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为制备高质量的声表面波器件,探索金刚石薄膜的沉积工艺,采用直流电弧等离子体喷射化学气相沉积技术和特殊的复合衬底技术,在单晶硅衬底上制备了大面积、高质量的金刚石薄膜,成功解决了单晶硅衬底在沉积金刚石薄膜过程中产生的变形问题.研究了甲烷浓度和沉积温度对金刚石薄膜质量的影响,优化了沉积工艺.结果表明,甲烷气体体积分数为1.8%时,晶粒最为细小,同时金刚石薄膜的表面粗糙度最小,表面最为光滑.衬底温度为1000℃时生长的金刚石薄膜的晶粒尺寸较小.  相似文献   

在自行研制的直流电弧等离子喷射化学气相金刚石膜设备上,初步研究了衬底温度、甲烷浓度、输入功率和循环气量等工艺参数对沉积金刚石膜的影响.总结出了制备各种级别金刚石膜的一般规律.并以11μm/h的沉积速率制备了直径60mm、厚度均匀的高质量自支撑金刚石膜,热导率可达18W/cm·K,厚度为0.7mm,其热导率已接近天然金刚石.  相似文献   

Optical centers of single-crystal diamond grown by DC arc plasma jet chemical vapor deposition (CVD) were examined using a low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) technique. The results show that most of the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) complexes are present as NV-centers, although some H2 and H3 centers and B-aggregates are also present in the single-crystal diamond because of nitrogen aggregation resulting from high N2 incorporation and the high mobility of vacancies under growth temperatures of 950-1000℃. Furthermore, emissions of radiation-induced defects were also detected at 389, 467.5, 550, and 588.6 nm in the PL spectra. The reason for the formation of these radiation-induced defects is not clear. Although a Ni-based alloy was used during the diamond growth, Ni-related emissions were not detected in the PL spectra. In addition, the silicon-vacancy (Si-V)-related emission line at 737 nm, which has been observed in the spectra of many previously reported microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) synthetic diamonds, was absent in the PL spectra of the single-crystal diamond prepared in this work. The high density of NV- centers, along with the absence of Ni-related defects and Si-V centers, makes the single-crystal diamond grown by DC arc plasma jet CVD a promising material for applications in quantum computing.  相似文献   

利用无功功率补偿技术对直流电弧CVD金刚石设备中的电弧电源进行随机补偿,提高了功率因数,降低了线路电流。达到了节能降耗的目的.节约了电力增容和绞路改造的费用。满足了生产规模扩大的需要。  相似文献   

The growth of {100} oriented CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition)diamond film under Joe-Badgwell-Hauge (J-B-H) model is simulated at atomic scale by using revised KMC (Kinetic Monte Carlo) method. The results show that: (1) under Joe's model, the growth mechanism from single carbon species is suitable for the growth of {100} oriented CVD diamond film in low temperature; (2) the deposition rate and surface roughness () under Joe's model are influenced intensively by temperature ()and not evident bymass fraction of atom chlorine; (3)the surface roughness increases with the deposition rate, i.e. the film quality becomes worse with elevated temperature, in agreement with Grujicic's prediction; (4) the simulation results cannot make sure the role of single carbon insertion.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种分析等离子体射流在整个工作时间内的稳定性的方法。该方法通过分离等离子体的弧压信号中稳定与不稳定的时间段,求出稳定时间段占整个工作时间的比例,进而判断等离子体射流的整体工作状态。经实验验证,该方法与等离子体射流实际工作状态相符。  相似文献   

大面积无衬底自支撑金刚石厚膜沉积   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
讨论了在采用直流电弧等离子体喷射CVD工艺沉积大面积无衬底自支撑金刚石厚膜时遇到的若干技术问题,在制备过程中经常出现的膜炸裂现象,主要是由于膜和衬底材料线膨胀系数差异引起的巨大热应力,而衬底表面状态的控制、沉积过程中工艺参数的优化和控制也是一个重要的因素,因此,必须对整个金刚石厚膜沉积过程进行严格而系统的控制,团能有效地保证获得无裂纹大面积金刚石自支撑厚膜。  相似文献   

CVD金刚石窗的好坏对ECRH系统稳定安全运行有直接的影响。在CVD金刚石窗通过HE11模式的情况下,以CVD金刚石为传输线的微波窗片的材料,利用热力学有限元分析软件对输出窗进行了稳态热流固耦合分析和结构静力学分析,得到了最佳的冷却水流速,使CVD金刚石窗片中心温度和热应力最小;得到半径为38mm,厚度为1.36mm 的CVD金刚石窗片,能承受的最大连续波功率为1MW左右。然后利用自由空间法测得CVD金刚石窗的介电性能,在中心频点为140GHz时有较好的介电参数。为ECRH系统CVD金刚石窗高功率测试提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

采用一种快速生长金刚石薄膜的直流等离子体弧焰合成法,进行生长金刚石薄膜的实验。讨论了生长金刚石薄膜时各种工艺条件对成膜形态的影响。SEM照片与拉曼光谱分析表明,在工艺条件合适时,可快速生长金刚石薄膜。  相似文献   

The growth of {100}-oriented CVD diamond film under two modifications of J-B-H model at low substrate temperatures was simulated by using a revised KMC method at atomic scale. The results were compared both in Cl-containing systems and in C-H system as follows: (1) Substrate temperature can produce an important effect both on film deposition rate and on surface roughness; (2) Aomic Cl takes an active role for the growth of diamond film at low temperatures; (3) {100}-oriented diamond film cannot deposit under single carbon insertion mechanism, which disagrees with the predictions before; (4) The explanation of the exact role of atomic Cl is not provided in the simulation results.  相似文献   

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