained by a thick film photolithography process. Single-level polydimethyl-siloxane (PDMS) microfiber arrays were also obtained by a micromolding process and the master template for this process was fabricated using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) technology. Using the silicon mold with deep-hole arrays as a substrate, an SU-8 layer with microhole arrays was added to it using thick film photolithography and it formed a double stack mold from which the two-level hierarchical PDMS microfiber arrays were replicated. Water contact angle tests showed that the two-level hierarchical structures are extremely hydrophobic (about 148.5° compared with the Tokay gecko’s 160°).  相似文献   

蛤蚧发声通路核团定位的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)方法和电刺激技术对爬行类动物蛤蚧发声通路的神经核团进行了定位研究。结果表明:在延脑部位,疑核和迷走神经运动核参与对蛤蚧发声活动的调节,但以疑核对发声活动的调节作用最为重要。疑核对蛤蚧发声器的支配为双侧性的,但以同侧为主。而迷走神经运动核只有单侧的标记。实验结果提示,中脑的中央灰质区(SGC)的背外侧核团可能通过对凝核的调节来影响蛤蚧的发声活动,大脑皮质的背侧皮质区(DX)也可能参与对发声活动的调节,且均为双侧性的调节作用。  相似文献   

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