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量子测量问题悬而未决已近一个世纪,而目前学界日益倾向于将之归结为两个必须由量子理论回答的问题,即"明确结果问题"和"优先基矢问题"。21世纪初,John H.Conway、Simon Kochen等人提出了"自由意志定理",主张粒子具有自由意志。这意味着粒子具有自主选择与知觉的能力。粒子的知觉能力与自由意志均进一步地与能量这一基本物理量紧密相连,从而形成两条基本原理:"知觉-能量原理"和"意志-能量原理"。凭借这两条基本原理,"明确结果问题"和"优先基矢问题"便可得以解决,一条新颖的量子力学诠释进路也因此而呈现出来。  相似文献   

量子退相干解释的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
量子测量退相干解释,在解决量子测量难题上正在取得进展。但量子测量退相干解释的具体模型,被测系统与宏观仪器所形成的纠缠态,在退相干解释理论体系中逻辑上并不自恰,退相干解释的应用模型仍存在重新建立的必要。  相似文献   

最佳说明的推理旨在解决归纳推理的描述性问题和确证性问题,可概括为归纳推理的说明论辩护。说明论基于"说明优先于推理"和"认识上的双重过滤"两个前提,在解决描述性问题和确证性问题方面兼具启发性。然而,批评者从前提、语义和语用等方面对说明论辩护提出了挑战。面对指责,需要明确"说明优先于推理"的含义,表明对说明论的评价不应限于语义约定,说明论的确证功能不应仅限于事实层面,以及反例不会使说明论的辩护毫无价值。  相似文献   

物种是进化生物学与生物分类学的核心概念,但是有关物种的本性和本体论地位问题引起巨大争议。按照传统的本质论,物种是拥有本质的自然类,但本质论的困难是它与进化论不相容。根据物种个体论,物种不是自然类而是个体,但个体论的困难是难以解释生物有机体与物种之间的部分-整体关系。多元实在论主张物种可以是非本质论意义上的自然类,其问题是物种多元论与物种实在论不能结合。新本质主义(包括HPC和关系本质主义)认为物种可看成拥有新本质的自然类,其问题在于这些"新"本质缺乏传统本质的说明功能,因而不能算作真正的本质主义。本文建议我们可以采用一种动力学系统理论来解释物种和自然类,由此物种作为自然类的传统地位可以得到保留。  相似文献   

将量子力学和计算机科学结合并实现量子计算是人类的一大梦想,而实现这一梦想的关键挑战之一就是如何解决量子体系的退相干问题。如何在一个真实物理体系中保持量子相干,减小环境带来的退相干影响是量子信息和量子操控研究的基本前提和首要任务。近年来,一种被称为动力学解耦的有效对抗退相干效应的策略被提了出来,它是通过一串精心设计的微波脉冲序列来反复翻转电子自旋,从而有效地消去电子自旋与环境中核自旋之间的耦合,保护电子自旋的量子相干性。动力学解耦另外一个突出优势就是它可以很自然地与其它要实现的功能集成起来,如实现高精度的量子逻辑门。由于自旋反转难免会有错误发生,为达到最优效果,最近理论物理学家提出了所需脉冲数目最小化的最优动力学解耦序列和方案。然而在真实固体体系中,最优动力学解耦的可行性和有效性尚未得到实验验证。本研究通过选择合适的固体量子体系,利用精巧的脉冲控制(最优动力学解耦序列),使体系中环境对电子量子比特的不利影响被降到最小,从而大大减少量子体系中量子信息的流失,证明了这一技术的有效性,并成功厘清各种退相干机制在此类固体体系中的影响。  相似文献   

从Davydov理论的短处和蛋白质分子的结构与构象变化及功能的特点出发,提出了一个新的生物能量传递的理论.在这个理论中,我们用包含有两个量子的准相干态代替了Davydov的单粒子激发态,并且把由偶极-偶极相互作用所引起的相邻氨基酸残基的相对位移加进了原来的D氏哈氏量中,从而使由蛋白质中的相互作用所形成的集体激发具有高度对应性和对称性,并能表现出体系中集体激发的相干性和强相关性,能反映出蛋白质分子具体特征.由这一理论得出的传递ATP水解作用释放的生物能量的孤子的寿命达到10-10s.在这段时间内和生理温度情况下,孤子能传递通过500到1 000个氨基酸残基,并且它能对抗热扰动、量子涨落、结构无序和杂质干扰等影响而保持稳定,从而使它具有传递生物能量的功能,能在生物学过程中扮演重要角色.我们运用这个理论解释或解决了肌肉收缩、电子传递、红外光的非热效应机理及生物光子发射等重要生物学问题.  相似文献   

自从海森堡创立不确定关系以来,对其内涵解释的争论一直未停止过。由于时间在量子力学中的特殊性,能量-时间不确定性关系的指称和意义在不同的解释语境中各不相同。能量ΔE和时间Δt究竟指称什么?不确定性关系ΔE·Δt≥2的意义又是什么?文章区分了时间在量子力学中的三种角色,进而讨论了各种能量-时间不确定性关系的解释语境,及各种解释语境下其指称和意义,厘清在能量-时间不确定性关系解释上的混乱。  相似文献   

当代科学哲学不再将科学规律具有的必然性视为理所当然,而两种传统的解释形式,规则论解释和普遍必然解释,各自都存在难题,前者不能解决范·弗拉森所提出的确证问题,后者不能解决推论性问题。20世纪末出现了新本质主义运动,对自然律采取了倾向本质解释,从实在论的角度由自然类的倾向本质对自然律予以解释,认为自然规律的必然性根植于自然类事物的本质特征中。一经由事物的倾向本质决定,那些形成自然类的事物便已被有秩序地安排,从而形成具有必然性的自然律。  相似文献   

从隐私论题出发,本文将精神事件定义为从内在的观点所得到的知觉,把物理事件定义为从外在的观点所得到的知觉,并以此为起点发展出一个关于心灵的知觉二元论。本文还试图以此理论来说明心灵哲学领域长期存在的心-物互动问题,试图恢复并证明笛卡尔和莱布尼兹曾经达到的某些观察和结论。知觉是心灵最本质的特征,本文在用知觉来定义精神事件和物理事件的同时也发展出一个关于知觉的新理论。  相似文献   

在物质论和二元论混合的现代性中,"人的现象"始终处于科学的恰当解释之外。物质论、二元论和观念论在解决心-身问题上都存在难以克服的困难,这个困难的本质在于它们共享了一个对物质的现代性规定。德昆西将所谓的"彻底自然主义"视为心-身问题的第四种解决方案。彻底自然主义本质上是对过程哲学的泛心论形态(即泛体验论)的新的概念化。它对现代性的物质和自然的规定进行了彻底修正,假定物质是内在地有感知能力的,并且这种感知能力一路向下存在于宇宙最终极的个体中。泛心论的后现代意义中除了具有调和现代形而上学诸理论的纵向意义,还有另外一个重要的横向意义,即它与东方思想的接近。  相似文献   

After a brief account of theway quantum theory deals with naturalprocesses, the crucial problem that such atheory meets, the measurement or, better, themacro-objectification problem is discussed.The embarrassing aspects of the occurrence ofentangled states involving macroscopic systemsare analyzed in details. The famous example ofSchroedinger's cat is presented and it ispointed out how the combined interplay of thesuperposition principle and the ensuingentanglement raises some serious difficultiesin working out a satisfactory quantum worldview, agreeing with our definiteperceptions. The orthodox solution to themacro-objectification problem, i.e. thepostulate of wave packet reduction, isanalyzed and is proved to be inconsistent withthe assumption that the theory governes alsothe measurement process. After these premises,the rest of the paper is devoted to discuss arecent proposal of overcoming the difficultiesof the standard formalism by acceptingnonlinear and stochastic modifications of thequantum dynamics. The proposed theory is shownto agree with all known predictions of thestandard theory concerning microscopic systemsand to account, on the basis of a universaldynamics which is assumed to govern allnatural processes, for wave packet reductionin measurement processes and, more important,to eliminate all the difficulties concerningmacroscopic situations. Actually, the proposedtheory allows one to take consistently amacrorealistic position about natural processes and about our definite perceptions.  相似文献   

霍金在《大设计》中声称"哲学已死"。他的"哲学已死"究竟是指什么?本文考察霍金的哲学思想,指出霍金以自然定律统治自然的"科学决定论"为基本原则,试图在科学的框架内对本体论、因果律以及宇宙本质等问题做出"科学"的解答。霍金的"解题"并不成功,哲学当然也没死亡。霍金结合最新的物理科学进展为哲学的基础性问题提供一种可能的答案,却是有意义富有启发性的尝试。  相似文献   

Our interest focusses on the idea, that consciousness is a powerful acting entity. Up to now there does not exist a scientific concept for this idea. This is not due to problems within the field of psychology or brain research, but rather in resisting theories of modern physics. That is, why we have to search for a solution in the field of physics. A solution can be found in a new understanding of the basics of physical theory. That could be given by abstract and absolute quantum bits of information (AQI bits). To avoid the popular misunderstanding of “information” as “meaningful” it was necessary to find a new word for the free-of-meaning AQI bits: the AQI bits establish a quantum pre-structure termed “Protyposis” (Greek: “pre-formation”), out of which real objects can be formed, starting from energetical and material elementary particles. The Protyposis AQI bits provide a pre-structure for all entities in natural sciences. They are the basic entities, whereof the physical nature of the brain, on the one hand, and the mental nature of consciousness, on the other hand, were formed during the cosmological and the following biological evolution. A deeper understanding of quantum structures may help to overcome the resistance against quantum theory in the field of brain research and consciousness. The key for an understanding is the concept of Protyposis, which means an abstract quantum information free of any definite meaning. With the AQI bits of the Protyposis, both, massless and massive quantum particles can be constructed. Even quantum information with special meanings, in example grammatically formulated thoughts, eventually could be explained. As long as the fundamental basis of quantum theory is misunderstood as being formed by a manifold of some small objects like atoms, quarks, or strings, the problem of understanding consciousness has no solution. If instead we understand quantum theory as based on truly simple quantum structures, there would be no longer fundamental problems for an understanding of consciousness.  相似文献   

In this paper we intend to discuss the importance of providing a physical representation of quantum superpositions which goes beyond the mere reference to mathematical structures and measurement outcomes. This proposal goes in the opposite direction to the project present in orthodox contemporary philosophy of physics which attempts to “bridge the gap” between the quantum formalism and common sense “classical reality”—precluding, right from the start, the possibility of interpreting quantum superpositions through non-classical notions. We will argue that in order to restate the problem of interpretation of quantum mechanics in truly ontological terms we require a radical revision of the problems and definitions addressed within the orthodox literature. On the one hand, we will discuss the need of providing a formal redefinition of superpositions which captures explicitly their contextual character. On the other hand, we will attempt to replace the focus on the measurement problem, which concentrates on the justification of measurement outcomes from “weird” superposed states, and introduce the superposition problem which focuses instead on the conceptual representation of superpositions themselves. In this respect, after presenting three necessary conditions for objective physical representation, we will provide arguments which show why the classical (actualist) representation of physics faces severe difficulties to solve the superposition problem. Finally, we will also argue that, if we are willing to abandon the (metaphysical) presupposition according to which ‘Actuality = Reality’, then there is plenty of room to construct a conceptual representation for quantum superpositions.  相似文献   

We put forward a possible new interpretation and explanatory framework for quantum theory. The basic hypothesis underlying this new framework is that quantum particles are conceptual entities. More concretely, we propose that quantum particles interact with ordinary matter, nuclei, atoms, molecules, macroscopic material entities, measuring apparatuses,  in a similar way to how human concepts interact with memory structures, human minds or artificial memories. We analyze the most characteristic aspects of quantum theory, i.e. entanglement and non-locality, interference and superposition, identity and individuality in the light of this new interpretation, and we put forward a specific explanation and understanding of these aspects. The basic hypothesis of our framework gives rise in a natural way to a Heisenberg uncertainty principle which introduces an understanding of the general situation of ‘the one and the many’ in quantum physics. A specific view on macro and micro different from the common one follows from the basic hypothesis and leads to an analysis of Schrödinger’s Cat paradox and the measurement problem different from the existing ones. We reflect about the influence of this new quantum interpretation and explanatory framework on the global nature and evolutionary aspects of the world and human worldviews, and point out potential explanations for specific situations, such as the generation problem in particle physics, the confinement of quarks and the existence of dark matter.  相似文献   

An epistemological interpretation of quantum mechanics hinges on the claim that the distinctive features of quantum mechanics can be derived from some distinctive features of an observational basis. Old and new variations of this theme are listed. The program has a limited success in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The crucial issue is how far it can be extended to quantum field theory without introducing significant ontological postulates. A C*-formulation covers algebraic quantum field theory, but not the standard model. Julian Schwinger’s anabatic methodology extended a strict measurement-based formulation of quantum mechanics through field theory. His extension also excluded the quark hypothesis and the standard model. Quarks and local gauge invariance are postulates that go beyond the limits of an epistemological interpretation of quantum mechanics. The ontological significance ascribed to these advances depends on the role accorded ontology.
Edward MacKinnonEmail:

技术价值评价是技术价值观的基本问题,对此问题的阐释直接关涉到对技术本质观、技术发展观和技术伦理等一系列问题,因此,技术价值评价的原则和尺度是技术哲学研究不可回避的重要问题之一。技术价值评价原则和尺度的分歧决定着对技术价值的理解与认知的差异。在马克思的历史唯物主义理论视域中,生存论的原则以及历史的和人性的尺度才是技术价值评价的根本原则和尺度。  相似文献   

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