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蒋轶阳 《科技信息》2009,(16):102-102
The Phrase "modernisms and postmodemisms" is developed for presenting complexity and mutability exiting within and between Modernism and Postmodemism. This thesis attempts to offer the essentiality of the above-mentioned in terms of the respective definitions, the differences in arguing the concept of "tradition" and "new" as well as the terms of "epistemology" and "ontology", the non-abrupt developing process between them. By doing so, the materials, such as T. S. Eliot's poem "The Waste Land" and Langston Hughes' poem "Christ in Alabama", Virginia Woolf Mrs. Dalloway: are offered for analysis.  相似文献   

The topography of material surface has important influence on cell behavior and physiological functions. Groove-like pattern has drawn much attention among various patterns, due to the phenomenon of "contact guidance" induced by this kind of topography. This review mainly focuses on "contact guidance" formation as well as its influence on cell behavior and physiological effects. The possible mechanisms of "contact guidance" formation were discussed. The research trend and the potential applications were also suggested.  相似文献   

袁芳  孟静 《科技信息》2009,(15):187-187,190
William Fanlkner is one of the greatest modern American writers and the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1949. His skillful use of "Stream of Consciousness" and smart creation of the whole Yoknapatawpha County stories make him an enduring monument in American Literature. "A Rose for Emily", though short it is, is undoubtedly one of the most sparkling strokes on the monument. "A Rose for Emily" was first published on "Forum" in April, 1930; however, it can still arouse great aesthetie sympathy and inspirations today. In this novel, Miss Emily, the heroine, is depicted as a noble heiress of the Old South, a protector as well as a victim of stale southern traditions. She cut herself off society, muted voices, repressed feelings, and twisted her own heart all throughout the life in a gloomy, musky house. Miss Emily herself is a tragedy. We see her rosy youth faded, bit by bit, in that house. In this paper, analysis from stylistic perspective may give us some light in how and why the rose faded.  相似文献   

雷华 《科技信息》2009,(6):98-98
"Richard Cory" is one of Edwin Arlington Robinson's remarkable poems. The form of the poem is traditional. The words in the poem are seemingly simple but particularly chosen. The theme of the poem is about the importance of the spiritual life. As time goes on, the poem is still displaying lasting and universal meaning.  相似文献   

丁琪 《科技信息》2008,(6):144-148
My study aims at introducing the theory of vagueness,analyzing its linguistic realizations in advertising language from semantics,pragmatics,as well as psychology angles.The major purpose of this article is to draw advertisers'attention to the application of vagueness in advertising and make full use of the psychology factors and to give them better knowledge of vague advertising so as to prepare them for the production of more successful advertisements.  相似文献   

Zhao Hongshi 《科技信息》2008,(14):242-242
This thesis mainly deals with the problem about ambiguity and vagueness through the example of ‘case'. The tests of "do so identity" and "sense relation" will be used here to illustrate the distinction of them.  相似文献   

As well known, a normal orthogroup is a strong semilattice of rectangular groups. In this paper, we consider the homomorphisms between normal orthogroups and endomorphisms of themselves, relating them to the homomorphisms and endomorphisms of the underlying rect-angular groups with their compositions.  相似文献   

白娟 《科技信息》2009,(23):I0188-I0188,I0199
Poe's "Raven" is one of the greatest masterpieces in American literary history. Learners are analyzing it from various perspectives, its image, its massage, its function to Poe's creative principles, etc. This paper shall further discuss the sound used in the poem. Thanks to the sound, it becomes one of most beautiful poems in the world.  相似文献   

Eichenbaum and colleagues observed that the same place did or did not activate the "goal-approach" cells in hippocampus depending on whether the place was the way for rats to approach specific goal. Parallel with this, the present neuroimage study revealed that, the same type of items could activate the hippocampus more when it was related to the task at hand than when it not. Participants were scanned by fMRI while they made judgments on the type of relationships contained in the word-pairs (e.g., Does the word pair, "furniture-table", contain a "category-exemplar" relationship?). Event-related analysis revealed that the forming of "task-related" association activated hippocampus more than that of "task-unrelated", even if it was the same type of items, and, this hippocampal difference was not caused by the different judgment requirements, nor by the effects of "yes" response. Consistently, the post-judgment cued-recall test exhibited a better retrieval performance for "task-related" associations than for the same type but "task-unrelated" associations. Results also showed that, the semantic relatedness between the to-be-associated individual words (e.g., the related word pair "healthy-hospital" versus the unrelated word pair "price-way") was not enough to activate the hippocampus when it was "task-unrelated". Generally, we proposed that, through participating in forming of "task-related" associations and consolidating of episodic memory, hippocampus enabled the organism to keep the information that owned great survival values in mind for future usage.  相似文献   

"Journal of Jilin University (Science Edition)" is a comprehensive academic journal in the fields of science sponsored by Jilin University and administrated by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The journal started publication in 1955. The original name at starting publication was "Journal of Natural Science of Northeast People University", which was changed into "Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Jilinensis" in 1958 owing to the name change of the university. The present journal name has been begun since the beginning of 2002 after a new Jilin University was set up, which comes from the amalgamation of the original Jilin University, Jilin University of Technology, Bethune Medicine University, Changchun University of Science and Technology and Changchun Post and Telecommunication Institute on June 12, 2000. The domestic journal number is CN 22-1340/O, and the international journal number is ISSN 1671-5489.  相似文献   

邓小平同志提出的"三个面向"是相互联系的统一整体,其中"面向现代化"是核心,是面向世界,面向未来的出发点和落脚点,而后者则是前者的必然要求.  相似文献   

朱厄特是美国文学史上擅长描写新英格兰地方色彩的作家。《白苍鹭》是她的一篇短篇小说佳作。在该小说中,作者为叙述中出现的部分人和物取了普通的名字,并且巧妙地通过特定的语境赋予了它们丰富的象征意义,从而大大增强了小说的表现力和感染力,读起来意蕴深长,耐人寻味。  相似文献   

"舞蹈"、"节拍"等词都是<朱子语类>中出现,现代汉语依旧使用的常用词.这些词看似简单平常,很多研究者往往不太关注.仔细考察,描述其历时的使用状况和词义的发展演变,可为近代汉语辞书的编撰考订提供有价值的材料.  相似文献   

“不”和“没”是言语表达中出现频率很高的两个词,二者表意基本相同,使用环境也非常相似,然而在语言的比较教学过程中,更多凸现出来的却是二者混用带来的表意不清。从语义、语法、语用三个角度看,Z-者在语义指向上所呈现出的主客观的差异与所在语句的时范畴、否定对象的不同有直接关系,而在语用上显现的差异相对较小。  相似文献   

重点论述《史记》“其文直,其事核”的实录性叙事特点。论文从西汉末年至近代人们对《史记》实录性叙事特点的认识过程开始介绍,具体分析了《史记》叙事实录性特点的三个具体表现:“考而后信”;实事求是,秉笔直书;简笔交代,不枝不蔓。在此基础上,进一步对《史记》篇章中在真实性上受到人们质疑、人们认为有违于叙事实录性的情节进行了分类,并依类展开解读,指出这些情节都没有违背叙事实录性的原则,叙事的内容和过程都是“文直,事核”的,也体现出叙事的实录性特点。  相似文献   

中西文语境的“族群”与“民族”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论“族群”、“民族”等术语在中英语境中使用的规定性问题。有关术语的使用 ,在不同的场合规定性有所不同。所以 ,对它们的理解和对译不仅应考虑到术语发展的历史和学术脉络 ,而且还应看到是谁在使用和操作它们。因为 ,在学术场合和在公众话语里 ,它们的规定性差别很大。虽然许多人类族体认同的核心内容都是某种“原生”的叙述 ,它只能说明人类需要某些精神上的东西来加强群体内聚力 ,而与族体的恒久性毫无关系。  相似文献   

一部描写中国宋代社会风俗史的《水浒传》 ,在塑造了众多侠肝义胆男性形象的同时 ,也为我们描绘了千姿百态的女性形象。对《水浒传》妇女群像进行梳理 ,并从文化层面进行分析 ,不仅可以了解作者复杂矛盾的妇女观 ,也能进一步认识妇女群像极富时代特色的文化蕴含。  相似文献   

本文从能量的转换和交换出发,论述了交流电路中“有功”与“无功”的概念;探讨两者之间的相互依存关系。  相似文献   

老子“象论”与毕达哥拉斯学派“数论”分别构成了中西古典美学的意义之发端。两在思想路向上存在着巨大的差异。老子“象论”及其人生论的思想路向启发了中国古典美学中的“意象”本体论和以“境界”为最高审美理想的思想;毕达哥拉斯学派“数论”及其知识论的思想路向启发了西方古典美学中的“形式”本体论和以“真理”为最高审美理想的思想。  相似文献   

中国改革过程中出现的众多“过渡环节”,我们把它们统称为“过渡性制度”。对于过渡性制度,有人把它们看作阻碍制度转型深化的绊脚石,我们却认为它们正是通向更好制度的阶梯或桥梁。当然,不是所有的过渡性制度安排都能获取成功。在转轨过程中,一项过渡性制度要获取成功需要符合一定的条件:第一,它要能创造“潜在利润”或“剩余”;第二,它要能获得“政治支持”或说“广泛的社会支持”;第三,它要遵循或符合制度变迁的一般逻辑。  相似文献   

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