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The central nervous system (CNS) is capable of gathering information on the body’s nutritional state and it implements appropriate behavioral and metabolic responses to changes in fuel availability. This feedback signaling of peripheral tissues ensures the maintenance of energy homeostasis. The hypothalamus is a primary site of convergence and integration for these nutrient-related feedback signals, which include central and peripheral neuronal inputs as well as hormonal signals. Increasing evidence indicates that glucose and lipids are detected by specialized fuel-sensing neurons that are integrated in these hypothalamic neuronal circuits. The purpose of this review is to outline the current understanding of fuel-sensing mechanisms in the hypothalamus, to integrate the recent findings in this field, and to address the potential role of dysregulation in these pathways in the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Melanocortin control of energy balance: evidence from rodent models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regulation of energy balance is extremely complex, and involves multiple systems of hormones, neurotransmitters, receptors, and intracellular signals. As data have accumulated over the last two decades, the CNS melanocortin system is now identified as a prominent integrative network of energy balance controls in the mammalian brain. Here, we will review findings from rat and mouse models, which have provided an important framework in which to study melanocortin function. Perhaps most importantly, this review attempts for the first time to summarize recent advances in our understanding of the intracellular signaling pathways thought to mediate the action of melanocortin neurons and peptides in control of longterm energy balance. Special attention will be paid to the roles of MC4R/MC3R, as well as downstream neurotransmitters within forebrain and hindbrain structures that illustrate the distributed control of melanocortin signaling in energy balance. In addition, distinctions and controversy between rodent species will be discussed.  相似文献   

The gut microbiota is essential to health and has recently become a target for live bacterial cell biotherapies for various chronic diseases including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity and neurodegenerative disease. Probiotic biotherapies are known to create a healthy gut environment by balancing bacterial populations and promoting their favorable metabolic action. The microbiota and its respective metabolites communicate to the host through a series of biochemical and functional links thereby affecting host homeostasis and health. In particular, the gastrointestinal tract communicates with the central nervous system through the gut–brain axis to support neuronal development and maintenance while gut dysbiosis manifests in neurological disease. There are three basic mechanisms that mediate the communication between the gut and the brain: direct neuronal communication, endocrine signaling mediators and the immune system. Together, these systems create a highly integrated molecular communication network that link systemic imbalances with the development of neurodegeneration including insulin regulation, fat metabolism, oxidative markers and immune signaling. Age is a common factor in the development of neurodegenerative disease and probiotics prevent many harmful effects of aging such as decreased neurotransmitter levels, chronic inflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis—all factors that are proven aggravators of neurodegenerative disease. Indeed patients with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases have a high rate of gastrointestinal comorbidities and it has be proposed by some the management of the gut microbiota may prevent or alleviate the symptoms of these chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Protein misfolding and aggregation into fibrillar deposits is a common feature of a large group of degenerative diseases affecting the central nervous system or peripheral organs, termed protein misfolding disorders (PMDs). Despite their established toxic nature, clinical trials aiming to reduce misfolded aggregates have been unsuccessful in treating or curing PMDs. An interesting possibility for disease intervention is the regular intake of natural food or herbal extracts, which contain active molecules that inhibit aggregation or induce the disassembly of misfolded aggregates. Among natural compounds, phenolic molecules are of particular interest, since most have dual activity as amyloid aggregation inhibitors and antioxidants. In this article, we review many phenolic natural compounds which have been reported in diverse model systems to have the potential to delay or prevent the development of various PMDs, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, prion diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, systemic amyloidosis, and type 2 diabetes. The lower toxicity of natural compounds compared to synthetic chemical molecules suggest that they could serve as a good starting point to discover protein misfolding inhibitors that might be useful for the treatment of various incurable diseases.  相似文献   

The melanocortins are a family of bioactive peptides derived from proopiomelanocortin, and share significant structural similarity. Those peptides are best known for their stimulatory effects on pigmentation and steroidogenesis. Melanocortins are synthesized in various sites in the central nervous system and in peripheral tissues, and participate in regulating multiple physiological functions. Research during the past decade has provided evidence that melanocortins elicit their diverse biological effects by binding to a distinct family of G protein-coupled receptors with seven transmembrane domains. To date, five melanocortin receptor genes have been cloned and characterized. Those receptors differ in their tissue distribution and in their ability to recognize the various melanocortins and the physiological antagonists, agouti signaling protein and agouti-related protein. These advances have opened new horizons for exploring the significance of melanocortins, their antagonists, and their receptors in a variety of important physiological functions. Received 5 October 2000; accepted 10 November 2000  相似文献   

The metabolic syndrome (MetS) includes a group of medical conditions such as insulin resistance (IR), dyslipidemia and hypertension, all associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Increased visceral and ectopic fat deposition are also key features in the development of IR and MetS, with pathophysiological sequels on adipose tissue, liver and muscle. The recent recognition of aquaporins (AQPs) involvement in adipose tissue homeostasis has opened new perspectives for research in this field. The members of the aquaglyceroporin subfamily are specific glycerol channels implicated in energy metabolism by facilitating glycerol outflow from adipose tissue and its systemic distribution and uptake by liver and muscle, unveiling these membrane channels as key players in lipid balance and energy homeostasis. Being involved in a variety of pathophysiological mechanisms including IR and obesity, AQPs are considered promising drug targets that may prompt novel therapeutic approaches for metabolic disorders such as MetS. This review addresses the interplay between adipose tissue, liver and muscle, which is the basis of the metabolic syndrome, and highlights the involvement of aquaglyceroporins in obesity and related pathologies and how their regulation in different organs contributes to the features of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

The field that links immunity and metabolism is rapidly expanding. Apparently, non-immunological disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes have been linked to immune dysregulation, suggesting that metabolic alterations can be induced by or be a consequence of an altered self-immune tolerance. In this context, a key role is played by signaling systems acting as metabolic “sensors” linking energy/nutritional status to regulatory T (Treg) cell functions. We propose that a dynamic/oscillatory activity of intracellular metabolism, through mTOR modulation, might represent a shift in understanding the molecular mechanisms governing Treg cell tolerance. In particular, the decision between Treg cell proliferation and hyporesponsiveness arises from their ability to probe the extracellular milieu and, modulating the metabolic intracellular signaling, to determine different qualitative and quantitative functional outcomes.  相似文献   

GPR43 is a receptor for short-chain fatty acids. Preliminary data suggest a putative role for GPR43 in regulating systemic health via processes including inflammation, carcinogenesis, gastrointestinal function, and adipogenesis. GPR43 is involved in secretion of gastrointestinal peptides, which regulate appetite and gastrointestinal motility. This suggests GPR43 may have a role in weight control. Moreover, GPR43 regulates plasma lipid profile and inflammatory processes, which further indicates that GPR43 could have the ability to modulate the etiology and pathogenesis of metabolic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease. This review summarizes the current evidence regarding the ability of GPR43 to mediate both systemic and tissue specific functions and how GPR43 may be modulated in the treatment of metabolic disease.  相似文献   

Galanin has diverse physiological functions, including nociception, arousal/sleep regulation, cognition, and many aspects of neuroendocrine activities that are associated with feeding, energy metabolism, thermoregulation, osmotic and water balance, and reproduction. This review will provide a brief overview of galanin actions in some major neuroendocrine processes. Most of the recent data are about the role of galanin in the central regulation of food intake and energy metabolism, and to some extent, in the regulation of reproduction. It seems that galanin plays a modulatory rather than regulatory role in the central and peripheral branches of the neuroendocrine systems. In the hypothalamus, it functions as a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator. In the pituitary and the peripheral endocrine glands, it acts via its receptors (GALRs) in a paracrine/autocrine fashion. The development of new, selective and potent antagonists of GALRs should keep advancing our knowledge not only in the physiology but also the pathophysiology of galanin as well.  相似文献   

Despite their ubiquitous presence in the central and peripheral nervous systems, the behavioral functions of peptide co-transmitters remain to be elucidated. The marine mollusc Aplysia, whose simple nervous system facilitates the study of the neural basis of behavior, was used to investigate the role of peptidergic co-transmission in feeding behavior. Several novel modulatory neuropeptides were purified, and localized to identified cholinergic motorneurons. Physiological and biochemical studies demonstrated that these peptides are released when the motorneurons fire at frequencies that occur during normal behavior, and that the peptides modify the relationship between muscle contraction amplitude and relaxation rate so as to maintain optimal motor output when the intensity and frequency of feeding behavior change.  相似文献   

The composition of the gut microbiota is in constant flow under the influence of factors such as the diet, ingested drugs, the intestinal mucosa, the immune system, and the microbiota itself. Natural variations in the gut microbiota can deteriorate to a state of dysbiosis when stress conditions rapidly decrease microbial diversity and promote the expansion of specific bacterial taxa. The mechanisms underlying intestinal dysbiosis often remain unclear given that combinations of natural variations and stress factors mediate cascades of destabilizing events. Oxidative stress, bacteriophages induction and the secretion of bacterial toxins can trigger rapid shifts among intestinal microbial groups thereby yielding dysbiosis. A multitude of diseases including inflammatory bowel diseases but also metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes type II are associated with intestinal dysbiosis. The characterization of the changes leading to intestinal dysbiosis and the identification of the microbial taxa contributing to pathological effects are essential prerequisites to better understand the impact of the microbiota on health and disease.  相似文献   

Despite their ubiquitous presence in the central and peripheral nervous systems, the behavioral functions of peptide co-transmitters remain to be elucidated. The marine molluscAplysia, whose simple nervous system facilitates the study of the neural basis of behavior, was used to investigate the role of peptidergic co-transmission in feeding behavior. Several novel modulatory neuropeptides were purified, and localized to identified cholinergic motorneurons. Physiological and biochemical studies demonstrated that these peptides are released when the motorneourons fire at frequencies that occur during normal behavior, and that the peptides modify the relationship between muscle contraction amplitude and relaxation rate so as to maintain optimal motor output when the intensity and frequency of feeding behavior change.  相似文献   

Physiological arousal: a role for hypothalamic systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The lateral hypothalamus (LH) has long been known as a homeostasis center of the brain that modulates feeding behavior, arousal and reward. The hypocretins (Hcrts, also called orexins) and melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) are neuropeptides produced in two intermingled populations of a few thousand neurons in the LH. The Hcrts have a prominent role in regulating the stability of arousal, since Hcrt system deficiency leads to narcolepsy. MCH is an important modulator of energy balance, as MCH system deficiency in mice leads to leanness and increased metabolism. Recently, MCH has been proposed to modulate rapid eye movement sleep in rodents. In this review, we propose a working model of the cross-talk between Hcrt and MCH circuits that may provide an arousal balance system to regulate complex goal-oriented behaviors.  相似文献   

We are in the midst of unparalleled epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes—complex phenotypes originating at the intersection of genetic and environmental risk. As detailed in other chapters, evidence indicates that non-genetic, or environmental, risk may initiate during prenatal and early postnatal life [1]. Striking examples in humans include the association of low birth weight (LBW) and/or accelerated early growth with increased risk of insulin resistance, obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and cardiovascular disease (CVD), and the close relationship between maternal obesity or diabetes with childhood obesity. In this chapter, we will focus on the intriguing emerging data from both human and animal models that indicate that intrauterine and childhood exposures can also influence risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease in subsequent generations. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for these effects is critical in order to develop effective metabolic and nutritional interventions to interrupt such vicious intergenerational cycles potentiating risk for metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

The Agouti-Related Protein (AgRP) is a powerful orexigenic peptide that increases food intake when ubiquitously overexpressed or when administered centrally. AgRP-deficiency, on the other hand, leads to increased metabolic rate and a longer lifespan when mice consume a high fat diet. In humans, AgRP polymorphisms have been consistently associated with resistance to fatness in Blacks and Whites and resistance to the development of type-2 diabetes in African Blacks. Systemically administered AgRP accumulates in the liver, the adrenal gland and fat tissue while recent findings suggest that AgRP may also have inverse agonist effects, both centrally and peripherally. AgRP could thus modulate energy balance via different actions. Its absence or reduced functionality may offer a benefit both in terms of bringing about negative energy balance in obesigenic environments, as well as leading to an increased lifespan.  相似文献   

Galanin – 25 years with a multitalented neuropeptide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Galanin, a neuropeptide widely expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems and in the endocrine system, has been shown to regulate numerous physiological and pathological processes through interactions with three G-protein-coupled receptors, GalR1 through GalR3. Over the past decade, some of the receptor subtype-specific effects have been elucidated through pharmacological studies using subtype selective ligands, as well as through molecular approaches involving knockout animals. In the present review, we summarize the current data which constitute the basis of targeting GalR1, GalR2 and GalR3 for the treatment of various human diseases and pathological conditions, including seizure, Alzheimer's disease, mood disorders, anxiety, alcohol intake in addiction, metabolic diseases, pain and solid tumors.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells store excess fatty acids as neutral lipids, predominantly triacylglycerols and sterol esters, in organelles termed lipid droplets (LDs) that bulge out from the endoplasmic reticulum. LDs are highly dynamic and contribute to diverse cellular functions. The catabolism of the storage lipids within LDs is channeled to multiple metabolic pathways, providing molecules for energy production, membrane building blocks, and lipid signaling. LDs have been implicated in a number of protein degradation and pathogen infection processes. LDs may be linked to prevalent human metabolic diseases and have marked potential for biofuel production. The knowledge accumulated on LDs in recent years provides a foundation for diverse, and even unexpected, future research. This review focuses on recent advances in LD research, emphasizing the diverse physiological roles of LDs in the model system of budding yeast.  相似文献   

Triacylglycerols (TAGs), steryl esters (SEs) and wax esters (WEs) form the group of neutral lipids. Whereas TAGs are present in all types of cell, the occurrence of SEs in prokaryotes is questionable, and the presence of WEs as storage molecules is restricted to plants and a few bacteria. Here, we summarize recent knowledge on the formation, storage and degradation of TAGs and SEs in various cell types. We describe the biochemical pathways involved in TAG and SE synthesis and discuss the subcellular compartmentation of these processes. Recently, several novel enzymes governing the metabolism of storage lipids have been identified and characterized. Regulatory aspects of neutral lipid storage are just beginning to be understood. Finally, we describe consequences of defects in neutral lipid metabolism. Since severe diseases like atherosclerosis, obesity and type 2 diabetes are caused by lipid accumulation, mechanisms underlying neutral lipid synthesis, depot formation and mobilization are of major interest for curing such diseases that are increasingly associated with modern civilization. Received 18 January 2006; received after revision 7 March 2006; accepted 16 March 2006  相似文献   

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