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目的研究分枝杆菌噬菌体 D29的生物学特性,为 D29抗耐药结核治疗奠定基础.方法观察噬菌体电镜结构和噬菌斑形态;测定 D29最佳感染复数(MOI);一步生长实验;检测 pH值对 D29活力的影响;斑点法测定裂解谱;中和实验检测抗原性.结果 D29噬菌斑圆形透明,边界清楚;D29尾长129nm,最佳 MOI为10-4;D29感染宿主菌的潜伏期约为50min,裂解量为10;pH值对 D29存活率影响大,酸性环境不影响 D29裂解能力;D29能裂解分枝杆菌临床耐药株;D29K值为1069.50.结论 D29属于长尾噬菌体科(siphoviridae),裂解谱广,抗原性较高,具有抗耐药结核潜力  相似文献   

基因工程创造植物雄性不育研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因工程是创造植物雄性不育的新途径,具有很多传统方法不具备的优点。综述了基因工程创造雄性不育的机制及近年来的进展。  相似文献   

扼要地介绍了分子生物学与基因工程的基本内容和发展趋势。论述了基因工程在推动人类社会文明与进步中的巨大作用,特别是在解决当今全球性问题方面的巨大。探讨了分子生物学诞生的诱因及其为新世纪的科技创新活动提供的宝贵启示。  相似文献   

在手术、创伤、应激等因素所致的炎症中,细胞因子起着重要作用。炎性细胞因子产生和释放过多,破坏了致炎因子和抗炎因子的平衡,从而引起炎症反应。适当的炎症反应可以起到抵抗损伤和修复创伤等防御作用;过度的炎症可致手术后感染、组织修复不良甚至诱发机体感染性休克和多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)。常用全麻药对细胞因子具有一定的影响和潜在的调节作用,越来越受到麻醉医生的重视。本文就近几年的研究现状作一综述。  相似文献   

环肽是一种较线性多肽更为稳定的具有多种生理功能和医药价值的环状多肽,在形成荷尔蒙、抗生素、离子载体系统、抗真菌素、癌制剂以及毒素等方面展现出丰富多样的生物活性,具有重大的应用价值。近年来随着生物技术以及生物学与化学领域的交叉发展,不断有新的环肽被分离并鉴定出来。本文综述了自然界存在的一些环肽及环肽的分离纯化、分析方法,并且对环肽的生物合成机制和化学合成进行了概述。  相似文献   

粘弹性表面活性剂(VES)由两亲分子组成,在地层条件下具有独特的物理化学性质,被广泛应用于油气藏增产改造领域。本文在简要介绍粘弹性表面活性剂胶束结构和胶束特性、作用机理的基础上,重点对VES压裂液和VES自转向酸两部分所涉及理论基础、技术进展及井场应用情况进行综述:VES压裂液具有携砂能力强、滤失低、压裂效能高、返排能力强、地层伤害小等优势;VES自转向酸具有配制简单、破胶容易、对地层伤害小、缓速、滤失少等优点。最后,指出粘弹性表面活性剂在现阶段研究存在的问题和需要克服的难点,以期推动粘弹性表面活性剂在油气藏增产改造领域的进一步应用。  相似文献   

Fenton试剂的发展及在废水处理中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Fenton在废水处理中具有独特的优势,是一种很有应用前景的废水处理技术。文章介绍了该技术的发展过程、主要类型,尤其介绍了和其它方法联合的优势,以及应用情况,并对各类型的优势、问题、发展趋势作出评述。  相似文献   

我国农作物生物技术的成就与展望   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
自1983年人类首次获得转基因烟草、马铃薯以来,植物基因工程技术在世界范围内取得了飞速的发展,转基因植物的研究和开发取得了一系列令人瞩目的进展,已培育成功一批抗虫、抗病、耐除草剂和高产优质的农作物新品种.与此同时,农作物基因工程产业化的步伐在各国政府的大力参与下正在加快,预计在下个世纪初期将成为经济的支柱产业之一.近几年,美国、欧洲、日本等发达国家为加强基因工程的研究和开发,相继制订了一些利于其发展的新政策,如美国的"面向21世纪的生物技术",欧洲的"尤里卡计划",日本的"官、产、学一体化推进21世纪的生物技术计划",都把农业生物技术列为优先发展领域.农作物基因工程由于应用体外重组DNA技术将动物、植物、微生物的基因相互转移,打破了物种之间基因交流的天然屏障,因此无论在基础研究还是在应用开发方面都取得了相当的成就,其研究成果正在越来越多地应用于农业生产,深刻影响着农业的生产方式和效益,并日益显示出其解决人类所面临的环境恶化、资源匮乏、效益衰减等问题的巨大作用.  相似文献   

本文综述了PEG羟基活化的方法,包括羟基转换为醛基、胺基、叠氮基、弄赢改酯基、羧基、烯基以及一些易离去基团如卤素、对甲苯磺改基等,并简述了其在药物释放和反应载体方面的应用研究最新进展。  相似文献   

目的对噬菌体D29的免疫原性及安全性进行评价。方法将BALB/C小鼠随机分为噬菌体D29滴鼻暴露组(剂量9×10^8PFU)、噬菌体D29皮下注射组(剂量9×10^8PFU),phagebuffer滴鼻组、phagebuffer皮下注射组、生理盐水滴鼻组、生理盐水皮下注射组、空白对照组,每组动物第一周第一天、第三天暴露一次,以后每周第一天暴露一次,共暴露6周。观察暴露期间噬菌体中和抗体的动态变化、暴露6周后血清中IL-2、IL-4、IL-12、IFN-1、TNF-α和NO的含量及CD4/CD8比例变化,小鼠碳粒廓清率变化、在饲养过程中各组动物的进食量以及活动、体重、生存情况,以及暴露结束后解剖取得脏器作病理学比较。结果D29滴鼻暴露组在第7天即产生低效价的中和抗体,第14天抗体效价下降,第28天之后不能检测到中和抗体,D29皮下注射组中和抗体从第7天开始产生,第21天上升,之后趋于稳定,其余组均无中和抗体产生。各组小鼠血清中细胞因子、CIM/CD8比例、碳粒廓清率以及饲养过程中各组动物的进食量以及活动、体重、生存情况均无明显差异。病理学上各实验组脏器除脾脏外均有轻微充血、水肿表现。结论D29具有抗原特性,可刺激机体产生中和抗体,但不会对机体的安全产生威胁。  相似文献   

Platelets interact with bacterial pathogens through a wide array of cellular and molecular mechanisms. The consequences of this interaction may significantly influence the balance between infection and immunity. On the one hand, recent data indicate that certain bacteria may be capable of exploiting these interactions to gain a virulence advantage. Indeed, certain bacterial pathogens appear to have evolved specific ways in which to subvert activated platelets. Hence, it is conceivable that some bacterial pathogens exploit platelet responses. On the other hand, platelets are now known to possess unambiguous structures and functions of host defense effector cells. Recent discoveries emphasize critical features enabling such functions, including expression of toll-like receptors that detect hallmark signals of bacterial infection, an array of microbicidal peptides, as well as other host defense molecules and functions. These concepts are consistent with increased risk and severity of bacterial infection as correlates of clinical abnormalities in platelet quantity and quality. In these respects, the molecular and cellular roles of platelets in host defense against bacterial pathogens are explored with attention on advances in platelet immunobiology.  相似文献   

A bacteriophage infective to Xenorhabdus luminescens, a bacterial symbiont of heterorhabditid nematodes, was recovered from insects that supported poor nematode development. Plaque tests showed the phage particles to be infective only to primary and not secondary colonies of X. luminescens. The phage was not infective to X. nematophilus primaries or secondaries. The bacteriophage particles ranged 80-90 nm in length, with the head ranging from 40 to 50 nm in diameter. Restriction analysis was performed on isolated bacteriophage DNA. This first report of a bacteriophage from Xenorhabdus species has practical implications since it could be detrimental to cultures of Heterorhabditis nematodes that are being produced throughout the world for the biological control of insects.  相似文献   

Bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus are successful as commensal organisms or pathogens in part because they adapt rapidly to selective pressures imparted by the human host. Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) play a central role in this adaptation process and are a means to transfer genetic information (DNA) among and within bacterial species. Importantly, MGEs encode putative virulence factors and molecules that confer resistance to antibiotics, including the gene that confers resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics in methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Inasmuch as MRSA infections are a significant problem worldwide and continue to emerge in epidemic waves, there has been significant effort to improve diagnostic assays and to develop new antimicrobial agents for treatment of disease. Our understanding of S. aureus MGEs and the molecules they encode has played an important role toward these ends and has provided detailed insight into the evolution of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms and virulence.  相似文献   

Cellular information is inherited by daughter cells through epigenetic routes in addition to genetic routes. Epigenetics, which is primarily mediated by inheritable DNA methylation and histone post-translational modifications, involves changes in the chromatin structure important for regulating gene expression. It is widely known that epigenetic control of gene expression plays an essential role in cell differentiation processes in vertebrates. Furthermore, because epigenetic changes can occur reversibly depending on environmental factors in differentiated cells, they have recently attracted considerable attention as targets for disease prevention and treatment. These environmental factors include diet, exposure to bacteria or viruses, and air pollution, of which this review focuses on the influence of bacteria on epigenetic gene control in a host. Host-bacterial interactions not only occur upon pathogenic bacterial infection but also continuously exist between commensal bacteria and the host. These bacterial stimuli play an essential role in various biological responses involving external stimuli and in maintaining physiological homeostasis by altering epigenetic markers and machinery.  相似文献   

T-cell signal transduction and the role of protein kinase C   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The T lymphocyte has a vital part to play in maintaining the host response to bacterial and viral infection and also appears to play a key pathological role in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. In this review, we summarize the signalling pathways which trigger antigen-driven T-cell proliferation and examine the evidence which suggests that protein kinase C (PKC) is fundamental to this process. Finally, we discuss the therapeutic potential that PKC inhibitors may have in the treatment of autoimmune disease. Received 31 March 1998; received after revision 19 May 1998; accepted 19 May 1998  相似文献   

A bacteriophage infective toXenorhabdus luminescens, a bacterial symbiont of heterorhabditid nematodes, was recovered from insects that supported poor nematode development. Plaque tests showed the phage particles to be infective only to primary and not secondary colonies ofX. luminescens. The phage was not infective toX. nenatophilus primaries or secondaries. The bacteriophage particles ranged 80–90 nm in length, with the head ranging from 40 to 50 nm in diameter. Restriction analysis was performed on isolated bacteriophage DNA. This first report of a bacteriophage fromXenorhabdus species has pratical implications since it could be detrimental to cultures ofHeterorhabditis nematodes that are being produced throughout the world for the biological control of insects.  相似文献   

Multicopper oxidases (MCOs) are a pervasive family of enzymes that oxidize a wide range of phenolic and nonphenolic aromatic substrates, concomitantly with the reduction of dioxygen to water. MCOs are usually divided into two functional classes: metalloxidases and laccases. Given their broad substrate specificity and eco-friendliness (molecular oxygen from air as is used as the final electron acceptor and they only release water as byproduct), laccases are regarded as promising biological green tools for an array of applications. Among these laccases, those of bacterial origin have attracted research attention because of their notable advantages, including broad substrate spectrum, wide pH range, high thermostability, and tolerance to alkaline environments. This review aims to summarize the significant research efforts on the properties, mechanisms and structures, laccase-mediator systems, genetic engineering, immobilization, and biotechnological applications of the bacteria-source laccases and laccase-like enzymes, which principally include Bacillus laccases, actinomycetic laccases and some other species of bacterial laccases. In addition, these enzymes may offer tremendous potential for environmental and industrial applications.  相似文献   

With the rapid rise in the emergence of bacterial strains resistant to multiple classes of antimicrobial agents, there is an urgent need to develop novel antimicrobial therapies to combat these pathogens. Cationic host defence peptides (HDPs) and synthetic derivatives termed innate defence regulators (IDRs) represent a promising alternative approach in the treatment of microbial-related diseases. Cationic HDPs (also termed antimicrobial peptides) have emerged from their origins as nature’s antibiotics and are widely distributed in organisms from insects to plants to mammals and non-mammalian vertebrates. Although their original and primary function was proposed to be direct antimicrobial activity against bacteria, fungi, parasites and/or viruses, cationic HDPs are becoming increasingly recognized as multifunctional mediators, with both antimicrobial activity and diverse immunomodulatory properties. Here we provide an overview of the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities of cationic HDPs, and discuss their potential application as beneficial therapeutics in overcoming infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Bacterial antibiotic efflux systems of medical importance   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Multidrug efflux systems endow on bacterial cells the ability to limit the access of antimicrobial agents to their targets. By actively pumping out antibiotic molecules, these systems prevent the intracellular accumulation necessary for antibiotics to exert their lethal activity. Drug efflux appears to be one of the most widespread antibiotic resistance mechanisms among microorganisms, since it has been demonstrated to occur in many Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria including medically important species like staphylococci, streptococci, enterobacteria and opportunistic pathogens like Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Efflux pumps can be specific for only one substrate or accommodate a more or less wide range of noxious products. Export of structurally unrelated compounds confers a multidrug-resistance phenotype on bacterial cells. Therapeutically critical levels of resistance can be achieved by overexpression of efflux systems, especially in those species such as P. aeruginosa which possess a low outer membrane permeability. It is suspected that the dual physiological function of active efflux systems is both the secretion of intracellular metabolites and the protection against a variety of harmful substances that the microorganism may encounter in its natural environment.  相似文献   

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