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Tong  GuoBang  Chen  Liang  Long  JiangPing  Li  TuanJie  Xiao  XiaYun  Tong  SongMei 《科学通报(英文版)》2012,57(8):902-911
The Beibu Gulf is a semi-enclosed gulf in the northwest of the South China Sea.We palynologically analyzed 306 surface sediment samples from the eastern Beibu Gulf to improve bioclimatic interpretation of fossil pollen records there.Surface pollen assemblages could be classified into five pollen regions based on the distributions of total,arboreal,herbaceous and fern pollen concentrations.Four high-concentration and three low-concentration subregions could be distinguished within these regions.The distribution patterns of surface pollen assemblages were consistent with those of grain sizes of surface sediments.Sediments from regions with high pollen concentrations were very fine and fine silts (>7.0,<0.008 mm),whereas those with low pollen concentrations were fine sand (<3.5,>0.088 mm).Sedimentary heterogeneity of surface pollen assemblages was closely related to pollen source,transportation and sedimentation controlled by ocean currents,tides and waves,and oceanic bottom topography.Fern spores exhibited higher percentages along the east margins of the region,while arboreal types like Pinus increased in concentration towards the center.Herbaceous pollen appeared in high percentages around seacoasts near their source areas.Dacrydium and mangrove pollen were distributed near their source regions at low percentages.We discuss the sediment dynamic environments in the eastern Beibu Gulf based on surface pollen distributions.The estuary region is an important access to the sea basin and a depositional site for terrestrial pollen grains.Coastal regions can accumulate pollen due to the back-and-forth movements of tides there.Although ocean currents on a gulf scale tend to spread pollen grains,the interaction of multiple currents could lead to pollen accumulation and deposition.Low surface pollen concentrations in the northeast shallow-water regions of the eastern Beibu Gulf could be attributed to repeated washing and sediment floatation caused by severe wave activities during the summer.Strong tides in Qiongzhou Strait frequently wash the seabed and disadvantage pollen deposition,leading to low surface pollen concentrations there.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework of tracer methods for marine sediment dynamics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
. 《科学通报(英文版)》2000,45(15):1434-1440
A new theoretical framework of tracer methods is proposed in the present contribution, on the basis of mass conservation. This modet is applicable for both artificial and natural tracers. It can be used to calculate the spatial distribution patterns of sediment transport rate, thus providing independent information and verification for the results derived from empirical formulae. For the procedures of the calculation, first, the tracer concentration and topographic maps of two times are obtained. Then, the spatial and temporal changes in the concentration and seabed etevation are calculated, and the boundary conditions required are determined by fietd observations (such as flow and bedform migration measurements). Finally, based upon eqs. (1) and (13), the transport rate is calculated and expressed as a function of the position over the study area. Further, appropriate modifications to the modet may allow the tracer to have different densities and grain size distributions from the bulk sediment.  相似文献   

The results of ecological investigation of Microcystis blooms and their toxicity in a eutrophic park pond ( where the annual average of total nitrogen and total phosphorus was 6.1 mg'L-1 and 1. 79 mg'L-1. respectively) are presented. The blooms were mainly contributed by M. aeruginosa occurring in the period from May to October when water temperature ranged from 16 to 33 °C . Three remarkable growth peaks of Microcystis during the period were observed with chlorophyll a level of 0. 73 mg*L-1. 44 mg*L-1. and 1. 30 mg'L-1. respectively. The blooms were independent of phosphorus, but highly dependent on ammonium. A level of ammonium of 9. 5 mg'L-1 could trigger the outbreak of the bloom, while that below 0. 89 mg'L-1 could inhibit its formation. In other words, ammonium in higher concentrations could promote blooming, while that in lower concentrations could be inhibitory. Microcystis toxicity tended to increase with the blooming process, but the toxic peaks lagged behind their corresponding growth peaks.  相似文献   

探讨广州市从化区流溪河水库建库以来50多年沉积环境和沉积物来源的空间差异及其演变过程。以流溪河水库不同区域的4个沉积柱为研究对象,利用端元模型分析粒度组分,结果显示:(1)河流搬运是流溪河水库的主要沉积物来源,从入库河流至水库大坝,沉积物颗粒由粗变细,说明水动力逐渐减弱。(2)入库口主要受河流搬运营力的影响;库湾区远离入库口,水动力较弱,以悬浮沉积为主;过渡区受水动力和建库初期原地沉积再搬运、再沉积的共同作用,经历了受多个物源的共同影响到单一河流占主导的演变过程。(3)建库以来,流溪河水库沉积速率呈现"高-低-高-低"的演变进程,与流域内降水量和土地利用的变化相关。水库沉积物组成存在明显的空间分区,且随水库环境演变而发生变化。  相似文献   

坑塘湿地对生源要素氮的净化效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究坑塘湿地对氮的净化效果,依据降雨状况,对太湖入湖小流域河网区一小型坑塘进行了3次降雨径流后生源要素氮的净化效果试验研究.结果表明,3个试验期内塘中TN的净化效率分别为54.0%,51.4%和23.8%,NH4 -N的净化效率分别为85.8%,67.0%和52.6%,说明坑塘湿地系统能显著降低流域进入临近地表水体中的氮源负荷.该塘在3次降雨过程中对径流进入的总氮截留量分别达到788.9 g,2 432.7 g,416.2 g,表明试验塘对湖泊水体的富营养化缓解发挥了明显的作用.  相似文献   

本文报道了沈阳地区池塘浮游绿藻共二纲五目十三科二十七属四十一种。  相似文献   

非点源污染的本质是农村生态系统严重失调,为控制和削减进入受纳水体径流的污染负荷,各种治理技术措施得到相应发展,滞留塘便是其中之一,通过对都拉乡河道滞留塘技术的研究与分析,发现处理前总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH3-N)、总磷(TP)和悬浮颗粒物平均浓度分别为8.75mg.L-1,2.97mg.L-1,0.54mg.L-1,24.0mg.L-1;处理后总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH3-N)、总磷(TP)和悬浮颗粒物平均浓度分别为6.04mg.L-1,1.66mg.L-1,0.18mg.L-1,12.0mg.L-1。各项污染物平均去除率分别为31.0%,44.1%,66.7%,51.9%,滞留塘系统对氮、磷及悬浮颗粒物的截留效果较好。  相似文献   

Based on the detailed analyses,multi-proxies such as AMS 14 C dating,grain size,component and morphology of heavy minerals,micromorphology of zircon,magnetic susceptibility,Rb/Sr and Hg content are used to research the paleoflood sediments archived in the Yuxi Site.The research indicates that, since 7.6 kaBP,at least 16 times of paleoflood with water level above Wusong Elevation 147.024 m(a.s.l.) left deposits in the Neolithic layers of unit T0403 from the Yuxi Site.The results are induced from the following aspects:(1)The plaeoflood sediments take on great similarities with modern flood sediments in the Yuxi Site and Zhongba Site in probability cumulative curves which mainly show a pattern of 3 segments in fluvial pattern.(2)There is some resemblance between the heavy mineral components and the zircon shape characteristics of paleoflood deposits and those of modern flood deposits.(3) Magnetic susceptibility values(40.44―70.10SI)are lower than those of sediments from cultural layers (59.59―188.68SI).(4)Hg values(290.71―742.51 ng/g)are lower than those of sediments from cultural layers(344.16―10518.17 ng/g).(5)Rb/Sr values are higher than those of sediments from cultural layers, while those of the 4th,5th,6th,7th,8th cultural layers are high,which shows that they are inundated by paleoflood.The reason for many flood deposits existing is related to the site situated on the first terrace where the Yuxi River joins with the Yangtze River.As there are some similarities between the plaeoflood sediments and those of the Zhongba Site,it is feasible to confirm the existence of paleoflood sediments based on the above points.  相似文献   

Based on the principle that the present is the key to the past, detailed analyses, such as AMS ^14C dating, grain size, component and morphology of heavy minerals, micro-morphology of zircon, Rb/Sr, magnetic susceptibility and total organic carbon (TOC), were conducted to identify paleoflood sediments archived in Zhongba Site. The results indicate that the plaeoflood sediments bear great similarities with modern flood sediments in the following aspects: (1) probability cumulative curves mainly show a pattern of 3-4 segments; (2) grain-size distribution of suspended matter ranges between 3 and 10(I); (3) the sediments are well-sorted, most of which are suspended matter (〉50%); (4) the same species, quantity and morphology of heavy minerals; (5) scanning electronic microscope images show that shapes of zircon are mainly oval and nearly spheral, rounded due to long-distance transport; (6) higher Rb/Sr values (0.55-0.66)than those of sediments from cultural layers (0.03-0.26); (7) magnetic susceptibility values (133.73-433.05 10^-6m^3/kg) are lower than those of sediments from cultural layers (959.25-2442.44 10^-6 m^3/kg); (8) TOC (0.14%- 0.33%) are lower than those of sediments from cultural layers (1.13%-2.95%). Our results demonstrate that, except for the 1981 flood, there are at least six paleoflood events that occurred during the Qing Dynasty, the middle of Song Dynasty, the early Warring States (400BC-350BC), the West Zhou Dynasty (920BC-900BC), the Xia Dynasty (2070BC-1600BC), and the late Neolithic Age (3000BC-2300BC), respectively.  相似文献   

Downing AL  Leibold MA 《Nature》2002,416(6883):837-841
Resolving current concerns about the role of biodiversity on ecosystems calls for understanding the separate roles of changes in species numbers and of composition. Recent work shows that primary productivity often, but not always, saturates with species richness within single trophic levels. However, any interpretation of such patterns must consider that variation in biodiversity is necessarily associated with changes in species composition (identity), and that changes in biodiversity often occur across multiple trophic levels. Here we present results from a mesocosm experiment in which we independently manipulated species richness and species composition across multiple trophic levels in pond food webs. In contrast to previous studies that focused on single trophic levels, we found that productivity is either idiosyncratic or increases with respect to species richness, and that richness influences trophic structure. However, the composition of species within richness levels can have equally or more marked effects on ecosystems than average effects of richness per se. Indirect evidence suggests that richness and associated changes in species composition affect ecosystem attributes through indirect effects and trophic interactions among species, features that are highly characteristic of natural, complex ecosystems.  相似文献   

以六氯苯为例,用超声波辐射及与其它高级氧化技术(AOPs)相结合来降解持久性有机污染物(POPs).结果表明,当超声波辐射与紫外线辐射结合时,六氯苯的降解率与单一超声波辐射降解率几乎相同,分别为39.7%和40.0%;而当超声波辐射与光催化相结合时,由于所添加的TiO2颗粒促进了空穴的形成,降解率可提高到49.4%;当表面活性剂的质量分数提高到0.1%时,降解率可提高到49.2%;当用双频超声波辐射时,六氯苯的降解率高于任一单频超声波辐射.经过1h超声波辐射,20/176kHz双频、20kHz单频和176单频条件下,六氯苯降解率分别为57.5%,3.67%和41.0%.  相似文献   

污染河道沉积物的植物修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对城市排污河道沉积物中的重金属污染问题,采用温室盆栽玉米对其进行了修复。结果表明,玉米累积重金属的数量相差较大,地下部分累积Zn1876.62(mg·kg-1),比地上部分少108.98(mg·kg-1),Cd地下部分累积量为2.78(mg·kg-1),占沉积物中总Cd的63.3%,Cd和Pb的累积量均为地下部分大于地上部分;玉米累积的重金属数量与离子交换态重金属量相关。玉米根际作用促进了有机物形态的转变,有效增加了对有机污染物的吸收。种植玉米对污染河道污染沉积物有较好的修复效果。  相似文献   

采用 8 0 :2 0池塘养殖鲫鱼模式 ,利用三个鱼塘 ,由鱼苗养到鱼种喂养 1 0 6天 ,主养鱼已从当初的 0 .9g长到平均尾重 64g ,饵料系数为 1 .5 ,成活率是 95 %,平均每公顷产量 1 1 490kg。其中 ,鲫鱼 90 30kg ;白鲢 2 4 60kg。平均每公顷纯收入 1 0 635元。  相似文献   

准确提取尾矿库坝体、干滩、废水内部要素对尾矿库的安全隐患监测具有重要意义。本研究利用国产高分六号数据构建针对尾矿库内部要素分割的Rel-Copypaste数据增强方法,实现数据集扩充;基于深度学习语义分割SE-ResUNet网络实现京津冀地区尾矿库内部要素轮廓提取。该模型平均提取精度高达85.06%,分别高出无数据增强方法、Copypaste数据增强方法2.53%,1.77%,实现京津冀地区尾矿库的面积统计、尾矿库的分类以及头顶库的筛查等。  相似文献   

目的分析研究陕北多沙区乡村聚落水蚀泥沙分布规律,探讨乡村聚落的土壤侵蚀问题,为加强该区的水土流失治理提供理论依据。方法建立乡村聚落径流、泥沙观测小区,根据观测的降雨径流泥沙数据资料,在粒度分析实验室用英国生产的Mastersizer-S型粒度仪测定样品粒度,对侵蚀泥沙样品进行粒度分析。结果陕北乡村聚落侵蚀泥沙的粒径分布呈"M"型,有2个明显的波峰,分别是10~50μm的粗粉沙和1~5μm的粘粒,其中粗粉沙的含量最多,达到了40%左右,粘粒的含量次之,达到了20%左右,二者的含量总共达到了60%以上;但是,通过对庭院、户间道路和户间空地的侵蚀泥沙在相同降雨条件下进行分析发现,侵蚀泥沙粒度在共性之中却有一定的差异性:在相同的降雨强度下,侵蚀泥沙粒径中<5μm细颗粒的含量以户间道路最少,庭院和户间空地次之,而>50μm颗粒的含量却以户间道路为最多,庭院和户间空地次之。结论陕北多沙区侵蚀泥沙中主要是粗粉沙和粘粒物质;户间道路径流挟沙能力最大,侵蚀强度也最大,可携带走较多的粗颗粒泥沙,和较少的细颗粒泥沙;而庭院和户间空地径流挟沙能力最小,携带走的是大量的细颗粒泥沙,粗颗粒泥沙较少。这说明在加强治理黄土高原乡村聚落中土壤侵蚀的同时,聚落中户间道路的土壤侵蚀问题应不可忽视。  相似文献   

针对我国西部山区多沙河流存在急流、含沙量大的特点,建立了山区水库干支流一维非均匀非饱和输沙数学模型,模型采用一阶迎风格式对运动方程对流项进行离散,能够模拟山区河道急流.模型验证表明,计算水库淤积具有较好的精度.对戛洒江一级水电站运行后库区干支流泥沙淤积预测表明:水库呈现三角洲淤积态势,干流库区运行100a总淤积量为13.75亿t,未达到冲淤平衡,支流库区运行80a总淤积量为8.8亿t,达到冲淤平衡;水库运行100a后总库容损失率为57.53%.  相似文献   

Chernobyl radionuclides in a Black Sea sediment trap   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Chernobyl nuclear power station accident released large quantities of vaporized radionuclides, and, to a lesser extent, mechanically released small (less than 1-10 micron) aerosol particles. The total release of radioactivity is estimated to be out of the order of 1-2 x 10(18) Bq (3-5 x 10(7) Ci) not allowing for releases of the xenon and krypton gases. The 137Cs releases of 3.8 x 10(16) Bq from Chernobyl can be compared to 1.3 x 10(18) Bq 137Cs released due to atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. Chernobyl-derived radionuclides can be used as transient tracers to study physical and biogeochemical processes. Initial measurements of fallout Chernobyl radionuclides from a time-series sediment trap at 1,071 m during June-September 1986 in the southern Black Sea are presented. The specific activities of 137Cs, 144Ce and 106Ru in the trap samples (0.5-2, 4-12 and 6-13 Bq g-1) are independent of the particle flux while their relative activities reflect their rates of scavenging in the order Ce greater than Ru greater than Cs.  相似文献   

保兴垾(芜湖)底泥重金属污染现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地治理芜湖保兴垾,并为治理城市水体提供参考,首次对芜湖保兴垾开展表层底泥重金属的分析监测,运用AAS法,探明该河流表层底泥中的5种重金属的(Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd和Cr)含量水平和污染现状,并用潜在生态危害指数法对其进行评价.结果表明:保兴垾属于很强的潜在生态危害型河流.  相似文献   

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