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清教徒因宗教迫害而迁移到北美大陆,同时也将他们的信仰一并带去。清教伦理的宗旨是通过荣耀上帝而得到自我救赎,因此它不单纯是一种信仰,更是一种生活方式。清教伦理强调个人主义,主张高效工作,毫不掩饰对利润的追求,无形中成为美国商业发展的精神源动力,完成了对美国商业的启蒙,为美国商业的形成和进步打下了坚实的精神基础。文章力图改变原来“经济基础决定上层建筑”的论证方式,从相反角度去诠释清教伦理对商业精神形成产生的重要作用.  相似文献   

Puritanism was entirely English in its origins,yet the movement achieved its greatest influence in America.As a cultural heritage,American Puritanism had become one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and American culture.  相似文献   

华夏植物区系的地理联系及其作用与地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在简述华夏植物区系特征之后, 根据最新资料补充论述了华夏植物区系与澳洲、非洲、南美大陆和北美大陆区系之间联系的一些例证,并结合有花植物起源及植物区系区划研究的最新动态对华夏植物区系在世界区系中的作用与地位作了进一步探讨与明确.  相似文献   

诺曼·梅勒的《裸者与死者》自由主义思想浓郁,其产生的根源是多方面的。其中清教徒的个人主义思想是美国自由主义思想的历史渊源,萨特的存在主义则为美国的自由主义思想提供了理论基础,作者本人的犹太出身和个性特征也都成了《裸者与死者》自由主义思想的重要源泉。  相似文献   

尤金·奥尼尔在他的许多剧作中强烈地抨击了清教主义,揭露了清教主义对人性的腐蚀与毁灭,以及对人的本能欲望的压抑。清教思想也在影响着他的悲剧艺术创作,清教主义不仅仅是他剧作中的抨击对象,又有机地融入他的剧作成为其悲剧艺术中的一个独特的要素。  相似文献   

目前,国际学术界普遍认同的萨满教研究的起点为欧洲民族学者于17世纪下半叶对西伯利亚地区萨满教所进行的调查和研究。随着萨满教研究向纵深展开,来自世界各地的民族志材料证明萨满教是一种普遍存在的宗教现象,并不局限于西伯利亚。居于北美的土著民族亦有着古老的萨满教传统,且积淀丰厚,与西伯利亚地区典型的萨满教既有相似之处也存在显著差别,丰富了萨满教的研究对象且扩大了其研究范围。就学界对北美萨满教的研究情况来看,国内国外差距明显,少有中国学者涉足这一领域,而来自美国、加拿大、法国和瑞典等国学者都进行过相关研究并取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

托马斯.杰斐逊是美国资产阶级民主思想的集大成者、资产阶级民主革命家、美国民主的象征。但是他作为资产阶级民主革命家的背后还是一位扩张主义者,在他对民主自由追求的言论和行为中,要么直接表露出扩张主义思想,要么间接包含有"扩张"的逻辑和结果。其中直接表露的是其大陆领土扩张主义,间接包含有"扩张"逻辑和结果这是其农业理想国的构想以及导致制定和实施对印第安人的开化政策的种族宗教观。  相似文献   

女性人物的塑造是福克纳小说的一个主要特点,而"影子性"则是其作品中女性形象不可分割的性质,并且深深根植于当时美国南方现实社会之中。现实社会把这些女性变成了生活中的"影子",所以从某种程度上说,她们在福克纳小说中的影子性恰恰反映了她们在现实生活中的影子性。分析小说《喧哗与骚动》中两位女性人物的"影子性",探讨美国清教主义和传统妇道观对女性身心的毒害和摧残,可以使读者更加客观地看待这些女性形象,更加全面地解读福克纳的作品,更加深刻地体会他的人道主义立场。  相似文献   

Cratonic destruction or lithospheric thinning beneath North China makes it as one of the most ideal areas for the studying on the formation and evolution of continent. However, the mechanism, time, range and dynamic setting of the destruction, even the lithospheric status before the destruction, are contentious. The comparison among mantle xenoliths in the volcanic rocks from different captured times (e.g. Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic) and locations (e.g. intra-plate or its rim, the translithospheric Tanlu fault or the North-South Gravity Line), and peridotitic massifs within the Sulu-Dabie ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism belt along the southern margin of the North China Craton, indicates that (1) the cratonic lithosphere is heterogeneous in structure and composition, and contains mantle weak zones; and (2) the Mesozoic-Cenozoic lithospheric thinning process is complex, including lateral spreading of lithosphere, interaction between melt and peridotite, non-even asthenospheric erosion (huge lithospheric thinning), and the limited lithospheric accretion and thus thickening, which resulted in the final replacement of the refractory cratonic lithosphere by juvenile fertile mantle. In early Mesozoic, the integrity of the North China Craton was interrupted, even destroyed by subduction and collision of the Yangtze block. The mantle wedge of the North China Craton was also metasomatized and modified by melt/fluids revealed from the subducted Yangtze continent. Lithospheric mantle extension and tectonic intrusion of the North China Craton also occurred, accompanied by the asthenospheric upwelling that due to the detachement of the subducted Yangtze continent (orogenic root). During early Cretaceous-early Tertiary, the huge thinning of lithosphere was triggered by the upwelling asthenosphere due to the subduction of the Pacific plate. Since late Tertiary, the cooling of the upwelling asthenosphere resulted in the replacement of the mantle in existence by the newly accreted lithosphere, accompanied with a little thickness in lithosphere and thus finally achieved the lithospheric thinning as a whole. The translithospheric faults, such as the Tanlu fault, play excellent channels for asthenospheric upwelling. Meanwhile, the channels in lithosphere are usually irregular, which resulted in different eruption times of magma. Peridotite xenolith in the basalts erupted at 100 Ma is mainly fertile, indicating such a fact, that is, the mantle replacement occurred before the eruption (e.g. 125--100 Ma) beneath the eastern part of the North China Craton.  相似文献   

The influences of tropospheric blocking high on the stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) and the SSW-induced feedback on the lower atmosphere are analyzed with NCEP (National Center for Environmental Prediction) 2 reanalysis data. Daily mean data from 1979 to 2010 are used to perform statistical and dynamical analyses. According to different distribution features of polar vortex, which can be ascribed to different activities of blocking highs, we have obtained two warming patterns in vortex splitting and displacement patterns. For vortex splitting events, in the Eurasian-North American (ENA) paratype, with disturbances of Atlantic and Aleutian blocking highs, polar vortex is split into two parts that locate at Eurasian and North American continents respectively, while in the Atlantic-East Asian (AEA) paratype, two low-pressure centers derived from the split vortex are situated in the Atlantic and East Asian regions, and two blocking systems occurring in the Urals and North American areas precede these splitting processes. For vortex displacement events, in the Aleutian-Intrusion (AI) paratype, the polar vortex is displaced to the west European and Atlantic areas by the intrusive Aleutian high and this pattern always corresponds to the blocking events occurring in the Pacific basin only. Similarly, the vortex is pushed to the west Eurasian continent by the intrusive North American high-pressure system in the North American-Intrusion (NAI) paratype, which is closely related to the blocking over these areas. The second subject of the research is that whether the anomalous stratospheric signals can be propagated to the lower atmosphere, which is depended on the intensity, duration and position of the disturbed vortex. According to our case studies, geopotential height anomalies can be propagated to the troposphere in strong SSW years, taking about 10-15 d for the decrease from 10 to 500 hPa, leading to apparent variations in the geopotential height and temperature fields.  相似文献   

美国黑人是到北美大陆最早的群体之一,他们为美利坚合众国的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献.但是,两百多年的奴隶生活与一百多年的种族隔离,使他们在这片自己创造过无数财富的土地上备受凌辱.美国黑人长期以来为争取自由与平等不懈斗争,如今在政治、经济、教育等方面的状况都有了极大改善.但种族歧视并未完全消除,美国黑人要全面提高自身的社会地位,仍需继续奋斗.  相似文献   

沈从文与梭罗这两位同样具有浪漫主义气质的东西方作家在其文本世界里分享着对自然与生命的热爱。然而,二者对自然与生命的价值取向,对欲望的不同理解又凸显出民族文化的异质特征。沈从文尚美、敬神、重人欲;梭罗崇真、倡简、轻人欲。前者受纵情恣肆、厚巫、好祀充满浪漫主义情趣的楚文化的浸润,后者受简朴、内省、克制颇有实用主义意味的清教思想的熏染。因此,二者的文学文本体现出看似相同其实迥异的价值内容。  相似文献   

宗教思想和宗教力量渗透于美国社会的各个层面,在社会整合运行中充当着重要的角色,并发挥着重要的功能。研究美国宗教,可以得出以下结论:一是以《圣经》为基础构建美国自由主义核心价值观;二是宗教具有更大的包容性,多元的宗教能够为美国大众提供共同的理想。三是宗教能够维护伦理、抵制邪恶,发挥着道德规范的软力量;四是宗教作为社会的净化剂,解决美国社会的各种问题,从整体上缓和社会矛盾、维护社会稳定。  相似文献   

本文用历史文化与语言相结合的方法探讨美国英语的形成与发展.美国英语是美国多民族语言的融合体,先后从印第安语、欧洲大陆诸语言中吸收了许多有用的成分,形成一种独特的语言.融合与创新是美国英语的基本特征,这一特征贯穿整个美国历史.  相似文献   

Heat flow distribution in Chinese continent and its adjacent areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a compilation of 6980 heat flow measurements, we produce a new heat flow map for the Chinese continent and its adjacent areas. We develop an objective and integrated method to interpolate the heat flow data, taking into account both the uniformity within geological units and coherency of regional heat flow. The geologic units are outlined based on Zhang et al.'s active tectonic block model. Our heat flow model is presented in two formats: a contour map and a heat flow dataset with values on a 1 × 1° grid for the Chinese continent and its adjacent areas, reflecting detailed variations in some regions. Also provided is a resolution map which helps understand the reliability of the heat flow model. Our results reveal that (1) Heat flows in the eastern part of the Chinese continent are relatively higher than those in the western part except that in the Tibetan Plateau area. (2) Heat flows in the Ordos and North China blocks are around 60 mW/m^2, and are 50-55 mW/m^2 in South China except for the continental marginal sea regions. (3) Heat flow is the lowest in the Junggar Basin, only 35-45 mW/m^2, and is 45-55 mW/m^2 in the Tarim Basin. The results of this study provide an important dataset for studies on thermal and rheological structures of the Chinese continent and its adjacent areas.  相似文献   

缔约过失责任的产生是对大陆法系传统契约理论的重大突破。它不仅对大陆法系各国立法和判例产生了深远的影响,而且为英美法系国家所吸收。给传统的契约法理论带来了巨大的影响。本文探讨缔约过失责任理论历史演进的过程及其启示,阐述缔约过失责任制度与英美法系中信赖利益理论、允诺禁反言原则之间的关系。  相似文献   

利用美国国家环境预报中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction,NCEP)/美国国家大气研究中心(National Center for Atmospheric Research,NCAR)再分析资料,采用判定和追踪反气旋的客观方法统计分析了1948~2016年北半球冬季温带反气旋活动特征。研究发现,北半球温带反气旋主要活动在中东部的北太平洋、东北大西洋、北美的沿落基山脉东部和美国东部、欧亚的环地中海、伊朗高原、青藏高原以北且贝加尔湖以南地区。海洋上、北美洲和环地中海地区上的反气旋夏季频数最高,而伊朗高原、青藏高原以北且贝湖以南的反气旋均冬季最多。海洋上的反气旋生成区域分布较分散,且主要向偏东方向移动、发展,且具有季节变化。相比于海洋,大陆上反气旋生成的纬度较低,主要向东南方移动、发展。北美大陆上的反气旋夏季生成的较多,冬季移动范围较广。北半球反气旋年平均过程数呈缓慢上升趋势。夏季过程数最多,且从1970年开始呈上升趋势。欧亚地区的反气旋过程数最多,其次太平洋,大西洋最少,但是同一个区域的四季相差较小。反气旋的中心气压大值区的形态和高频区的分布形态相似,且中心气压有明显的季节变化。四季中冬季反气旋最强。秋冬季节是欧亚地区的反气旋最强,大西洋的最弱。春夏季大西洋的反气旋最强,欧亚地区的最弱。四季均是欧亚地区的反气旋的平均纬度较低,且冬季最低。北美地区的反气旋除秋季均是移动纬度范围最大的。反气旋数随生命史的变长而急剧下降,90%左右的反气旋的生命史在4 d内,四季均是大洋上的反气旋生命史较大陆上的长。  相似文献   

史前大传统的考古新发现对于重新解释文字记述小传统具有重要的知识创新意义。文学人类学者思索华夏第一王朝即夏文化的源流,将目光转向2012年十大考古发现之一的陕西神木石峁遗址的建城用玉器现象,参照北方萨满教的活态文化实践,解读为辟邪驱魔的精神防卫功能,归结到玉石承载神力的信仰观念。对文献中有关夏桀修建玉门瑶台之类神话建筑物的说法提出大传统背景的新解读:史前建筑用玉的真实情况如何被后人夸张为夏代玉质建筑。  相似文献   

为了更全面地分析区域陆地水储量长期变化趋势,利用2002年4月—2017年6月近16年的重力恢复与气候实验(gravity recovey and climate explorer, GRACE)时变重力场数据反演中国大陆地区陆地水储量变化,并与全球陆地资料同化系统(global land data assimilation system, GLDAS)水文模型结果进行比较分析。同时,通过扣除季节性信号研究近16年来中国大陆地区陆地水储量的异常变化。研究结果表明:在2002—2017年间,中国大陆地区北方以减少为主,而南方以增加为主,其中青藏高原南部、新疆北部和华北地区减少趋势最为显著,并呈现出加速趋势。GRACE时变重力场和GLDAS模型得到的关于加速度项时空分布基本相符,加速度项与长期趋势项的结合更好地反演区域陆地水储量变化。  相似文献   

惠能禅不仅在广东地区得到了迅速发展,而且传播及影响到了周边的国家和地区──越南、韩国和日本等。惠能禅为这些地区的人民所接受,并与当地的文化相融相会而形成了具有民族特色的禅宗新派别。19世纪,随着东西方文化的广泛交流,惠能禅还传到了北美和欧洲大陆,对西方文化产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

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