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Fiegna F  Yu YT  Kadam SV  Velicer GJ 《Nature》2006,441(7091):310-314
Obligate relationships have evolved many times and can be parasitic or mutualistic. Obligate organisms rely on others to survive and thus coevolve with their host or partner. An important but little explored question is whether obligate status is an evolutionarily terminal condition or whether obligate lineages can evolve back to an autonomous lifestyle. The bacterium Myxococcus xanthus survives starvation by the social development of spore-bearing fruiting bodies. Some M. xanthus genotypes defective at fruiting body development in isolation can nonetheless exploit proficient genotypes in chimaeric groups. Here we report an evolutionary transition from obligate dependence on an altruistic host to an autonomous mode of social cooperation. This restoration of social independence was caused by a single mutation of large effect that confers fitness superiority over both ancestral genotypes, including immunity from exploitation by the ancestral cheater. Thus, a temporary state of obligate cheating served as an evolutionary stepping-stone to a novel state of autonomous social dominance.  相似文献   

作业调度问题是一类典型的困难组合优化问题,基于知识的多智能主体系统为解决此类问题提供了一种新的思路,在生产作业管理中引入多智能主体技术,可以很方便地用智能主体及多智能主体系统描述制造系统及其组成要素的行为与运动机制,作业调度通过智能主体之间及多智能主体系统的合作加以实现,达到预定的运行目标和状态,构造了单个智能主体的结构,对作业调度问题中存在的三种主要冲突类型与基于知识的协商消除冲突的方法及其步骤进行了探讨,提出了基于知识的多智能主体合作求解方法。  相似文献   

在企业间的战略合作中,结盟双方的相对地位对最终利润分配有很大影响。笔者借助博弈分析方法研究外部合作机会对企业在即将参加的联盟中的地位的影响,阐明了结盟双方各自所拥有的达成合作的机会对对影响以及对合作利益分配的重要意义,发现面临合作机会较多的企业将在联盟中具有较高地位,也能从合作行为中获取较多的利益。结合笔者以前考察企业对合作的迫切程度等内部因素对企业在联盟中地位影响的研究,就可以比较完善地描述企业进行战略联盟合作时所体现的合作伙伴间的地位差异性。  相似文献   

Velicer GJ  Kroos L  Lenski RE 《Nature》2000,404(6778):598-601
Cheating is a potential problem in any social system that depends on cooperation and in which actions that benefit a group are costly to individuals that perform them. Genetic mutants that fail to perform a group-beneficial function but that reap the benefits of belonging to the group should have a within-group selective advantage, provided that the mutants are not too common. Here we show that social cheating exists even among prokaryotes. The bacterium Myxococcus xanthus exhibits several social behaviours, including aggregation of cells into spore-producing fruiting bodies during starvation. We examined a number of M. xanthus genotypes that were defective for fruiting-body development, including several lines that evolved for 1,000 generations under asocial conditions and others carrying defined mutations in developmental pathways, to determine whether they behaved as cheaters when mixed with their developmentally proficient progenitor. Clones from several evolved lines and two defined mutants exhibited cheating during development, being overrepresented among resulting spores relative to their initial frequency in the mixture. The ease of finding anti-social behaviours suggests that cheaters may be common in natural populations of M. xanthus.  相似文献   

Host sanctions and the legume-rhizobium mutualism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kiers ET  Rousseau RA  West SA  Denison RF 《Nature》2003,425(6953):78-81
Explaining mutualistic cooperation between species remains one of the greatest problems for evolutionary biology. Why do symbionts provide costly services to a host, indirectly benefiting competitors sharing the same individual host? Host monitoring of symbiont performance and the imposition of sanctions on 'cheats' could stabilize mutualism. Here we show that soybeans penalize rhizobia that fail to fix N(2) inside their root nodules. We prevented a normally mutualistic rhizobium strain from cooperating (fixing N(2)) by replacing air with an N(2)-free atmosphere (Ar:O(2)). A series of experiments at three spatial scales (whole plants, half root systems and individual nodules) demonstrated that forcing non-cooperation (analogous to cheating) decreased the reproductive success of rhizobia by about 50%. Non-invasive monitoring implicated decreased O(2) supply as a possible mechanism for sanctions against cheating rhizobia. More generally, such sanctions by one or both partners may be important in stabilizing a wide range of mutualistic symbioses.  相似文献   

运用有限域上的正交投影矩阵, 对已有的门限秘密分享方案进行安全性分析, 在理论上严格证明了该方案的验证式存在安全漏洞: 任何一个参与者恶意提供伪份额而不被发现的欺骗行为能以不可忽略的概率存在.  相似文献   

校企合作是高职办出特色的关键,经济发展方式转型给校企合作带来新的机遇,高职院校应分析其成因,并采取对策,推动校企深度合作。  相似文献   

Rainey PB  Rainey K 《Nature》2003,425(6953):72-74
A fundamental problem in biology is the evolutionary transition from single cells to multicellular life forms. During this transition the unit of selection shifts from individual cells to groups of cooperating cells. Although there is much theory, there are few empirical studies. Here we describe an evolutionary transition that occurs in experimental populations of Pseudomonas fluorescens propagated in a spatially heterogeneous environment. Cooperating groups are formed by over-production of an adhesive polymer, which causes the interests of individuals to align with those of the group. The costs and benefits of cooperation, plus evolutionary susceptibility to defecting genotypes, were analysed to determine conformation to theory. Cooperation was costly to individuals, but beneficial to the group. Defecting genotypes evolved in populations founded by the cooperating type and were fitter in the presence of this type than in its absence. In the short term, defectors sabotaged the viability of the group; but these findings nevertheless show that transitions to higher orders of complexity are readily achievable, provide insights into the selective conditions, and facilitate experimental analysis of the evolution of individuality.  相似文献   

澜沧江-湄公河次区域经济合作是中国全方位对外开放战略的重要组成部分,我国西部的民族地区应充分发挥资源优势和地缘优势,充分利用中国-东盟自由贸易区的建设、泛珠三角经济合作和西部大开发多重发展机遇,积极构建在湄公河次区域合作良性互动的发展格局。  相似文献   

基于随机过程理论建立文件共享P2P网络模型,利用该模型系统地分析节点下载、合作、欺骗以及加入/退出等多种动态行为对文件规模及相关的平均负载率、下载成功率、平均下载次数等性能的影响.得出文件规模对下载率和退出率较敏感,存在平稳极限分布;合作率显著影响平均负载率,而欺骗率严重影响下载成功率及平均下载次数.以上结论可作为相应系统调控机制的优化目标及评价参考.该模型为进一步研究P2P系统性能提供一种简单有效的理论方法.  相似文献   

作弊与反作弊的博弈分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
运用经济博弈论分析考试作弊现象,建立作弊者与监督者的混合战略博弈模型的绩优生与绩差生的不完美信息静态博弈模型,以成本-收益分析,得出一些有益的结论并提出相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

合作是企业寻求资源、整合资源来提升自身价值的一种重要方式,是公司经营与发展中十分重要的一环,它的发生常常会引发投资者对于公司价值评估的变化,带来公司股价的剧烈变化.目前国内外关于合作的研究主要集中于研发合作,已有研究结果表明研发合作对于企业的价值会有明显的积极正向影响.但是,对其他类型的合作目前还缺乏系统的相关研究.从实证的角度出发,对沪深两市A股上市的493家公司自1995年以来的1017项全部类型的合作事项进行了系统的研究.研究结果显示:整体来看,合作事件对企业价值评估有着明显的积极正向反应,资本市场对于合作事件的反应表现为先升后降,而后回归正常水平.同时,从合作伙伴、合作方式、合作进展三个维度出发对合作事件的研究结果表明:对于企业价值的正向影响中,同行业合作比跨行业合作作用要强,两方合作比多方合作效果要好,协议合作比合资合作作用要大,而合作进展对合作伙伴数量和合作方式对企业价值的影响有加强的调节作用.研究结果在理论和实践上都有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

传统的视觉密码方案需要参与者相互验证,因此存在着一系列检测过程,不够简洁、应用不够广泛等问题;基于这一点,提出了一种需要引入第三方的防欺骗视觉密码分享方案;该方案采用异或(XOR)运算,利用可信第三方和受怀疑的分享图像能否恢复出验证图像来实现真实性检验,可直接验证分发者和参与者的欺骗行为,具有方便快捷和不受存取结构限制的特点。  相似文献   

上海合作组织有美好的合作愿景,这是由中俄两国共同推动组织发展的统一意志、中亚国家的合作态度、观察员国和对话伙伴国的积极支持等因素决定的。共同的反对霸权主义和强权政治的任务使它们日益结合成了一个命运共同体。维护全球战略平衡与稳定、推动建立国际政治经济新秩序是上合组织首要的、核心的职能和任务,因而政治合作是上合组织存在的灵魂,经济贸易合作和人文合作则为政治合作奠定坚实根基。  相似文献   

在广播系统中用户间协作能有效改善系统的期望失真性能,但是在传统的协作方式(放大转发,解码转发)中,由于中继转发了对目标节点无用的信息,会造成系统额外的转发功率开销.针对此问题,提出基于连续精细化分层广播编码的接收机协作策略,利用连续精细化分层广播编码的结构特点,中继可以选择目的节点所需要的信息进行转发,在达到与解码转发协作方式相同的系统期望失真性能的同时,降低了中继节点的转发功率.  相似文献   

Most genes affect many traits. This phenomenon, known as pleiotropy, is a major constraint on evolution because adaptive change in one trait may be prevented because it would compromise other traits affected by the same genes. Here we show that pleiotropy can have an unexpected effect and benefit one of the most enigmatic of adaptations--cooperation. A spectacular act of cooperation occurs in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, in which some cells die to form a stalk that holds the other cells aloft as reproductive spores. We have identified a gene, dimA, in D. discoideum that has two contrasting effects. It is required to receive the signalling molecule DIF-1 that causes differentiation into prestalk cells. Ignoring DIF-1 and not becoming prestalk should allow cells to cheat by avoiding the stalk. However, we find that in aggregations containing the wild-type cells, lack of the dimA gene results in exclusion from spores. This pleiotropic linkage of stalk and spore formation limits the potential for cheating in D. discoideum because defecting on prestalk cell production results in an even greater reduction in spores. We propose that the evolution of pleiotropic links between cheating and personal costs can stabilize cooperative adaptations.  相似文献   

基于信用的重复博弈模型在节点转发中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
机会网络信息转发决策中,由于节点的自私性可能出现通过欺诈表现而故意导致转发决策失败的问题,并由此带来损益表的明显变化。针对这一现象,提出了基于信用合作和重复博弈的欺诈行为解决方案。在引入信用合作机制的基础上,将单次阶段博弈行为转变为其生命周期和全局网络内的重复博弈过程。通过惩罚机制和信用机制,将欺诈节点单次欺诈行为收益与惩罚周期的巨大损失相比较,迫使博弈节点在博弈过程中仔细权衡其欺诈行为可能带来的损益比,从而减少欺诈行为的可能,提高机会网络中信息转发过程的成功率。仿真实验结果表明,该方法可显著提高节点博弈过程中的诚信度和合作率。  相似文献   

YCH方案是一个基于二元单向函数和Shamir(t,n)门限方案的有效多密钥共享方案.以YCH方案为基础,基于可验证的秘密共享技术,采用新的子影子密钥构造方式,提出一种新的可验证多密钥共享方案,此方案能检测到密钥服务器或者合作成员可能存在的欺诈行为,而且与已有的方案相比,在多数情况下该方案效率更优.  相似文献   

中小企业创业要想获得成功,合作是必然的途径。根据中小企业的特点,创业中常出现并直接关系到中小企业创业成败的合作问题大致分为两类:内部合作问题和外部合作问题。内部合作问题有创业初期与合伙人的合作,创业中与员工的合作。外部合作问题有创业中与职业顾问的合作,与政府的合作。本文对这些问题进行了详细分析,并提出了相应的防范措施和解决方法,希望能为中小企业的创业提供有用信息,使中小企业在创业的路上走得更平稳。  相似文献   

合作关系与经济收益对谈判过程而言是同等重要的,但对于合作关系的研究却不多。文章在社会动力学研究结论的基础上,对谈判活动中合作关系的产生、表现及其重要性质进行了分析。研究结论表明,合作关系是在时间上可累加的,在人际间是不可比的,同时又可划分为认同、信任、承诺和依赖四个层次。  相似文献   

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