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导致《红楼梦》中林黛玉和贾宝玉爱情悲剧的原因,学界有多种解释,但大多从社会和家庭角度入手。结合劳伦斯短篇小说《请买票》中安妮这一典型的西方女性形象来分析,可以看出东西方女性对爱情的不同态度以及她们不同的性格也导致她们不同的命运。  相似文献   

林道静和繁漪是中西文化融合与冲突的产儿,不同的文化传承导致她们具有不同的文化观念,也造就了她们悲喜剧的命运。比较她们的命运际遇,进而阐释文化运动对人产生的积极推动作用,是不同文化之间具有先进性、同向性和互补性的结果。  相似文献   

曹雪芹耗尽心血写下的《红楼梦》,既是女性的赞歌,又是女性的悲歌。贾府中同为庶出地位的迎春、探春,两者在外表、才干、性格及她们对自身地位的态度上都有不同,故其悲剧命运的成因亦有差异。  相似文献   

萧红、张爱玲以独特的视角,反映了那个时代女性可悲的命运和生存状态,并揭示了造成悲剧命运的根源。但她们的个性气质、文学观念、反映的妇女类型以及叙事方式又是完全不同的。通过比较分析,文章认为造成这些异同与她们的性别、身世、经历、所受的教育以及不同的地域文化背景有关。并且认为,这些异同不能成为评价二者高下优劣的标准。  相似文献   

《牡丹亭》与《哈姆莱特》在中西方戏剧史上分别具有举足轻重的地位.其中两位年轻美丽的女子杜丽娘与奥菲利娅深得后人的喜爱,在了解之同情的原则下,从她们的性格特征、爱情观和所处的时代等入手,比较她们的异同,并深入探讨促使她们不同命运走向的原因.  相似文献   

态度决定命运,真的如此吗?态度怎会有如此神奇的力量?有的,态度真的有改变一切的神奇力量,态度决定命运。  相似文献   

《醒世姻缘传》里的薛素姐和《红楼梦》里的凤姐,都可谓悍妒的典型代表。但是她们俩在为人处事上又有着很大的不同。素姐对封建伦理纲常是彻底的反对,而凤姐则是圆滑地利用封建伦理道德来维护自己的利益。她们不同的行为方式背后是有着出身、家庭、权力等多方面原因的。但尽管她们有这样大的不同,最终却都难逃悲剧的命运。  相似文献   

鸳鸯、晴雯和司棋是《红楼梦》中奴婢阶层的三位烈女,她们敢于抗争,但都难逃悲剧的命运结局;她们出身卑贱,因而都有相同的人生追求;她们勇于捍卫人格尊严,但个性和抗争的意义不同,在抗争中表现的德操也有高下之别。  相似文献   

在《歇马山庄的两个女人》这部作品中,作者通过展现两位女主人公李平和潘桃的命运变幻,写出由乡进城和由城返乡的乡村女性命运变换,寄托了对她们生存和精神状况的忧思,这在当下社会有着重要意义。  相似文献   

身世相近命运迥异的人物———简·爱和林黛玉 ,她们从小父母双亡 ,都住在舅父家过着寄人篱下的生活 ,相似的身世造就了她们独立与叛逆的性格 ,但这一品格并未给她们带来相同的命运结局。  相似文献   

Thisse B  Wright CV  Thisse C 《Nature》2000,403(6768):425-428
Definition of cell fates along the dorso-ventral axis depends on an antagonistic relationship between ventralizing transforming growth factor-beta superfamily members, the bone morphogenetic proteins and factors secreted from the dorsal organizer, such as Noggin and Chordin. The extracellular binding of the last group to the bone morphogenetic proteins prevents them from activating their receptors, and the relative ventralizer:antagonist ratio is thought to specify different dorso-ventral cell fates. Here, by taking advantage of a non-genetic interference method using a specific competitive inhibitor, the Lefty-related gene product Antivin, we provide evidence that cell fate along the antero-posterior axis of the zebrafish embryo is controlled by the morphogenetic activity of another transforming growth factor-beta superfamily subgroup--the Activin and Nodal-related factors. Increasing antivin doses progressively deleted posterior fates within the ectoderm, eventually resulting in the removal of all fates except forebrain and eyes. In contrast, overexpression of activin or nodal-related factors converted ectoderm that was fated to be forebrain into more posterior ectodermal or mesendodermal fates. We propose that modulation of intercellular signalling by Antivin/Activin and Nodal-related factors provides a mechanism for the graded establishment of cell fates along the antero-posterior axis of the zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   

巴金的《家》与《红楼梦》有着很大的相似与相近之处,尤其是其中一些悲剧女性的经历与命运:鸳鸯与鸣凤,黛玉与梅芬,宝钗与瑞珏。历来人们都认为她们的悲剧命运是封建礼教与封建家族制度,男尊女卑与婚姻包办等结果。但从女性批评的角度来看,这只是一个外因,真正起决定作用的是她们自身缺乏自我意识和自我生存价值观。  相似文献   

陈赓与贺衷寒,才能出众,志向远大.由于同一时代的影响,加上两人自身情况有些相同之处,使得他们的政治理想中都含有打倒帝国主义列强、铲除军阀祸害,重视武装力量和青年团体组织的内容.并且两人都以各自的革命实践为他们的政治理想而努力过,因此他们两人与蒋先云并称为"黄埔三杰".但是,由于两人人生经历的许多方面不同,因而在革命前途和革命途径等问题上产生重大分歧,最终对两人以后的政治命运产生重大影响.  相似文献   

《苔丝》和《复活》中的两位女主人公苔丝和玛丝洛娃,她们有着相似的遭遇,但由于她们的所处的社会环境、思想性格的不同以及作家的思想体系的不同,导致了两位女主人公不同的人生结局。  相似文献   

Lambert JD  Nagy LM 《Nature》2002,420(6916):682-686
During development, different cell fates are generated by cell-cell interactions or by the asymmetric distribution of patterning molecules. Asymmetric inheritance is known to occur either through directed transport along actin microfilaments into one daughter cell or through capture of determinants by a region of the cortex inherited by one daughter. Here we report a third mechanism of asymmetric inheritance in a mollusc embryo. Different messenger RNAs associate with centrosomes in different cells and are subsequently distributed asymmetrically during division. The segregated mRNAs are diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm and then localize, in a microtubule-dependent manner, to the pericentriolar matrix. During division, they dissociate from the core mitotic centrosome and move by means of actin filaments to the presumptive animal daughter cell cortex. In experimental cells with two interphase centrosomes, mRNAs accumulate on the correct centrosome, indicating that differences between centrosomes control mRNA targeting. Blocking the accumulation of mRNAs on the centrosome shows that this event is required for subsequent cortical localization. These events produce a complex pattern of mRNA localization, in which different messages distinguish groups of cells with the same birth order rank and similar developmental potentials.  相似文献   

给出了由(2,1,N)系列卷积码作为母码产生的punctured卷积码的编码及其Viterbi译码的软件实现方法,从而为各种不同码率的卷积码的编、译码给出了一种通用的实现方法,并且为多级编码分量码的设计提供了条件。  相似文献   

Shaye DD  Greenwald I 《Nature》2002,420(6916):686-690
The coordination of signals from different pathways is important for cell fate specification during animal development. Here, we define a novel mode of crosstalk between the epidermal growth factor receptor/Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade and the LIN-12/Notch pathway during Caenorhabditis elegans vulval development. Six vulval precursor cells (VPCs) are initially equivalent but adopt different fates as a result of an inductive signal mediated by the Ras pathway and a lateral signal mediated by the LIN-12/Notch pathway. One consequence of activating Ras is a reduction of LIN-12 protein in P6.p (ref. 2), the VPC believed to be the source of the lateral signal. Here we identify a 'downregulation targeting signal' (DTS) in the LIN-12 intracellular domain, which encompasses a di-leucine-containing endocytic sorting motif. The DTS seems to be required for internalization of LIN-12, and on Ras activation it might mediate altered endocytic routing of LIN-12, leading to downregulation. We also show that if LIN-12 is stabilized in P6.p, lateral signalling is compromised, indicating that LIN-12 downregulation is important in the appropriate specification of cell fates in vivo.  相似文献   

三不朽思想的提出,为古代士人树立了人生价值目标,对他们的命运产生了深远的影响。曹丕和曹植作为建安文学的领军人物,对“三不朽”思想的接受各有偏重,纵观他们的一生,三不朽的影响贯穿始终。  相似文献   

福克纳的《曾有过这样一位女王》这篇小说,运用了不可靠叙述者这一叙事技巧,讲述了沙多里斯家族三个女人的故事和各自不同的悲剧命运.  相似文献   

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