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1、B2、C3、A4、A5、C6、C7、A8、A9、B10、A11、A12、C13、B14、C15、B16、B17、A18、A19、A20、A21、B22、A23、B24、A25、C26、A27、A28、A29、C30、A31、C32、A33、A34、C35、A36、B37、C38、A39、C40、A41、C42、B43、C44、C45、B46、C47、A48、B49、C50、B世界知识有奖竞赛题答案  相似文献   

高血压药物治疗上的研究,在我国和苏联近几年来取得了很大的成绩。通过动物实验,以检查有降压作用的中药已不下数十种,如:川芎、党参、檞寄生、玄参、苍术、泽泻、黄耆、山药萸、枸杞、滇三七、牛膝、地龙、当归、槐花、黄连、人参、红花、藜芦、姜黄、生地、丹参、柴胡、华山参、蓁茹、大蓟、小蓟、茵陈、桑寄生、内蓰蓉、豨莶、鱼精、木子、爵床、夏枯草、玉米丝、蚕豆花、木、杜仲、黄苓、青木香、北五味子、决明子、益母草、海州常山、千里光、大蒜、广玉兰、臭梧桐、芎、元参、萝芙藤、大翅猪毛菜等。其中以藜芦、黄岭、海州、常山、广玉兰、青木香、檞寄生、黄耆、滇三七、地龙、小蓟等降压作用较为显著。通过动物实验了解其药理作用,然后应用到临床上已得到一定  相似文献   

九月十日下午,我校召开了庆祝教师节及表彰1990——1991学年度“三育人”先进工作者大会。三十六位同志受到表彰,他们是:蒋国华、马建兴、吴坤华、李汉明、张昌振、李启钰、蒋丽琴、朱闽、刘锦扬、石展雄、王秀珍、王才英、柯亚珍、李思列、陈景权、卢鄞珍、张佑周、陈弦章、丘仕华、林景鸿、钟焜茂、陈丽英、谢晖、汤道富、邱梓振、陈福元、陈夏冰、陈雪梅、丁荫祥、林如海、赖耀光、林文兰、张南申、洪苏闽、张振富、张茂宇。  相似文献   

尊敬的李靖、陈华森、罗爱武、杨贵生、李萍、郭秋梅、贾付强、易闻晓、吴国升、宋宣、苏醒、胡娅丽、岳蓉、杜建军、黎珍、蒲文彬、严奇岩、罗竖元、李宇晴、查春学、阳黔花、谢廷秋、冷江山、罗长青、刘瑾、罗筱霖、陈英葵、刘刚先生(女士):  相似文献   

《欧洲石油厂商名录》(1989年英文版) 本名录收录了奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、加那利群岛、赛普勒斯、捷克、丹麦、西德、芬兰、东德、法国、希腊、匈牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、列克敦士登、卢森堡、马尔他、摩纳哥、荷兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马利亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、苏联、英国及南斯拉夫等欧洲国家的5400家石油(天然气)生产、加工、贸易商。内容包括公司  相似文献   

作者期次页码、J,‘、声﹄、,了、刃产、J沙、.了‘、/‘、了、尹︸、,产1 6 13 17 1 5 10 16 231尹‘、‘‘、户‘、了‘、/‘、尸‘、了.、了‘、/.、、/几、1土1上1土,人2今自2 ZQ自no、,产、,︸、、产、,声、,产、,产、少、、产、、声‘、声、、产、、产、了‘、声﹄、,产、.产、、产7 14 18 20 29 35 19 24 25 31 36 42 52 2634/.、了‘、了‘、Jrt、了.、/.、了‘、/t、/几、产‘、产.、矛‘、声‘、了、了‘、/.、夕‘、,.9自2八OA︸,土jl︷,土Q山0自nj CO参变概率空间与参变随机过程·····················…  相似文献   

尊敬的曾裕华、杨芳、杨柳、税昌锡、张勇、唐善林、龙正荣、邓志新、李朝军、廖光珍、何嵩昱、彭国胜、罗翔、杨明、欧阳恩良、唐昆雄、刘小平、郑志进、袁宜、潘运、李华先生(女士):  相似文献   

据有关方面的调查分析.当前适合我国农村发展的食品加工业有九大类:粮食类大米、小米、米制品、面粉、精粉、挂面、面条、方便面、面包、馒头。杂粮制品等。植物油类棉籽油、菜籽油、花生油、豆油、香油、葵花籽油、糠铁皮油、玉米任油、茶油等。肉禽类猪、牛、羊、兔、家禽和野禽屠宰加工、熟肉、火腿、腊肉、肉脯等。糖果糕点各种低甜度的酥糖、软糖、始糖、夹。C硬糖、巧克力糖等;传统糕或、儿童食品、保健食品、出口食品等。水果蔬莱类苹果、梨、杏、柑桔、红枣等各种干、鲜果品,果脯、蜜饯、干菜。酱菜、榨菜、野菜、食用菌等。罐…  相似文献   

春剑/御前梅、双喜梅、冠蝶、玉海棠、桃园三结义、五彩麒麟、五彩梅、艺馨彩蝶、老荷瓣、新品梅瓣 口春兰/蕊王、红梅、红孩儿、小冠神、青城喜蝶、红蝴蝶、醉妃、小皇梅、荷蕊、中华麒麟、冠神、白蝴蝶、小桃园、枫丹白露、中华巨龙、天彭牡丹、新品奇花、新品三星、新品副瓣蝶  相似文献   

广义的古玩,概指所有古代的宝贵珍奇之物.常见的古玩,则按其特性可分为书画、瓷器、古钱、宜炉、铜器、古铜镜、玉器、砚、古墨、古书、碑帖、各代名纸、古代砖瓦、偶像、印章、丝绣、景泰蓝、漆器、宜兴壶、珐琅、料器、法花、牙器、彩墨、笔格、竹刻、扇木器、名石等数十类.  相似文献   

The distribution of a CP-asymmetric quantityA in the decay channelJ/ψπ + π π 0 is investigated. This dimensionless quantityA is constructed from the momenta of the π-meson final states, namely A=P x π + P y π -P x π P y π , whereP h,P x h andP y h are the module of the momentum of a hadron h, the x- and y-components of that momentum respectively, theJ/ψ particle is produced by e+ e collision, and the direction of the momentum of e+ is taken to be the positive direction ofz axis. There would exists the violation under the combined transformation of charge conjugation and space reflection (CP violation) when the average ofA among a lot of events, 〈A〉, be examined to be nonzero clearly from data. In this way, 748 events are selected from the BES experimental data, and analyzed. The corresponding averageA-value is measured to be 〈A〉 = 0.010 39 ± 0.014 61 ± 0.015 2. Further, some discussion of our result, the size of the data sample being need for further attempt and a possible perspective are given.  相似文献   

The distribution of a CP-asymmetric quantityA in the decay channelJ/ψπ + π π 0 is investigated. This dimensionless quantityA is constructed from the momenta of the π-meson final states, namely A=P x π + P y π -P x π P y π , whereP h,P x h andP y h are the module of the momentum of a hadron h, the x- and y-components of that momentum respectively, theJ/ψ particle is produced by e+ e collision, and the direction of the momentum of e+ is taken to be the positive direction ofz axis. There would exists the violation under the combined transformation of charge conjugation and space reflection (CP violation) when the average ofA among a lot of events, 〈A〉, be examined to be nonzero clearly from data. In this way, 748 events are selected from the BES experimental data, and analyzed. The corresponding averageA-value is measured to be 〈A〉 = 0.010 39 ± 0.014 61 ± 0.015 2. Further, some discussion of our result, the size of the data sample being need for further attempt and a possible perspective are given.  相似文献   

摘要:根据费米型质子PB^ 1、中子nF^0、电子e^-1的超对称性伴子玻色型PB^ 1nB^0、-↑Ue^-,1↑B粒子,讨论反氢原子的结构,计算费米型氘核PF^ 1nF^0和玻色型氘核PB^ 1nB^0结构函数的矩,结果发现反氢原子的结构与目前观测到费米型反氢原子不同,氘核PB^ 1nB^0结构函数的矩的理论值与实验数据较好相符,PB^ 1nB^0结构函数的矩的计算结果比PB^ 1nF^0要大,增大的值是由于费米型中性矢量反轻子-↑l0F,T结构函数的贡献所致。  相似文献   

The claviform BaFe12O19 crystals were synthesized by the precipitation-toptactic reaction method using α-FeOOH and γ-FeOOH as raw materials respectively. The synthesis processes of BaFe12O19, studied by XRD, SEM, EDS, FT-IR, and TG-DTA techniques, included preparations of precursor γ and precursor α, formations of α-Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4, and production of rod-like BaFe12O19 through dehydroxylation of pod-like FeOOH, followed by reactions of α-Fe2O3 with BaCO3 and BaFe2O4. The crystallinity of α-Fe2O3 and BaCO3 from precursor α was better than from precursor γ due to the direct dehydroxylation of α-FeOOH, resulting in a lower nucleation rate and better crystallinity of BaFe2O4. BaFe12O19 prepared from precursor α showed lower crystallinity and purity with a higher length-diameter ratio than from precursor γ. The VSM results proved that the appearance of final products had an important influence on magnetic properties.  相似文献   

用摩尔比为2:1的邻香草醛(C_8H_8O_3)与L-胱氨酸(C_6H_(12)N_2O_4S_2)反应,合成了一种新的双Schiff碱化合物--双{2-[(3-巯基丙酸钠)-2-亚胺基-甲基]-6-甲氧基-苯酚}(OVCS)。通过元素分析、红外光谱、核磁共振等手段对其组成和结构进行了表征,确定其化学式为Na_2(C_(22)H_(22)N_2O_8S_2),采用TAM air微量热仪测定了新合成的Schiff碱化合物(OVCS)在305.15 K时对粟酒裂殖酵母细胞作用的产热曲线;根据产热曲线计算了在OVCS作用下,粟酒裂殖酵母细胞生长代谢的最大发热功率p_(max)、速率常数k、传代时间tG、抑制率I和半抑制浓度C_(I,50)等热动力学参数。通过实验可以发现随着OVCS浓度的增加,粟酒裂殖酵母细胞的生长代谢速率常数k、生长代谢的总热效应Q_(total)、最大发热功率p_(max)均减小,抑制率I、达到生长代谢最大功率所需时间t_(max)、传代时间tG均增加等规律,半抑制浓度C_(I,50)为35.99 mg/L(或9.62×10~(-2)mol/L)。实验结果表明,OVCS对粟酒裂殖酵母细胞有抑制作用,且浓度越大,抑制作用越强。  相似文献   

Co1−xy Nix+y Sb3−x Sn x polycrystals were fabricated by vacuum melting combined with hot-press sintering. The effect of alloying on the thermoelectric properties of unfilled skutterudite Co1−x Ni x Sb3−x Sn x was investigated. A leap of electrical conductivity from the Co0.93Ni0.07Sb2.93Sn0.07 sample to the Co0.88Ni0.12Sb2.88Sn0.12 sample occurs during the measurement of electrical conductivity, indicating the adjustment of band structure by proper alloying. The results show that alloying enhances the power factor of the materials. On the basis of alloying, the thermoelectric properties of Co0.88Ni0.12Sb2.88Sn0.12 are improved by Ni-doping. The thermal conductivities of Ni-doping samples have no reduction, but their power factors have obvious enhancement. The power factor of Co0.81Ni0.19Sb2.88Sn0.12 reaches 3.0 mW·m−1·K−2 by Ni doping. The dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit reaches 0.55 at 773 K for the unfilled Co0.81Ni0.19 Sb2.88Sn0.12.  相似文献   

Rapid growth behavior of ζ phase has been investigated in the undercooling experiments of Cu-14%Ge, Cu-15%Ge, Cu-18.5%Ge and Cu-22%Ge alloys. Alloys of the four compositions obtain the maximum undercoolings of 202 K(0.17TL), 245 K(0.20TL), 223 K(0.20TL) and 176 K(0.17TL), respectively. As the content of Ge increases, the microstructural transition of "a(Cu) dendrite + ζ" peritectic phase → ζ" peritectic phase →, ζ dendrite + (ε+ζ) eutectic" takes place in the alloy at small undercooling, while the microstructural transition of "fragmented α (Cu)dendrite + ζ peritectic phase →, ζ peritectic phase →ζ dendrite + ε phase" happens in the alloy at large undercooling. EDS analysis of the Ge content in peritectic phase indicates that undercooling enlarges the solid solubility of ζ rdendrite, which leads to a decrease in the Ge content in ζ phase as undercooling increases. In the Cu-18.5%Ge alloy composed of ζ peritectic phase, the Ge content in ζ phase increases when undercooling increases, which is due to the restraint of the Ge enrichment on the grain boundaries by high undercooling effect.  相似文献   

Field measurements of air-sea CO2 exchange in three coral reef areas of the South China Sea (i.e. the Yongshu Reef atoll of the Nansha Islands, southern South China Sea (SCS); Yongxing Island of Xisha Islands, north-central SCS; and Luhuitou Fringing Reef in Sanya of Hainan Island, northern SCS) during the summers of 2008 and 2009 revealed that both air and surface seawater partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2) showed regular diurnal cycles. Minimum values occurred in the evening and maximum values in the morning. Air pCO2 in each of the three study areas showed small diurnal variations, while large diurnal variations were ob-served in seawater pCO2. The diurnal variation amplitude of seawater pCO2 was ~70 μmol mol–1 at the Yongshu Reef lagoon, 420–619 μmol mol–1 on the Yongxing Island reef flat, and 264–579 μmol mol–1 on the reef flat of the Luhuitou Fringing Reef, and 324–492 μmol mol–1 in an adjacent area just outside of this fringing reef. With respect to spatial relations, there were large differences in air-sea CO2 flux across the South China Sea (e.g. ~0.4 mmol CO2 m–2 d–1 at Yongshu Reef, ~4.7 mmol CO2 m–2 d–1 at Yongxing Island, and ~9.8 mmol CO2 m–2 d–1 at Luhuitou Fringing Reef). However, these positive values suggest that coral reef ecosystems of the SCS may be a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere. Additional analyses indicated that diurnal variations of surface seawater pCO2 in the shallow water reef flat are controlled mainly by biological metabolic processes, while those of deeper water lagoons and outer reef areas are regulated by both biological metabolism and hydrodynamic factors. Unlike the open ocean, inorganic metabolism plays a significant role in influencing seawater pCO2 variations in coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Denoted by M(A), QM(A) and SQM(A) the sets of all measures, quantum measures and subadditive quantum measures on a σ-algebra A, respectively. We observe that these sets are all positive cones in the real vector space F(A) of all real-valued functions on A and prove that M(A) is a face of SQM(A). It is proved that the product of m grade-1 measures is a grade-m measure. By combining a matrix M μ to a quantum measure μ on the power set A n of an n-element set X, it is proved that μ ≪ ν (resp. μ ⊥ ν) if and only if M μM ν (resp. M μ M ν =0). Also, it is shown that two nontrivial measures μ and ν are mutually absolutely continuous if and only if μ·νQM(A n ). Moreover, the matrices corresponding to quantum measures are characterized. Finally, convergence of a sequence of quantum measures on A n is introduced and discussed; especially, the Vitali-Hahn-Saks theorem for quantum measures is proved.  相似文献   

The invertibility of combinations of two orthogonal projectors is researched by using the CS-decomposition of matrices and properties of orthogonal projectors. The Moore-Penrose inverse of the combinations is presented under some special conditions.  相似文献   

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